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    10/17/2016 6:30 am

    Sam wrote:

    MadMoiselle87 wrote:

    Great success story Sam )!

    Are you back together already or just in contact? Couldn't understand it exactly.
    Sounds dumb but I have to admit that you really keep me calmed because you wrote it took a time until you both admit to each other that you missed each other lol. Because most of the stories are like the guy came out of the blue and jumped right back in the relationship. I've seen my guy two days ago and it was like we both were restarting. We were holding fingers/hands and we were both searching contact by stupid fighting games lol but not like we would immediately cuddling again. Guess it's a process but after I read the other stories I was afraid if it's normal that it's starting slowly ...

    We are back in daily contact and the relationship is on it's way. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    I'm glad my journey is helpful to you! My experience so far is definitely a process. I think it all simply has to do with our belief and what we focus on day to day. Some people are able to just jump right in with 100% faith and maintain it, and I think those are the people who get their final result the fastest. But for me and others, it's slower. And I can only speak for myself but I still wobble quite often so I think that's why it's a slower progression.

    But it helps to see it as great practice. Things are good for a bit and then you start to get impatient, or doubt, or whatever, but then you get over that and recenter yourself, and then things are good again, etc. It's a good way to see what works and what doesn't. To me it's preparing me for when we do finally reunite and I'll know exactly how to maintain our wonderful relationship!

    Yeah you're right... My doubts are my biggest enemies and who standing on the brake of the process many times...

    But you have a great way of thinking! I guess it's a good idea to see it as a preparing for the relationship. But I already really got a looooot better. My guy is someone who's pretty handsome and everytime he goes on a party he's surrounded from girls. Most of the time they're friends or colleagues but in the past I could cry when I saw such a picture. But now I'm thinking IT DOESN'T MATTER he's mine and not one girl of them could ever reach me :D. Doesn't work everytime buuut I keep practizing.

    10/17/2016 12:29 am


    10/16/2016 4:58 pm

    Great success story Sam )!

    Are you back together already or just in contact? Couldn't understand it exactly.
    Sounds dumb but I have to admit that you really keep me calmed because you wrote it took a time until you both admit to each other that you missed each other lol. Because most of the stories are like the guy came out of the blue and jumped right back in the relationship. I've seen my guy two days ago and it was like we both were restarting. We were holding fingers/hands and we were both searching contact by stupid fighting games lol but not like we would immediately cuddling again. Guess it's a process but after I read the other stories I was afraid if it's normal that it's starting slowly ...

    10/14/2016 5:27 pm

    Sam wrote:

    Hi guys, I wanted to come update this thread and share with you how you can screw it all up but still get back to where you want to be!

    So things were going great with my love but then I got impatient, and I ended up telling him how I felt, and made things really awkward lol. We stopped talking.

    But then over the next week I worked on raising my vibe again and completely wiped the fiasco from my head as if it never happened, and stayed focused on my end result. And tonight he contacted me and HE actually apologized and we continued to talk the same we did last week ๐Ÿ˜Š

    So if you make a mistake or something, don't worry because it can all be resolved if you trust that it will. Don't hold onto things from the past, none of it matters! Just keep believing and enjoy living in your final result!

    Sam this is great information! And I'm so happy it all worked out for you! Thank you so much for the update!

    10/14/2016 1:35 am


    10/04/2016 2:57 pm


    10/04/2016 1:49 am

    Sam wrote:

    Hi lovely ladies. I've been having wonderful success with my man recently and I wanted to share it with you all.

    We were out of contact for almost a year and about a month or so ago he came back into my life. At first it was just friendly conversation here and there but he was very talkative and interested in what I had to say, so I knew that my PW and other visualizing had been affecting him.

    Fast forward a few weeks to last night when we finally admitted to one another that we miss each other. He spent the whole evening flirting with me and complimenting me. He told me how beautiful I am and that he will always find me beautiful. He told me I was sexy and acknowledged how confident I have become.

    Then I said something kind of ballsy, I said, "Love like we had doesn't just go away." To which he replied, "It doesn't. I miss you so badly right now that I feel like crying."

    I just about fell over!!

    Later on we said goodnight and he asked me if we could talk again today, and he called me by the pet name he used to. I woke up to a good morning text for the first time in 11 months.

    It's been really incredible. Ladies, do the techniques, but don't just do them to do them. Enjoy them and understand that you truly are connecting with them during it. Feel that connection and fill yourself with love. Trust that it's working, I promise you that it is.

    Wow! That is really inspiring Sam. Did you use PW to get back in contact with him after almost a year? How did that happen?

    10/04/2016 1:46 am

    What a lovely story! I am so happy for you

    10/04/2016 12:39 am

    Sam wrote:

    Hi lovely ladies. I've been having wonderful success with my man recently and I wanted to share it with you all.

    We were out of contact for almost a year and about a month or so ago he came back into my life. At first it was just friendly conversation here and there but he was very talkative and interested in what I had to say, so I knew that my PW and other visualizing had been affecting him.

    Fast forward a few weeks to last night when we finally admitted to one another that we miss each other. He spent the whole evening flirting with me and complimenting me. He told me how beautiful I am and that he will always find me beautiful. He told me I was sexy and acknowledged how confident I have become.

    Then I said something kind of ballsy, I said, "Love like we had doesn't just go away." To which he replied, "It doesn't. I miss you so badly right now that I feel like crying."

    I just about fell over!!

    Later on we said goodnight and he asked me if we could talk again today, and he called me by the pet name he used to. I woke up to a good morning text for the first time in 11 months.

