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    10/05/2016 2:38 pm

    Thank you very much. I used Lanie's Technics. I am very interested in radionics because it will save us time and energy. Instead of doing RS or MPS daily using our own energy we sometimes get tired or lose passion. So I would like to use a machine that store our energy and run for long time. Just like somebody says that Radionics is a short cut just like we run through the entire city by our self for several days, but if we drive car it will take two hours. So I am wondering if anybody knows much about radionics devices. Thanks.

    10/05/2016 1:52 pm

    MPS is mental psychic seduction. Another name for RS.

    10/05/2016 1:34 pm

    The link is great!.
    What is  MPS?

    10/04/2016 10:18 pm

    DC wrote:

    Found this...the Amargi link for anyone who is interested...

    This is some very useful information. Also awhile back I think it was EM who mentioned this but there is a person named Hayate on the powerofthelawofattraction forum that gives incredible advice as well on MPS. 

    10/04/2016 8:54 pm

    Found this...the Amargi link for anyone who is interested...

    9/28/2016 4:54 pm

    No problem 😀

    9/28/2016 12:54 pm

    Thank you for sharing  

    9/28/2016 12:21 pm

    Thank you very much for sharing the information. Thanks you!!!

    9/25/2016 11:13 pm

    Here's another one...when choosing, use the one you would enjoy the most as it'll help you the most if you have fun!

    Mantras & Affirmations
    Pray Rain Journaling
    Guided Meditations
    Acting As If (this one is huge!)
    Focus Wheels
    Positive Aspect Lists (recently reengaged the power of this)
    Outsourcering (we do this at GVU, too)
    Crystals & Magick Oils
    Pre-Paving (aka Segment Intending)
    Mind Movies
    Thought Pivoting (aka find a better feeling thought)
    Letting Go (or sometimes it was giving up!)
    Slacking & Enjoyment
    Self Love (this has to be a contender!)
    Setting Intentions
    Eliminating Tolerations (Jack Canfield said this is where to start!)
    Amp It Up exercise
    Wouldn’t It Be Nice If … (serious magic here!)
    Placemat Exercise
    Magic Creation Box (such a fun one!)

    9/25/2016 11:06 pm

    Hello fellow creators!!!

    There are a multitude of ways of manifesting and I found a list with some, if you are interested in using other methods too (for anything in your life)...

    Manifesting Checklist

    Intention Setting

    Daily, weekly, annually, or throughout the day (segment intending)
    Spoken or written, shared or kept private


    Straight up old fashioned imagination
    Watch a mind movie
    Answer the questions: What does it look like? Sound like? Feel like?
    Control panel adjustments
    Vision boards, Pinterest


    Written or spoken
    Old school sanskrit, Louise Hay style, or custom made

    Story telling skills – get conscious about your self-talk and conversation with others
    Speak it how you want it, as if it's already done (privately or shared)
    Purposely speaking in aligning ways with aligning people
    Redirecting negative thoughts


    Write what you want as if it's a done deal
    Source Connection

    Pure Awareness
    Calling on angels, guides, Universe
    Connecting to higher self
    Listening to body wisdom

    Belief work

    Question thoughts (Byron Katie's Work)
    Revisiting favorite material
    Seeking out new resources to reinforce beliefs

    Contrast management

    Learn to recognize and manage the inner critic voice (gremlin management)
    Make peace with what is

    Vibration Raising techniques

    Prioritizing enjoyment, fun, play, laughter or even relaxing
    Conscious appreciation
    Self love and self care practices
    Identify and honor core values
    Identify and eliminate tolerations/irritations

    Manifesting Exercises

    Amp It Up
    Positive Aspects List
    Focus Wheel
    Placemat Exercise
    Wouldn't It Be Nice If …
    Imagine Spending the Money
    17 Seconds of Pure Positive Thought
    Magic Box

    Acting As If

    Identity shifting
    Dressing the part
    Ninja Manifesting Moves ( Moving in alignment)
    I AM statements


    Surround yourself with physical signs or symbols of success
    Conscious Support

    Manifesting buddy
    Manifesting coach (
    Manifesting group (GVU, MCC, LOA mastermind, Vibration Boot Camp, social media groups)
    Manifesting mentors (Pollyanna, Ned, Eckhart)

    Energy Work & “Permission Slip” Fun

    Essential Oils
    Ritual Magic
    Feng Shui
    Tarot Cards
    “Feel feelings fully” work (Tom Stone)
    Detox from addiction to negative emotions
    Emotion Code
    Access Consciousness
    This is just a sampling of ideas to play with - let your imagination run wild and your inner guidance speak to you to find your best method of creating alignment to what you want!

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