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    10/14/2016 3:50 pm

    KateyBerry wrote:

    lalalovely wrote:

     So I just don't read or answer them, try to stick to my desired outcome picture and read the more positive ones/inspirational shares.

    THIS. THIS - exactly THIS.  

    I don't mean it as a slight to anyone - I know it's not always easy to stay positive; and I'm all for continued encouragement because I want everyone to be successful. But I also know ME - and in creating new belief systems for myself, I have to avoid the things that take me back to the old beliefs and feelings. So I try to focus on the success stories, and the manifestation resources and links.

    I completely agree with you. Thank you for not taking my post personally as an insult. I just want to encourage people to focus on the positives and focus on the end result of getting your boyfriend back. Inspirational stories motivate me and keep me going. Sometimes all it takes is having the faith of a mustard seed. 

    10/14/2016 3:48 pm

    ThisIsMyUsername wrote:

    wanderlusting wrote:

    So, I got to thinking, I know that in order for you to attract the things that you desire, you should always remain positive as a way of the Law of Attraction. Now, I have a bit of a dilemma to pick on here. I know that people like to keep others up to date but I have found myself starting to feel more negative about some of the postings and also towards my situation after reading some of the posts. Some of them are down right depressing. While I would like to keep the faith and remain positive, I don't believe I can allow myself to feel that way when negative breeds negative. I like hearing success stories as they give me something to hold onto. Any feedback?

    I know im going through a lot, emotionally. Id suggest you stick to the success story area, as well as the share a link area, and to Lanie, id suggest you put a new section called "help!" Or something for the people who need some help.

    Yes, exactly. I have only been sticking to success stories, nothing else. 

    10/14/2016 2:04 pm

    Is it natural to feel really good one day, and then really down the next. Yesterday I was on a high and felt rally positive and this morning I felt the same way but during the after noon I started feeling really down and tired. I went to meditate and for some reason cried a little bit. What does this mean? Does this mean my desire wont manifest because deep down I know it will. I can feel manifesting now.

    10/14/2016 1:30 pm

    lalalovely wrote:

     So I just don't read or answer them, try to stick to my desired outcome picture and read the more positive ones/inspirational shares.

    THIS. THIS - exactly THIS.  

    I don't mean it as a slight to anyone - I know it's not always easy to stay positive; and I'm all for continued encouragement because I want everyone to be successful. But I also know ME - and in creating new belief systems for myself, I have to avoid the things that take me back to the old beliefs and feelings. So I try to focus on the success stories, and the manifestation resources and links.

    10/14/2016 1:03 pm

    wanderlusting wrote:

    So, I got to thinking, I know that in order for you to attract the things that you desire, you should always remain positive as a way of the Law of Attraction. Now, I have a bit of a dilemma to pick on here. I know that people like to keep others up to date but I have found myself starting to feel more negative about some of the postings and also towards my situation after reading some of the posts. Some of them are down right depressing. While I would like to keep the faith and remain positive, I don't believe I can allow myself to feel that way when negative breeds negative. I like hearing success stories as they give me something to hold onto. Any feedback?

    I was feeling the same. In the beginning I didn't post here because of this attitude "When I am doubting myself I doubt LOA so I don't post any confusing-state post and just start visualizing from the end result", but I also understand that sometimes you just need that extra push/help to get the believe in your power back (I have also been there).. However, there has been a lot of negative posts lately which also get my vibes down. So I just don't read or answer them, try to stick to my desired outcome picture and read the more positive ones/inspirational shares. I do love the "panic button" thread and the section where Lanie answered all questions.  

    10/14/2016 11:56 am

    When we focus on positive, we get more positive and when we focus on negative, we get more negative. Which emotion are you going to feed is simply what I was trying to say in my post. Don't think about all the ways it won't will work but instead, think of all the ways that it will. As far as my post regarding my story, was just sharing an initial post since I am new to this site and was trying to gain some insight. 

    10/14/2016 11:23 am

    I definitely didn't take it personal.


    10/14/2016 9:07 am

    Not saying someone shouldn't post anything negative, don't take it personal, simply stating it would be nice to hear more success stories than failures. 

    10/14/2016 9:04 am

    This is a forum where people come when they are in pretty depressing situations so by that virtue there maybe depressing posts. As you, yourself have made a post about your situation you know that people do tell there story, which can be varying degrees of depressing and ask for advice

    There is however a big difference in posting your "situation" and asking for advice and then just posting continual negative fear based posts. So in that sense I do agree with you about continual negative posts.

    But to say there should be no depressing posts is a little extreme because this is essentially to begin with a seemingly depressing time in many members lives. The hope is that after posting an initial negative story etc they will get the advice and inspiration to become empowered and move themselves forward into positivity and empowerment.

    10/14/2016 5:45 am

    wanderlusting wrote:

    So, I got to thinking, I know that in order for you to attract the things that you desire, you should always remain positive as a way of the Law of Attraction. Now, I have a bit of a dilemma to pick on here. I know that people like to keep others up to date but I have found myself starting to feel more negative about some of the postings and also towards my situation after reading some of the posts. Some of them are down right depressing. While I would like to keep the faith and remain positive, I don't believe I can allow myself to feel that way when negative breeds negative. I like hearing success stories as they give me something to hold onto. Any feedback?

    I know im going through a lot, emotionally. Id suggest you stick to the success story area, as well as the share a link area, and to Lanie, id suggest you put a new section called "help!" Or something for the people who need some help.

    10/14/2016 5:41 am

    So, I got to thinking, I know that in order for you to attract the things that you desire, you should always remain positive as a way of the Law of Attraction. Now, I have a bit of a dilemma to pick on here. I know that people like to keep others up to date but I have found myself starting to feel more negative about some of the postings and also towards my situation after reading some of the posts. Some of them are down right depressing. While I would like to keep the faith and remain positive, I don't believe I can allow myself to feel that way when negative breeds negative. I like hearing success stories as they give me something to hold onto. Any feedback?

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