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    10/02/2016 1:45 am

    Lanie Stevens wrote:

    I do have meditations and will be adding 25 more over the next few days!  I will update when I do. They are on my website below.  :-)

    Hey Lanie, I'm excited about the new meditations. I love your current ones!! ๐Ÿ˜

    10/01/2016 8:03 pm

    I do have meditations and will be adding 25 more over the next few days!  I will update when I do. They are on my website below.  :-)

    9/30/2016 8:37 am

    Lanie Stevens wrote:

    I hope most of you are using my "cutting the cord" meditation.  ;-)

    I haven't checked out the MP3s. I wasn't aware you had one lol. I'll check that out now. Thanks Lanie

    9/29/2016 10:24 pm

    I hope most of you are using my "cutting the cord" meditation.  ;-)

    9/29/2016 2:26 pm

    Amy Garners. You can Google her and I put the link in my previous post.

    Cutting the cord audio meditation

    9/29/2016 2:13 pm

    LHixon313 wrote:

    Good afternoon,
    I just recently read about cutting the cord(s) on this board. I tried it this morning because let's face it I was heavily corded to the object of my attention (to me it was boarding on obsession). I think about him all day and he even appears in my dreams. I'm positive my friends are tired of hearing about him. Lol.
    I found an online guided cord cutting Mediation and tried it out for about 10-15 minutes and I must confess that even after one try I feel somewhat lighter, like I've taken some of my power back and restored some of the power balance. I will most assuredly be doing this again (several times if need be) until I feel normal and whole again.
    Thank you ladies the information here is priceless


    What cutting the cord meditation you doing?

    9/29/2016 11:42 am

    Good afternoon,
    I just recently read about cutting the cord(s) on this board. I tried it this morning because let's face it I was heavily corded to the object of my attention (to me it was boarding on obsession). I think about him all day and he even appears in my dreams. I'm positive my friends are tired of hearing about him. Lol.
    I found an online guided cord cutting Mediation and tried it out for about 10-15 minutes and I must confess that even after one try I feel somewhat lighter, like I've taken some of my power back and restored some of the power balance. I will most assuredly be doing this again (several times if need be) until I feel normal and whole again.
    Thank you ladies the information here is priceless


    9/24/2016 12:49 am

    Just coming back to update:

    I cut the cord on several exes at the beginning of the month (I actually did it all in one session). I found it strange that it's like I cut them out of my life.. when it's not supposed to have that effect.

    But, ex #3 (no contact since June 30) reappeared yesterday to wish me a happy birthday!! I'm really really happy that he remembered. I still have a lot of love for him, even though I hate that he disappears for months at a time.

    Anyways, I'm going to be careful the next time I cut the cord. Will make sure NOT to see them disappear into the distance. Gotta keep 'em close, but detached from them.

    Fact that ex #3 came back does tell me cutting the cord doesn't cut them out completely... I just don't know why HE reappeared but not my other exes.


    9/03/2016 2:41 pm

    I can't seem to find the other cord cutting thread, so I'll post here.

    I've done the cord cutting several times on different exes. I think it's really weird that I haven't had any results like others have reported.

    Ex #1 (dated last year) - still has not contacted me to follow up with the workout (it's been 1-2 weeks)
    Ex #2 (dated 13 years ago) - still haven't heard from him since Aug 20th after I made a joke about him - it was just me being silly (although I haven't been doing PW on him)
    Ex #3 (dated 8 years ago) - no contact since June 30! (haven't been doing PW though, he has a gf and also a side girl)
    Ex #4 (dated 4 years ago) - no contact for about a week (but I only did PW on him once, really don't care if he talks to me)

    The only sign I got that it might be working is - 2 days after doing cord cutting on ex #3, he changed his profile photo (he rarely does it, maybe once every 4 months).

    It's a great meditation and I will continue to do it for MY benefit, as it makes me feel powerful and disconnected... but I have no evidence that the other person has actually been feeling it.

    8/26/2016 7:53 am

    If you want to attract someone do you first do cutting the cord meditation and straight away pussy whipped meditation ?
    In which order should you do the meditations?


    8/25/2016 4:33 pm

    i did the CC a week ago to my crush cause before i started feeling bit anxious and since then i feel wonderful i mean it, i continue do PW to him and he start contact me with emails,not very often but he do it.So no worries do it u gonna feel happy,free and u gonna feel u have ur power back 

    8/25/2016 1:49 pm

    I tried CC last night before I went to bed- I felt relieved and happy when I went to sleep. But in the middle of the night I woke up crying from a dream- I was in a room playing with my targets kids and he came in and looked at me- stood watching us with sad look on his face, then he looked angry, didn't say anything and then left the house. I couldn't sleep I was so depressed and even this morning I woke up feeling down. It probably was just a dream and I shouldn't let it bother me! I will wait a few days and try CC again because obviously I am still "attached" to be feeling such sad emotions after a dream

    8/23/2016 9:52 pm

    Thank you ladies ๐Ÿ˜˜

    8/23/2016 8:30 pm

    Denymgirl wrote:

    I am nervous to do this- i am scared I will lose the connection with my love. Or is it just getting rid of negative energy?

    Cutting the Cord is not only beneficial it is necessary to regain your power, self-esteem and control.  You can use it on him (he will feel it) and anyone else you feel is draining your energy.  It doesn't mean you disconnect from him!  In fact, you reconnect every time you do PW but then you should disconnect again.  If you are thinking of someone constantly they are in control.  Release them and see how good you feel!  

    8/23/2016 4:57 pm

    Hi @denymgirl!

    No need to be hesitant. I tried CTC for the first time today, and I already feel it working wonders. I feel elated, lifted, powerful, in control (of myself--most importantly), and confident! Just lie back, relax, accept and LET GO (<--his is the best part).

    Remember a refusal to change is a refusal to create. Whenever you question your ability to deal with things, remind yourself what you have already experienced through in your life. There is a river of knowledge flowing through you already ๐Ÿ˜Š

    I, and others on this forum are in this with you!!

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