Blissful, I still haven't completely read what you have written because I am not getting enough time as every member of my team at my workplace is on leave due to festivals and I am the only person handling things.
I will read it as soon as I get time.
Good luck everyone and I thank you all!!!!
Hello everyone,
I want to thank you all for helping me.
All your replies have really helped me.
I couldn't get a proper consistent internet connection to reply. The keyboard at my home isn't working and I had way too much work and poor internet connection in the office. Also I had decided that I will reply only after I tried the method of writing which is something most of you have recommended.
This morning when I came to the office, I decided I will write the letter. I started writing but I didn't feel anything I should have but then the emotions gradually started coming up. I took the letter and pen in the washroom and wrote it in the washroom and ended up crying while writing. And then I felt a little better.
Perhaps I will need to do it again a few times.
Thank you all for this.
Strongheart, I am really sorry for what you went through. I find men who abuse women disgusting!!! I wouldn't even call them "men". Fucking bastards!!!
I don't think we have all been there, have we? I was abused by my parents but I was never hit by my ex. Not even once (I am grateful for this). So I haven't been there.Â
I don't want those urges to call him up and vent out because I takes away my peace of mind, it is worse when I can't do it.
I do not enjoy these negative emotions. They hurt me. I lose my peace of mind and I get affected negatively my them. I am tired of feeling this way. I don't want all this pain and sorrow, anger, etc anymore. I am fed up!!!
I just want to live my life happily, calmly with no anger towards anyone.
I do not want any thoughts of him. definitely not negative thoughts. I want to spend my days and night with 0 thoughts about him. I want him out of my head. I just want to focus on my life, it is already very beautiful but I need improvement as a person too. I am a wonderful person (I am not trying to brag about myself). People have told me they feel better after talking to me. But I believe I still need a lot of improvement as a person. I need to love myself more.
I believe our actions affect others. His actions have affected me but I am responsible for it as well because I let him. He threw me in a pit sure. I fell in it. But whether o be in the pit of rise up is completely upto me. If I stay fallen, then it will be my fault that I stayed fallen. And I refuse to stay like that. I have to get up, dust off and walk.
If I can get myself in this problem then I know I will get myself out of it as well.
If there is a way in then there is always a way out!!! I refuse to give myself any other option apart from rising.
Aphrodite11 I came across this and thought of your post, I thought maybe you could benefit from this exercise it sounds powerfully healing.
Kind of unorthodox approach for this sub but this is how I found "success" in manifesting. I DON'T manifest anymore. I stopped. There was a shift.I tried to deliberately "manifest" for YEARS and was always frustrated. I had success here and there but ultimately I was left always longing for more...never feeling fulfilled or like I "had it down".Then I learned to love myself. And not in the "woo-woo, FB quote with hearts" type of way. In a real and practical way. Where each day, I listen to my inner conditioning like a little child who is trying to get my attention. I accept and deliberately LOVE everything it has to say and everything it feels. No matter what the emotion or thoughts, I love and accept it and tell it that all emotions are welcome here and that it is allowed to feel and have any thought it wants. Totally open to its need to express whatever it wants. I FEEL every emotion and allow it to be experienced. Then 99% of the time, the emotion (resistance) leaves me....on its own accord. That's it.Since I have started doing that on a CONSISTENT basis. By that, I mean that every single morning I have this conversation with my inner child (ego/mind/conditioning/beliefs) and my higher self (unconditionally loving parent, soul...whatever you want to call it). And I do it throughout the day. I allow the feelings to be felt and come up.Since this shift, manifestation has been NOT NEEDED. Things come very quickly from this space. I mean, very quickly. I do set intentions every morning for what my goals and desires are. But I am not attached to them. I basically just direct my focus for the day with them....but know that they will come in their own time ...or not.The thing is...manifesting is a way to give ourselves what we think we need...and what we think we make ourselves happy. By loving myself, in this deliberate, practical and consistent manner....I went straight to the source of the unhappiness....ME. And I love her. And she felt better. My anxiety went WAY down. And she didn't need things to be happy anymore.ANDDDDD....with that...from that space, everything I have ever wanted started to roll in. See, this is the paradox of manifestation....being in that space of being the feeling that you are seeking from the thing you want to manifest.
