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    Topic review (newest first):

    1/14/2017 11:39 pm

    This meditation is pretty intense, I must say! But I truly believe it is one of the most powerful ones!

    1/14/2017 11:10 pm


    So I just tried PW on him while listening to this and HOLY. CATS, DUDES.
    It was the most vivid emotional session I've had yet, and I've been at the technique for a bit. Instead of just seeing him from a distance and calling him close, my brain constructed it as me walking toward his house and seeing him on his porch and calling to him. He looked at me and then RAN to me down the sidewalk and grabbed me and hugged me. The dialogue between us came so easily and naturally, it almost felt like I didn't have to drive the action at all. It felt SO. REAL. We were both tearing up with happiness and relief. I don't even know what just happened.

    1/10/2017 9:02 am

    Has anyone used this meditation to visualize say more abundance in wealth? So you just visualize having the amount or financial situation you want to be in while feeling the happiness of achieving that?

    1/09/2017 9:55 am

    Minami wrote:

    BettyBlue wrote:

    I had a bit of a strange (in a good way) experience after doing this meditation today. 

    Yesterday I found that my ex had deleted the FB account he used to communicate with me with while we were a couple ( I have stored in my messages our final chat so I can instantly see if it is deleted or temporarily closed down). When I found out I kind of flipped because it seemed so final. I searched to see if I had made a mistake, but nope, the message had disappeared. Or so it seemed.

    I had earlier been reading the Neville Goddard core teachings where he mentioned ignoring current reality (the story where Abdullah assures him that he is in Barbados, no matter what his actual present circumstances are showing). So today when I did the kundalini meditation I imagined that all was well, that the said FB account was still active, and that the old chat was still in my message list. I don't know why, but at the time of doing the meditation I felt confident, without any worry. 

    Well now the most curious thing has happened. I went to message a friend in FB, and I noticed that the old chat from my ex is there again. My jaw just dropped when I saw it there. It was definitely not there yesterday, as I checked and double checked and triple checked. I'm not sure whether FB were working on the site and made some kind of blip that caused it to temporarily disappear, or whether my ex deleted the account and changed his mind before the deletion was final - or what it was that happened. 

    But I'm feeling a whole lot of relief now, and I think it can't be a coincidence that my combined use of this meditation and the Neville idea coincided with this happening. I mean, my reality yesterday said one thing very clearly, and today there was a total change, as if by magic. 


    Congrats! Remember there are no coincidences right ;) well done ๐Ÿ‘

    Thank you! Yes, you're so right! There are no coincidences. It really helps to remind myself of that.

    1/08/2017 9:45 pm

    BettyBlue wrote:

    I had a bit of a strange (in a good way) experience after doing this meditation today. 

    Yesterday I found that my ex had deleted the FB account he used to communicate with me with while we were a couple ( I have stored in my messages our final chat so I can instantly see if it is deleted or temporarily closed down). When I found out I kind of flipped because it seemed so final. I searched to see if I had made a mistake, but nope, the message had disappeared. Or so it seemed.

    I had earlier been reading the Neville Goddard core teachings where he mentioned ignoring current reality (the story where Abdullah assures him that he is in Barbados, no matter what his actual present circumstances are showing). So today when I did the kundalini meditation I imagined that all was well, that the said FB account was still active, and that the old chat was still in my message list. I don't know why, but at the time of doing the meditation I felt confident, without any worry. 

    Well now the most curious thing has happened. I went to message a friend in FB, and I noticed that the old chat from my ex is there again. My jaw just dropped when I saw it there. It was definitely not there yesterday, as I checked and double checked and triple checked. I'm not sure whether FB were working on the site and made some kind of blip that caused it to temporarily disappear, or whether my ex deleted the account and changed his mind before the deletion was final - or what it was that happened. 

    But I'm feeling a whole lot of relief now, and I think it can't be a coincidence that my combined use of this meditation and the Neville idea coincided with this happening. I mean, my reality yesterday said one thing very clearly, and today there was a total change, as if by magic. 


    Congrats! Remember there are no coincidences right ;) well done ๐Ÿ‘

    1/08/2017 9:44 pm

    BettyBlue wrote:

    Minami wrote:

    BettyBlue wrote:

    I'm loving the meditation and I find it sounds great, too. The only thing that I slightly struggle with is how to do the Lanie techniques (PW), or any other type of visualization, while chanting at the same time. I  get a bit of  a coordination problem there. But I guess that it's all down to practice makes perfect. 

    Hi there! I used the song video and sang along for a bit but not the whole time...while singing I just visualised with Lanie's method I'm also very new so still learning

    Thanks for the advice! I'll try it that way. 

    I'm new too dear! Just sharing my experience I am on day 4 I think now and since I was coughing I just ended up listening while meditating with Lanie's method.  Just makes me feel good

    1/08/2017 12:03 pm

    I had a bit of a strange (in a good way) experience after doing this meditation today. 

    Yesterday I found that my ex had deleted the FB account he used to communicate with me with while we were a couple ( I have stored in my messages our final chat so I can instantly see if it is deleted or temporarily closed down). When I found out I kind of flipped because it seemed so final. I searched to see if I had made a mistake, but nope, the message had disappeared. Or so it seemed.

    I had earlier been reading the Neville Goddard core teachings where he mentioned ignoring current reality (the story where Abdullah assures him that he is in Barbados, no matter what his actual present circumstances are showing). So today when I did the kundalini meditation I imagined that all was well, that the said FB account was still active, and that the old chat was still in my message list. I don't know why, but at the time of doing the meditation I felt confident, without any worry. 

