Aphrodite11 wrote:
Of course we can ask
But you do it because I find it difficult to explain things sometimes (many times actually) and difficult to explain what I want.
In this case someone will have to explain this by giving a scenario and explaining it with extreme details. Only then will I understand.
And yet end up having ten thousand different questions.
Well I don't think it's easier for me because i always want to write so much but I'm only able to say half of it because it's not my language haha. But I'll try my best :D
By now I couldn't find anything like that. Was your search successful?
Aphrodite11 wrote:
You are from Germany?
I knew someone from Germany when I was a kid.
Learnt a few words from her.
Guten tag!!!!
Haha really? That's awesome !
Guten Tag! Wie geht es dir? Is how are you 😄
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
emem80 wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Haha okay good to know that i'm not the only who still has to learn.
I'll try to find something about that. But I'm at work right now (German time) I'll look it up when I'm at home. Hope we will find something. Or should we ask in the forum?
Hi ladies, I was reading your posts and I agree with Aphrodite - you need to go NC on him and show him what he is missing. Please no passive, aggressive texts or anything, you are the queen, remember?
Also, about visualising him missing you, I am no expert but I would visualise him with you, back from his holiday and telling you how much he missed you, how much he kept thinking about you through his trip and how no other woman could even hold a candle to you.Yeah we aren't in contact since I don't know last Saturday. He like some stuff on my FB Page but that's it.
This sounds like a good idea! Guess I'll try that until we'll find something else.
I love the part with the candle haha :D
Hehehe, good luck!
emem80 wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Aphrodite11 wrote:
I was editing my reply above and you replied before I finished editing.
Glad to know that you are feeling better.
"But I got a question! You said I should visualize that he misses me on vacation etc but how should I do that? Usually I visualize myself being with him but how can i pretend him to miss me or be bored without me?"
This is a good question.
The thing is even I want to know how to visualize such specific things.
I understand certain things only when I am explained in extreme detail with examples.
I though you might know and hence I said that.
I will see what i can find about that and then I will let you know.
If you find out how to do that then let me know, it will help me as well.Haha okay good to know that i'm not the only who still has to learn
I'll try to find something about that. But I'm at work right now (German time) I'll look it up when I'm at home. Hope we will find something. Or should we ask in the forum?
Hi ladies, I was reading your posts and I agree with Aphrodite - you need to go NC on him and show him what he is missing. Please no passive, aggressive texts or anything, you are the queen, remember?
Also, about visualising him missing you, I am no expert but I would visualise him with you, back from his holiday and telling you how much he missed you, how much he kept thinking about you through his trip and how no other woman could even hold a candle to you.
Yeah we aren't in contact since I don't know last Saturday. He like some stuff on my FB Page but that's it.
This sounds like a good idea! Guess I'll try that until we'll find something else.
I love the part with the candle haha :D
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Aphrodite11 wrote:
I was editing my reply above and you replied before I finished editing.
Glad to know that you are feeling better.
"But I got a question! You said I should visualize that he misses me on vacation etc but how should I do that? Usually I visualize myself being with him but how can i pretend him to miss me or be bored without me?"
This is a good question.
The thing is even I want to know how to visualize such specific things.
I understand certain things only when I am explained in extreme detail with examples.
I though you might know and hence I said that.
I will see what i can find about that and then I will let you know.
If you find out how to do that then let me know, it will help me as well.Haha okay good to know that i'm not the only who still has to learn
I'll try to find something about that. But I'm at work right now (German time) I'll look it up when I'm at home. Hope we will find something. Or should we ask in the forum?
Hi ladies, I was reading your posts and I agree with Aphrodite - you need to go NC on him and show him what he is missing. Please no passive, aggressive texts or anything, you are the queen, remember?
Also, about visualising him missing you, I am no expert but I would visualise him with you, back from his holiday and telling you how much he missed you, how much he kept thinking about you through his trip and how no other woman could even hold a candle to you.
You are from Germany?
I knew someone from Germany when I was a kid.
Learnt a few words from her.
Guten tag!!!!
Of course we can ask
But you do it because I find it difficult to explain things sometimes (many times actually) and difficult to explain what I want.
In this case someone will have to explain this by giving a scenario and explaining it with extreme details. Only then will I understand.
And yet end up having ten thousand different questions.