THE ACTUAL PROCESS:Super simple. And may seem a bit challenging. Every day. Repeat. EVERY DAY.Journal the following. (this is just to start you out) CONVERSATION WITH INNER CHILD (IC) & HIGHER SELF (HS) (example)
PART 1 - Inner Child Rant/Experiencing FeelingINNER CHILD (IC): I am so angry about _____. I am so sad about __. *** I hate the way my life is should be _______.***(Note: This is full on whatever you are thinking and feeling. NO holding back. Let er rip as I teach my clients. Big feelings here and no trying to make them sound nice & pretty. Seriously, the point is to allow this feeling TO BE have at it. As I journal, these rants can go on for paragraphs and paragraphs. There is no time limit and the ego/inner child (ic) may be shy at first but once it gets going, it will feel so good to release. I often have tears when I do this....just go with whatever happens. The emotions that are coming up are there because they need to be loved so let them tell their full story. Let them tell how they were hurt and abused and victimized. All of it. Let them be illogical or whatever. Imagine them as little children coming at your back door and knocking, begging to be let in and heard. And you are the kind parent at the table with a warm cookie and a glass of milk and an ear.
PART 2 - Higher Self/Source/Unconditional Parent ReplyHIGHER SELF (HS): I love you. I am here for you. I am not going anywhere. I will not try to fix anything you are saying. I will not try to get you to believe anything I say. You are not wrong. You are safe. You are safe. You are safe. You are safe to feel any emotion you want to with me. I am not leaving you. I am not leaving you. No matter how sad, how mad, how angry, how horrible....I AM NOT LEAVING YOU. EVER. You can not get rid of me. I am here. I am finally here. And I am so sorry I have left you alone for so long to try and deal with all of this. I didn't know any better but I am still so sorry. I love you. I love you. You are safe. You are safe.
PART 3 - Back and Forth ConversationIC:HS:IC:HS:IC:HS:Now, be aware that the first time you do this, your inner child is going to pull a big ole "bull shit" flag. Because it knows that you might just be doing this to get it to stop freaking out or being sad. That you are listening just to get it to shut up. (just like kids know when an adult is sincere about really wanting to hear what they are saying or want something from them). This is okay. Just keep going. (mine totally did this the first time, she didn't trust me at all, with good reason) If the IC comes up with something like this:IC: F-you. I hate you. I hate you so much. You don't love me. You never loved me. You just want me to do what you want. You want me to stop messing things up for you.
Then you want to come back as HONEST as you can. There is no right way but really be sincere and honest. Maybe something like this.HS: You are right. I just want you to be quiet. I want you to stop doing what you are doing. And I am sorry. I don't know how to do all of this. I just know I love you. I love you and I want to hear you maybe for the first time ever. I want you to know I am not leaving you. I may not get it right all the time, but I am not leaving you. You are safe with me. Even in my mistakes, I will love you forever. You are love. I am love. I can not NOT love you. It is impossible. My love is endless...even if it shows up in weird ways sometimes. You are safe with me. You are safe to hate me or love me. I am NOT leaving.So, the basic thing that is happening is that you are RE-RAISING yourself. You are saying all the things that that little scared child that has been locked up inside you has never heard. And you are going to be relentless with your love. NO MORE MESSING AROUND. Your inner child is begging for this, otherwise, we wouldn't be having this exchange on Reddit.
There are no mistakes. None. If you take the time to do this every day, you will notice the difference. It might take a bit. My inner child didn't trust me for a little while. She couldn't feel my love. Sweet little gal was pretty battered so she was very scared to open up. Now, we get along great and she knows I am here for her. WHICH is the way I don't blow up anymore or lose my temper or have anxiety attacks. Those are all gone. Those were just my inner child getting my attention in the only way she knew how. And it worked marvelously. Now, she knows I will be there for her and listen...she doesn't need to shift into bigger tactics. Or even physical ailments that are stress related.Another cool thing about this is that you will be pulling in your Higher Self insight. As you talk back and forth and gain trust with that inner ego of yours...soon they will start asking you questions. You will know when this feels right to answer. I didn't do much but love my inner child at first. Then I could feel her shift and trust me more and she would ask me questions....and I would let my higher self answer.....and talk about some inspirational stuff. Amazing stuff comes through in this vibration of love. Huge.
