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    10/12/2016 5:12 am

    Lovely ๐Ÿ˜˜. You're doing very well I must say. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    10/11/2016 5:08 pm

    Awesome job!!

    10/11/2016 4:35 pm


    10/11/2016 3:45 pm

    Thats amazing JCB! I love the encouragement!

    10/11/2016 3:13 pm

    Jim Chien Beige wrote:

    Girls, just a little encouragement. The LOA works, don't you ever doubt it.
    I manifested my boyfriend, but in the last 15 days I got money to buy a scooter, a freezer and the initial investment (for our dog food business), my parents cat fell from the window and she got lost. She was lost for a week and we found her, and 1 year ago I lent 10,000 dlls to a friend (now is less because of the Mexican currency). That friend and I were supposed to buy a boat for small trips around Cancun. Well, she took the money, she didn't buy the boat and she owed me that money. I considered it lost... but yesterday she transfered 40% of the debt into my account. What did I do? I didn't worry about it. I knew that money was coming back to me. I visualized seeing the money in my account, and I let it go.
    Thank you Universe!!!

    Look at you girly!! I'm so proud of you!๐Ÿ˜˜

    10/11/2016 12:05 pm

    Wow, that's really impressive--you are obviously an LOA master!

    10/11/2016 10:04 am

    That's amazing,well done ๐Ÿ˜€

    10/11/2016 8:52 am

    Girls, just a little encouragement. The LOA works, don't you ever doubt it.
    I manifested my boyfriend, but in the last 15 days I got money to buy a scooter, a freezer and the initial investment (for our dog food business), my parents cat fell from the window and she got lost. She was lost for a week and we found her, and 1 year ago I lent 10,000 dlls to a friend (now is less because of the Mexican currency). That friend and I were supposed to buy a boat for small trips around Cancun. Well, she took the money, she didn't buy the boat and she owed me that money. I considered it lost... but yesterday she transfered 40% of the debt into my account. What did I do? I didn't worry about it. I knew that money was coming back to me. I visualized seeing the money in my account, and I let it go.
    Thank you Universe!!!

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