Aphrodite11 wrote:
I was editing my reply above and you replied before I finished editing.
Glad to know that you are feeling better.
"But I got a question! You said I should visualize that he misses me on vacation etc but how should I do that? Usually I visualize myself being with him but how can i pretend him to miss me or be bored without me?"
This is a good question.
The thing is even I want to know how to visualize such specific things.
I understand certain things only when I am explained in extreme detail with examples.
I though you might know and hence I said that.
I will see what i can find about that and then I will let you know.
If you find out how to do that then let me know, it will help me as well.
Haha okay good to know that i'm not the only who still has to learn .
I'll try to find something about that. But I'm at work right now (German time) I'll look it up when I'm at home. Hope we will find something. Or should we ask in the forum?
I was editing my reply above and you replied before I finished editing.
Glad to know that you are feeling better.
"But I got a question! You said I should visualize that he misses me on vacation etc but how should I do that? Usually I visualize myself being with him but how can i pretend him to miss me or be bored without me?"
This is a good question.
The thing is even I want to know how to visualize such specific things.
I understand certain things only when I am explained in extreme detail with examples.
I though you might know and hence I said that.
I will see what i can find about that and then I will let you know.
If you find out how to do that then let me know, it will help me as well.
Aphrodite11 wrote:
Sweetheart, if being in contact with him affects your personal growth and progress negatively then NC is needed.
NC is needed for YOUR WELL BEING.
Make yourself a priority, make your well being a priority. Love yourself.
If you want to answer him, then do not answer right away because you should now be busy improving yourself and your life. When you do reply (which will be only when you get a little free time once in two to three days) do not respond in an excited manner. Keep it polite but short and keep it in a manner as if you are talking to an acquaintance. Don't feel bad while doing all this. You might think it is rude, etc but it's not. And didn't he break your heart by breaking up with you? That is worse than being rude. By breaking up with you he showed you that he doesn't want you anymore.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with barely replying to someone who told you and showed you that he doesn't want you anymore.
'i thought at least a friendship would be important for you - whatever take care'
No more of this talk. No more talking to him this manner. This reeks of desperation. It looks pathetic.
Please do not focus on any girl he spends time with. You seem to have an unreasonable and unjustified anger towards her. She has done absolutely nothing to you.
Do the PW/BWD. No matter how proud he is, you can visualize his pride going away. (Pride goes before fall).
Right now I really feel so much better already. I didn't look at his profile in FB or at his whatsapp account. I just visualize, I'm practicing a lot more graditude, scripting everyday about my wonderful life with him and yesterday I did BWD for the first time! And I felt soooo happy after it like I knew he got my messages and felt my touches *.*!
I won't respond this needy anymore. I feel grate about myself right now and a few guys of my past just got in contact to me again so weird lol. So I guess that's probably I good sign.
But I got a question! You said I should visualize that he misses me on vacation etc but how should I do that? Usually I visualize myself being with him but how can i pretend him to miss me or be bored without me?
Sweetheart, if being in contact with him affects your personal growth and progress negatively then NC is needed.
NC is needed for YOUR WELL BEING.
Make yourself a priority, make your well being a priority. Love yourself.
I understand why Veronica says you should respond to them. But sometimes avoiding communication is needed for your own sake. If your situation is like that then stop all communications. Be polite and just tell him that you need to focus on yourself now and hence you need two to three month.
if your situation does not demand it then you can talk to him.
If you want to answer him, then do not answer right away because you should now be busy improving yourself and your life. When you do reply (which will be only when you get a little free time once in two to three days) do not respond in an excited manner. Keep it polite but short and keep it in a manner as if you are talking to an acquaintance. Don't feel bad while doing all this. You might think it is rude, etc but it's not. And didn't he break your heart by breaking up with you? That is worse than being rude. By breaking up with you he showed you that he doesn't want you anymore.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with barely replying to someone who told you and showed you that he doesn't want you anymore.
'i thought at least a friendship would be important for you - whatever take care '
No more of this talk. No more talking to him this manner. This reeks of desperation. It looks pathetic.
If you cannot mask these type of feeling while talking to him, then it's better you don't talk to him.
You do not want him to see you like this. It goes against you.
Please do not focus on any girl he spends time with. You seem to have an unreasonable and unjustified anger towards her. She has done absolutely nothing to you.