Hey A! Oh man you are going through it right now and that's okay! All of us can say we've been there. I'll tell you my story- I was with a man for over a year and treated me like garbage like you described- actually worse than garbage! Verbal and physical abuse. Such a worthless piece of shit. Druggie, alcoholic, high school drop out, his livlyhood was going out to local nasty dive bar in our town-yes that's what he lived for besides his other hobbies of coke, vodka and making his girlfriend feel like nothing. We broke up in March of 2015 and let me tell you it still haunts me. I couldn't and still cannot believe someone could treat someone else that way and get away with it. I've spent countless hours wanting to write to him text him and let him know what an effing POS he is. I've wrote hundreds of letters in my head, pretending he was in front of me and let him have it. Visiualize what it would be like if i saw him out in public and what I would say more times than I can even remember. Hell I wanted to shout it from the moutain tops and broadcast it on every news and radio station to let the world now how terrible this person is.
But I didn't. I eventually got my revenge. I started dating an older guy with a great job 2 weeks after we broke up and believe me I let him know and rubbed it in his face. I also heard through friends he knew he effed up, he told me himself and when my relationship after him ended he expected me to give him another chance and I didn't. I also saw him in public 3 times since. He was pouting and once wrote me sappy shit on snap chat. When I told him to stop you're being annoying he had to delete me as a friend because he "couldn't handle it " ( boo effing hoo) It is so stasifying to know I rose above him, didn't stoop to his level and let him have it, acted like I had to the most amazing life without him in it (and I do). I also remember I got my revenge by him just being him and the life he leads and that's his Karma. He will always be a low life piece of ish with a dead end job and a coke habit, he is always going to be effed up and I'm awesome and so much better than him. Still I get urges to go knock on his door and scream at him or smash in the windows of his piece of shit car. You're not alone but just remember how much of a better person you are than he is. Any person that treats a person that lowly is so beneath you.
Aphrodite11 wrote:
I know we say we attract all this, but come  on!!!! are we supposed to say others are not accountable for their actions!!!!!!!
I personally don't believe we attract everything that happens at all....and I consider remote seduction like Lanies techniques to be something separate than the law of attraction.
I have full belief in remote seduction/influence.
I had great success with that but haven't written my success story yet as my feelings are very conflicted on what happened.....but I think it makes sense that we can communicate to people telepathically.
Aphrodite11 wrote:
I cried suddenly today morning when i had the memory of the night he broke up with me.
I was crying and he quickly fell asleep right after breaking up with me. What a pleasure it must have been for him!!!!
I will definitely vent out someday. I will do it when the time is right.
But till then I will follow the advices you girls have given.Â
I need to do this for myself. I am waiting for that day when I won't think of him even once in 24 hours, not for him but for ME.
I hope I will be fine one day. One day I just won't give a fuck!!!!
A few days after the break up I was talking to God and I just said one thing "Give me the strength to deal with all this pain I am going through" I actually asked for it. And I found it. I am glad I haven't gone utterly bonkers. Ask and you shall receive. I received.
Thank you all for guiding me!!!!
You will get there, i promise!
*Big hugs*
I cried suddenly today morning when i had the memory of the night he broke up with me.
I was crying and he quickly fell asleep right after breaking up with me. What a pleasure it must have been for him!!!!
I will definitely vent out someday. I will do it when the time is right.
But till then I will follow the advices you girls have given.Â
I need to do this for myself. I am waiting for that day when I won't think of him even once in 24 hours, not for him but for ME.
I hope I will be fine one day. One day I just won't give a fuck!!!!
A few days after the break up I was talking to God and I just said one thing "Give me the strength to deal with all this pain I am going through" I actually asked for it. And I found it. I am glad I haven't gone utterly bonkers. Ask and you shall receive. I received.
Thank you all for guiding me!!!!
Hey Aphrodite11,
This is very good that you do not want to consciously choose the victimhood path, and are doing your best to steer clear of that.
I understand your pain, and I by no means wish to play it down or invalidate it, but I think comparing your ex (fault wise) to murderers is going a bit too far. I know he hurt you - but unless he actually physically abused you I would not put him in with that group.