    It's been really incredible. Ladies, do the techniques, but don't just do them to do them. Enjoy them and understand that you truly are connecting with them during it. Feel that connection and fill yourself with love. Trust that it's working, I promise you that it is.

    Sam, thank you so much for sharing your story. It's so helpful and inspirational. I am so happy for you!!

    10/03/2016 9:45 pm

    Sam wrote:

    Hi lovely ladies. I've been having wonderful success with my man recently and I wanted to share it with you all.

    We were out of contact for almost a year and about a month or so ago he came back into my life. At first it was just friendly conversation here and there but he was very talkative and interested in what I had to say, so I knew that my PW and other visualizing had been affecting him.

    Fast forward a few weeks to last night when we finally admitted to one another that we miss each other. He spent the whole evening flirting with me and complimenting me. He told me how beautiful I am and that he will always find me beautiful. He told me I was sexy and acknowledged how confident I have become.

    Then I said something kind of ballsy, I said, "Love like we had doesn't just go away." To which he replied, "It doesn't. I miss you so badly right now that I feel like crying."

    I just about fell over!!

    Later on we said goodnight and he asked me if we could talk again today, and he called me by the pet name he used to. I woke up to a good morning text for the first time in 11 months.

    It's been really incredible. Ladies, do the techniques, but don't just do them to do them. Enjoy them and understand that you truly are connecting with them during it. Feel that connection and fill yourself with love. Trust that it's working, I promise you that it is.

    Sam what a wonderful story. These are the success stories that I LOVE reading. Alot of ladies here are in contact with their loves or have only been out of contact for a short amount of time. For others who have stuck with NC for awhile and have been doing the work stories like this really help encourage them to stick with it. I am so happy for you and wish you the best!!!

    10/03/2016 8:25 pm

    Sam wrote:

    Hi lovely ladies. I've been having wonderful success with my man recently and I wanted to share it with you all.

    We were out of contact for almost a year and about a month or so ago he came back into my life. At first it was just friendly conversation here and there but he was very talkative and interested in what I had to say, so I knew that my PW and other visualizing had been affecting him.

    Fast forward a few weeks to last night when we finally admitted to one another that we miss each other. He spent the whole evening flirting with me and complimenting me. He told me how beautiful I am and that he will always find me beautiful. He told me I was sexy and acknowledged how confident I have become.

    Then I said something kind of ballsy, I said, "Love like we had doesn't just go away." To which he replied, "It doesn't. I miss you so badly right now that I feel like crying."

    I just about fell over!!

    Later on we said goodnight and he asked me if we could talk again today, and he called me by the pet name he used to. I woke up to a good morning text for the first time in 11 months.

    It's been really incredible. Ladies, do the techniques, but don't just do them to do them. Enjoy them and understand that you truly are connecting with them during it. Feel that connection and fill yourself with love. Trust that it's working, I promise you that it is.

    Sam I love this, It gives so much hope. Happy for you.

    10/03/2016 5:12 pm

    Awesomeness Sam!!! I'm inspired by your story!! ๐Ÿ˜

    10/03/2016 5:03 pm

    Thanks for sharing- this is really motivating!

    10/03/2016 3:47 pm

    Sam wrote:

    Hi lovely ladies. I've been having wonderful success with my man recently and I wanted to share it with you all.

    We were out of contact for almost a year and about a month or so ago he came back into my life. At first it was just friendly conversation here and there but he was very talkative and interested in what I had to say, so I knew that my PW and other visualizing had been affecting him.

    Fast forward a few weeks to last night when we finally admitted to one another that we miss each other. He spent the whole evening flirting with me and complimenting me. He told me how beautiful I am and that he will always find me beautiful. He told me I was sexy and acknowledged how confident I have become.

    Then I said something kind of ballsy, I said, "Love like we had doesn't just go away." To which he replied, "It doesn't. I miss you so badly right now that I feel like crying."

    I just about fell over!!

    Later on we said goodnight and he asked me if we could talk again today, and he called me by the pet name he used to. I woke up to a good morning text for the first time in 11 months.

    It's been really incredible. Ladies, do the techniques, but don't just do them to do them. Enjoy them and understand that you truly are connecting with them during it. Feel that connection and fill yourself with love. Trust that it's working, I promise you that it is.


    10/03/2016 2:40 pm

    Sam wrote:

    Hi lovely ladies. I've been having wonderful success with my man recently and I wanted to share it with you all.

    We were out of contact for almost a year and about a month or so ago he came back into my life. At first it was just friendly conversation here and there but he was very talkative and interested in what I had to say, so I knew that my PW and other visualizing had been affecting him.

    Fast forward a few weeks to last night when we finally admitted to one another that we miss each other. He spent the whole evening flirting with me and complimenting me. He told me how beautiful I am and that he will always find me beautiful. He told me I was sexy and acknowledged how confident I have become.

    Then I said something kind of ballsy, I said, "Love like we had doesn't just go away." To which he replied, "It doesn't. I miss you so badly right now that I feel like crying."

    I just about fell over!!

    Later on we said goodnight and he asked me if we could talk again today, and he called me by the pet name he used to. I woke up to a good morning text for the first time in 11 months.

    It's been really incredible. Ladies, do the techniques, but don't just do them to do them. Enjoy them and understand that you truly are connecting with them during it. Feel that connection and fill yourself with love. Trust that it's working, I promise you that it is.

    This is amazing!! So happy for you thank you for sharing this! 

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