    Well now the most curious thing has happened. I went to message a friend in FB, and I noticed that the old chat from my ex is there again. My jaw just dropped when I saw it there. It was definitely not there yesterday, as I checked and double checked and triple checked. I'm not sure whether FB were working on the site and made some kind of blip that caused it to temporarily disappear, or whether my ex deleted the account and changed his mind before the deletion was final - or what it was that happened. 

    But I'm feeling a whole lot of relief now, and I think it can't be a coincidence that my combined use of this meditation and the Neville idea coincided with this happening. I mean, my reality yesterday said one thing very clearly, and today there was a total change, as if by magic. 


    1/08/2017 11:40 am

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Minami wrote:

    BettyBlue wrote:

    I'm loving the meditation and I find it sounds great, too. The only thing that I slightly struggle with is how to do the Lanie techniques (PW), or any other type of visualization, while chanting at the same time. I  get a bit of  a coordination problem there. But I guess that it's all down to practice makes perfect. 

    Hi there! I used the song video and sang along for a bit but not the whole time...while singing I just visualised with Lanie's method I'm also very new so still learning

    Same. I chanted the mantra and then came to a natural place where I stopped chanting and then did PW with the mantra playing in the background (which was surprisingly easy as I had initially planned to pause the track when I wanted to start PW)

    Yes, I am now getting to a point where I can chant some of the time and then in the more intense moments I stop and just concentrate on having him say what I want.

    1/08/2017 11:39 am

    Minami wrote:

    BettyBlue wrote:

    Minami wrote:

    Wow...I thought of just listening for a few minutes after getting myself into a positive headspace but I listened and chanted along partially to the full video (the 24 minute one) just love the feeling and yes feeling positive and peaceful overall. I was also able to focus surprisingly ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks for sharing and love reading your positive experiences โ™ฅ๏ธ

    Totally excited for the wonderful unfolding!

    I'm loving the meditation and I find it sounds great, too. The only thing that I slightly struggle with is how to do the Lanie techniques (PW), or any other type of visualization, while chanting at the same time. I  get a bit of  a coordination problem there. But I guess that it's all down to practice makes perfect. 

    Hi there! I used the song video and sang along for a bit but not the whole time...while singing I just visualised with Lanie's method I'm also very new so still learning

    Thanks for the advice! I'll try it that way. 

    1/08/2017 11:36 am

    Sorry for the late reply, I only just noticed your question now. 

    The one I am using is the mp3 meditation given at the start of this thread.

    1/05/2017 6:41 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Minami wrote:

    BettyBlue wrote:

    I'm loving the meditation and I find it sounds great, too. The only thing that I slightly struggle with is how to do the Lanie techniques (PW), or any other type of visualization, while chanting at the same time. I  get a bit of  a coordination problem there. But I guess that it's all down to practice makes perfect. 

    Hi there! I used the song video and sang along for a bit but not the whole time...while singing I just visualised with Lanie's method I'm also very new so still learning

    Same. I chanted the mantra and then came to a natural place where I stopped chanting and then did PW with the mantra playing in the background (which was surprisingly easy as I had initially planned to pause the track when I wanted to start PW)

    Only day two last night and I sang the whole song whole mind was doing pw..just felt really connected the whole time.  I know a yogi who told me that this mantra alone is great for radiating and seeing love so manifestation aside, it's a great thing to do

    Thanks for sharing dear!

    1/05/2017 3:50 pm

    Minami wrote:

    BettyBlue wrote:

    Minami wrote:

    Wow...I thought of just listening for a few minutes after getting myself into a positive headspace but I listened and chanted along partially to the full video (the 24 minute one) just love the feeling and yes feeling positive and peaceful overall. I was also able to focus surprisingly ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks for sharing and love reading your positive experiences โ™ฅ๏ธ

    Totally excited for the wonderful unfolding!

    I'm loving the meditation and I find it sounds great, too. The only thing that I slightly struggle with is how to do the Lanie techniques (PW), or any other type of visualization, while chanting at the same time. I  get a bit of  a coordination problem there. But I guess that it's all down to practice makes perfect. 

    Hi there! I used the song video and sang along for a bit but not the whole time...while singing I just visualised with Lanie's method I'm also very new so still learning

    Same. I chanted the mantra and then came to a natural place where I stopped chanting and then did PW with the mantra playing in the background (which was surprisingly easy as I had initially planned to pause the track when I wanted to start PW)

    1/05/2017 4:15 am

    Blue wrote:

    You don't need to sing it, you can play it - the song will stay in your mind for awhile so it's fine. It still has the same effect.

    That's good to know!! Thanks I know it says that we should not have any negative thoughts during or after the session but it's comforting to know that the mantra actually converts the negative to positive...right?

    1/05/2017 12:30 am

    You don't need to sing it, you can play it - the song will stay in your mind for awhile so it's fine. It still has the same effect.

    1/04/2017 6:55 pm

    BettyBlue wrote:

    Minami wrote:

    Wow...I thought of just listening for a few minutes after getting myself into a positive headspace but I listened and chanted along partially to the full video (the 24 minute one) just love the feeling and yes feeling positive and peaceful overall. I was also able to focus surprisingly ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks for sharing and love reading your positive experiences โ™ฅ๏ธ

    Totally excited for the wonderful unfolding!

    I'm loving the meditation and I find it sounds great, too. The only thing that I slightly struggle with is how to do the Lanie techniques (PW), or any other type of visualization, while chanting at the same time. I  get a bit of  a coordination problem there. But I guess that it's all down to practice makes perfect. 

    Hi there! I used the song video and sang along for a bit but not the whole time...while singing I just visualised with Lanie's method I'm also very new so still learning

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