My ex is engaged to someone else. I barely think about her. And yet I have no anger towards her. I feel nothing for her. Whatever I feel I feel towards my ex. The only thing I feel for her is sorry.
The fact that I feel nothing for her was automatic. But you can get to that point if you try.
Do the PW/BWD. No matter how proud he is, you can visualize his pride going away. (Pride goes before fall).
No matter who he spends time with he will think only of you. Visualize everything in your favour.
Love yourself dear.
Aphrodite11 wrote:
"I am an idiot" - This has to stop
NEVER talk like that about yourself.
You may not mean it when you say it but it still affects you.
Whenever you talk about yourself it should be positive only.
Thanking him for his complement on you dp is called breaking no contact.
No contact means you do not participate in any form of communication in any format, you do not look at anything at relates to them that includes looking at their fb, twitter and whatever shit is used out there.
Now tell yourself "I am a smart girl. I am becoming smarter day by day."
Okay I'm a smart girl. I'm becoming smarter day by day ^^.
Hm i dont know ... i would be really happy to get a text from him ... don't know if it would be such a good idea not to answer then... Veronica isles said that we should answer nicely but never start the contact which is really hard enough for me ...
I mean this time it was even me who start the NC... he's very proud and would never chase after someone... so if I wouldn't even respond when he would write me what really would be a highlight after my 'i thought at least a friendship would be important for you - whatever take care '...
he texted me 'it is' but I never answered that. Since that only the compliment text that's it. Oh and a stupid like on the post when I went to the movies with a friend which he always was jealous at and hated very much ...
"I am an idiot" - This has to stop
NEVER talk like that about yourself.
You may not mean it when you say it but it still affects you.
Whenever you talk about yourself it should be positive only.
Thanking him for his complement on you dp is called breaking no contact.
No contact means you do not participate in any form of communication in any format, you do not look at anything at relates to them that includes looking at their fb, twitter and whatever shit is used out there.
Now tell yourself "I am a smart girl. I am becoming smarter day by day."
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
emem80 wrote:
emem80 wrote:
Well, for one, the PW is working becaus he called you little belle. Why would you say it is not? Please do not let every little incident set you back like this.
Also, do not post anything on your FB; you are not needy, you are strong! You are the captain of your ship, the controller of your life. Focus on building your strength up, get your positive vibes going and then everything will fall into place on its own. You are Aphrodite, you are a GODDESS!
Trust me, I know how crap you are feeling right now, but the only way you can get through this is by building yourself up, not pulling yourself down in this way.
Just to be clear, I meant Aphrodite in a general way, not the user Aphrodite. Lol, i just noticed that.Haha i know what you meant lol. Funny though.
Thanks emem you're sweet! I'll do what I can. You'll laugh but I'm just wearing my Superman shirt haha I'm such a nerd xD but hey maybe I'll be my superpowers back :D!
You're right! He lost something not me. He should win me back that's not my thing to do
Exactly! Let himfeelyour absence! You are Wonder Woman and Supergirl and whoever the hell you want to be - he WILL come to you. Just stay strong, sweetie.
emem80 wrote:
emem80 wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Why are you thinking the PW is working? Well it really was like he was suddenly confused... and it was very strange that he said 'little belle' that was a thing I always let him say to me in my PW ... and didn't really fit to the stuff he was saying to me at all -.-....
But thanks so much ... Hopefully I get through this... I posted some sad quotes in facebook a few minutes ago... but I deleted it... guess it's not the right way letting him know that I'm down right now ....
Well, for one, the PW is working becaus he called you little belle. Why would you say it is not? Please do not let every little incident set you back like this.
Also, do not post anything on your FB; you are not needy, you are strong! You are the captain of your ship, the controller of your life. Focus on building your strength up, get your positive vibes going and then everything will fall into place on its own. You are Aphrodite, you are a GODDESS!
Trust me, I know how crap you are feeling right now, but the only way you can get through this is by building yourself up, not pulling yourself down in this way.
Just to be clear, I meant Aphrodite in a general way, not the user Aphrodite. Lol, i just noticed that.
Haha i know what you meant lol. Funny though.
Thanks emem you're sweet! I'll do what I can. You'll laugh but I'm just wearing my Superman shirt haha I'm such a nerd xD but hey maybe I'll be my superpowers back :D!
You're right! He lost something not me. He should win me back that's not my thing to do