Event Reaction Outcome
Everyone's journey and experience is different so if it is helpful to you to hold a belief that it has to get worse in order to get better then that is how it will unfold for you.
Im sure you are just in a state of frustration today, but there are no real issues or blocks to your manifestation that you have outlined. What you have outlined is an exaggerated response to an event. You attribute the meaning to events that occur and so u could ask yourself "is there a way I could change my reaction to these events/. Could I simply laugh at these events and let it go?"
You don't need to plan or force anything just walk in belief and enjoy your life even on the crappiest days.
Thankyou for replying, yesterday was just one of those days, today's been a lot better especially when I saw my other neighbour who also parks where the sign is and his words were "who's put that f###ING sign up there" haha
Yes they say the bigger the obstacles the closer you are to getting what you want.
Just relax.
That no parking thing is a minute issue. I am sure he can park elsewhere.
You can also visualize you neighbour removing that sign.
Good to know that you keep your home tidy (I am severely disorganized)
It's good that you are keeping it tidy as if you two are living together.
But keep it clean and tidy for yourself too.
Don't be sad.
Hi everyone sorry if this is a bit depressing but I just feel like the universe is putting every obstacle in my way,I like to visualise my "exs" car parked outside on a night and this has previously worked before for me but today when I got home there is now a huge do not Park sign where he used to park!it's one of my neighbours who has a bee in her bonnet about someone else on our row parking there and has a kind of hate campaign going about it.I'm trying to get my house as tidy and as living as if we are together and today after sweeping up outside I've somehow managed to walk cat muck all inside, it's not even my cat it's my neighbours.its just like everything i try to do to get forward a massive huge obstacle appears. I read somewhere that when it feels like everything is falling apart this is when it's all about to fall together but at the moment it feels like the universe is telling me to give up and I really really don't want to.i just seem to be struggling with so much at the moment