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    Topic review (newest first):

    10/21/2016 9:10 am

    Amazing. Thanks eleven!

    10/21/2016 6:08 am

    Great one

    10/18/2016 2:34 pm

    Cutie0123 wrote:

    I'm enjoying your posts so much, eleven☺️ What an amazing support and uplifter you are💖

    Oh my goodness! You put a huge smile on my face Thank you so much! I am happy to hear that you are enjoying them and that they are uplifting! XO

    10/18/2016 2:12 pm

    I'm enjoying your posts so much, eleven☺️ What an amazing support and uplifter you are💖

    10/18/2016 12:27 pm

    pixelpie wrote:

    I'm so happy more people are finally understanding this fact ☺ and thank you for posting this eleven ☺

    ^.^ my pleasure, pixel!

    10/18/2016 12:05 pm

    My pleasure!

    10/18/2016 11:58 am

    Thanks for the pdf 

    10/18/2016 11:49 am

    Your ability, at all times, to use the unfailing power which is yours depends upon your recognition of its presence. The reason for your times of failure is that the distressing condition so wholly absorbs your attention that you are unable to think of anything else. At such times you entirely lose sight of the fact that your individual mind is the instrument through and in which the very highest form of intelligence and unfailing power is endeavoring to express itself. Also, that it always takes the form of your habitual thought. Therefore, when you believe that a situation is beyond your control, so it is.

    No matter what justification you may think you have at the time, any feeling of discouragement, dissatisfaction, or anxiety causes the fulfillment of your right desire to recede further and further away from you. Whereas, by persistent and determined endeavor to trust your own desires and ambitions as the specific expression of the universal loving, guiding, and protecting Principle, you will find that your supply for their fulfillment will unfold to you greater and greater liberty in every direction.

    Through the right mental attitude, persistent effort always meet with a satisfactory reward. Persistent, confident endeavor always brings satisfaction.

    When the triad of enemies–fear, anxiety, and discouragement–assails you, poisoning your mind and body, weakening your power to attract what you want, begin instantly to take deep breaths, and repeat as fast as you can, aloud or silently, the following affirmation, which is an antidote to the poison and a powerful assurance and attraction of Good: 

    The Life in me is inseverably connected with all the life that exists, and it is entirely devoted to my personal advancement. 

    If you are alert and can make this affirmative thought overlap the negative, anxious suggestion, you will very soon free yourself. If the tendency to dwell on these erroneous beliefs keeps recurring, go where you can be alone, repeat your affirmation, and endeavor to lift your mind up to your words, much as you would lift your breath from the bottom to the top of your lungs. Never be impatient with yourself because you do not quite succeed in your every endeavor. It is your intention that counts, not necessarily the absolute fulfillment of the letter. The ALL-KNOWING POWER THAT IS understands and rewards accordingly. Be diligent and patient, and you will surely succeed. 


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