He might be immature and have his own shit going, but he is not responsible for anyone`s attachment to him. And I hope you will see it as an empowering thing, because that is the only way I mean it!!! To me it means NO ONE controls your feelings.
All the "teachers" like Bashar, Abraham and such have said it many times over, that freeing anyone who wronged you of blame does not equal letting them off the hook and letting them go. You only free yourself up - also of the guilt, which is just a distortion. (God/universe/or whatever seems comftb to you) does not judge you. We judge ourselves.
You might incorporate some form of punishment as a way of retribution to victims/protecting other people, but the ones that are forced by court (for murder, theft, etc) don`t usually go with actual regret on the part of the perpetrator - unless they magically develop empathy and sympathy ASAP. And this is what I think you ultimately want from your man, a HEARTFELT apology. And for it to be heartfelt - I think it cannot be forced...
And just my own 5 cents - I really dont think venting to him is going to make him regret what he has done and say what you wanna hear. People don`t react well to aggressive force (emotional, or physical) and usually it pushes them further into defensive/aggressive state. If I were in your shoes (and I am in a way, as I am in a similar place, like most of us here) I would just "walk away", meaning cut contact, lest the mental contact. If he ever gets ready to ask for your forgiveness then you can tell him openly all the ways in which he has hurt you. Otherwise I think it will fall on deaf ears.
Tell him that in your mind for now.
And as a last note - I am sending you a big hug!!! I know how very tough it gets sometimes, and I truly think that all our attempts to heal ourselves and our relationships and take control of our emotions are deserving of massive respect!!!!!
I am a queen,Â
that's what I believe too. Few days before the break up, during the break up and after it, he treated me badly.
If he thinks he has the right to do that and I should take it, then he should be prepared to whatever I say to him and whatever way I treat him!!!!
If you think you have the right for whatever reasons to kick someone below the belt, be prepared to be kicked back!!!!
No matter what mental and physical condition you were in when you kicked them (except self defense).
And this sack of shit man whore had no right to do that and he definitely didn't do it in self defense.
The regret of venting out now (to show him that I am not some weak girl who takes shit and to make him realise what I did) is what is holding me back so far.
That regret is the reason why I haven't vented out yet.
You might really regret venting on him later, so suggest you try writing him the letter now since this issue is weighing heavily on you.. and / or use PW to communicate with him. Try it and see how you feel afterwards.
If you havent tried the scripting challenge yet i recommend that too.
Aphrodite11 wrote:
I am queen,Â
I agree with you. Who the fuck do these people think they are to do anything they want to their partners and expect them to just take it?
I have done that to a friend of mine who offended me once. I was quiet for a few years and then one fine day, out of blue, I just lashed out horribly (I stood up for myself), he was utterly shocked and felt offended by that but then he stopped replying. A year later we spoke and he said that he stopped replying because he realised what a horrible thing he did and he apologised for that. He said that he thought about it, that if I was reacting with so much anger, then it must be something very bad and he found his actions horrible too.
I had a friend once who insulted women in general once by saying something very offensive about women. I was too young and I didn't say anything at that time. Then after three years I called him up and verbally abused the fuck out f him for verbally abusing women. I called him a man slut, man whore, gigolo. He apologised saying he knew he made a mistake, we stopped talking and after many months, out of blue he apologised again.
But I am unsure here. You see when I say I want to protect my reputation, I wasn't talking about impressing him, what I actually want to say is what aligemini said. I sometimes think, me lashing out right now will only convince that piece of shit that he made the right decision. Also I might regret lashing out later. That happens. We burst out but then we regret. But don't you think I should at some point some day? And yes, standing up for ourselves is one of the bravest things we can do.Â
The fact that u wanna lash out shows he's done something so big to have hurt u this bad !! And another thing is when he's done something so bad still I'm sure u put up with it for a very long time until u couldn't anymore so if u can put up with that for so long he sure SHOULD PUT UP WITH YOU VENTING OUT !! 😊
Since many days this has been happening to me. I get sudden urges to call him and lash out. And being an impulsive person, only I know how I am controlling myself.
Last night I had an urge stronger than usual and I thought I might end up doing a mistake by either calling him or by not calling him that's why I posted it here. I really needed someone to stop me from calling him if it is a bad decision. And stop me from not calling if it's a bad decision too.
I really needed that help.
You see these pieces of shit do not understand what we go through and why we lash out. They just blame us again and think they did the right thing by leaving us because they are so selfish that they expect us to understand them while we go through so much pain yet they refuse to understand us.
I could have shared this with my mom but being emotionally attached to me she would have told me to do it or done it herself.
I made the right decision by posting here because people here are neutral and hence answer more rationally. Also you people have experience in certain things, hence you people speak from those experiences too and that helps me.
I wouldn't call myself a victim. I refuse to play a victim. I do not in anyway appreciate the victim mentality.
I do agree when some of you say that we attract these things to ourselves. If we attracted the negative, we can attract the positive too. I really do understand that it's our thoughts that attract such situations. And I admit that this is the result of my thinking I had in past a few years before I met my ex. That's what made me realise that yes I attracted this situation even if I thought like that few years ago. What we think turns into reality. It may not happen immediately, it may take a few years but it does.
But are we to say that these people are in no way responsible for what happens?
If that's the case then let's set all the rapists (male as well as female) free. Let's set all the pedophiles free.
Why kill Ted Bundy? Why kill Jefery Dahmer? Why kill Aileen Wournos?
I agree that it is upto us to decide whether we give the power to someone to hurt us or not is upto us.
To be hurt or not is upto me. Sure other can hurt me but whether I want to take the hurt or not is my decision.
But are we going to say that if I stab you and you bleed, it's your fault? That if it leaves a physical and emotional scar it's your fault? Same goes for emotional attacks too.
I am queen,Â
I agree with you. Who the fuck do these people think they are to do anything they want to their partners and expect them to just take it?
I have done that to a friend of mine who offended me once. I was quiet for a few years and then one fine day, out of blue, I just lashed out horribly (I stood up for myself), he was utterly shocked and felt offended by that but then he stopped replying. A year later we spoke and he said that he stopped replying because he realised what a horrible thing he did and he apologised for that. He said that he thought about it, that if I was reacting with so much anger, then it must be something very bad and he found his actions horrible too.
I had a friend once who insulted women in general once by saying something very offensive about women. I was too young and I didn't say anything at that time. Then after three years I called him up and verbally abused the fuck out f him for verbally abusing women. I called him a man slut, man whore, gigolo. He apologised saying he knew he made a mistake, we stopped talking and after many months, out of blue he apologised again.
But I am unsure here. You see when I say I want to protect my reputation, I wasn't talking about impressing him, what I actually want to say is what aligemini said. I sometimes think, me lashing out right now will only convince that piece of shit that he made the right decision. Also I might regret lashing out later. That happens. We burst out but then we regret. But don't you think I should at some point some day? And yes, standing up for ourselves is one of the bravest things we can do.Â
I really want to forgive him.
I have always forgiven people in my life because I believe people deserve to be forgiven NO MATTER WHAT THEY Do, I believe not forgiving is evil and no good comes out of it.
But this time I actually want to forgive for the peace of my mind. By not forgiving and forgetting, I am hurting myself and no one else.
Okay I have this "problem". Many times I suddenly remember what someone did to me in past (even something that was done years ago)Â and I will suddenly get very very angry remembering those things. Trust me I do not want to remember them because I am the one who suffers after remembering them. I don't know why this happens.
My father was an alcoholic and a man whore. And mom was a loser who neglected me to please him.
My parents abused me a lot emotionally and physically. I was abused verbally and physically just for forgetting little tiny tasks (what kid doesn't forget?). They did many more horrible things to me and my brother. Fucking child abusers!!!!!!!
I really lashed out at my mom to tell her how I felt because of what they both did to me and my brother. She now realises what they did to us and regrets it.
But I still forgive her.
I admit there are occasional moments when I want there to be a day where my ex calls me, begs me, cries for me and tells me what a horrible thing he did.
But what I truly want is a day where the thought of him does not cross my mind even once. I am waiting for that day when I don't care about him and I don't think about him, not to get back at him, but for my peace of mind and happiness.