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    11/02/2016 7:56 am

    Not sure whether it is good advice, but when a negative core belief comes up for me I feel physical discomfort in my solar plexus.  Our emotions are our guide so I know that the feeling is warning me this belief does not serve me.  Then I really feel the emotion in my solar plexus, sometimes it can get quite overwhelming but I keep feeling it without attachment. Eventually it subsides and it is then that I let it go and then affirm silently in my head what I prefer to be true. 

    For example when you think about working in the bank.  If a physical feeling of discomfort arises in you, rather than pushing it away, invite it in and really feel it. This is your body telling you that the belief does not serve you.  When it subsides, let it go and then affirm what you prefer. When it's a deep rooted core belief, I have to do this often on the same subject.  I

    I've found meditation really helps (I practice at least once a day), in bringing core beliefs to the surface.  It can feel awful, but once you acknowledge and let go, you can really start to change your life.

    11/01/2016 1:05 pm

    Jag123 wrote:

    Whenever I am surrounded by negative people, I always remind myself that I have attracted them into my experience and they are reflecting some hidden belief that I have in myself.  Your friend is is just reflecting to you thoughts that you have.  If you are honest with yourself deep down you probably do have doubts about whether you will get to work at that specific bank or get that specific person.  Your friend is just reflecting that back at you. I agree with the others, that staying away from her will help you re-gain equilibrium on both subjects, but you also need to do the work on understanding what your core beliefs really are.  When you start to shift these, the universe will start to send you signs that you are in alignment with your dreams.  Your friend is simply a sign of your current vibration.

    Yep, I agree with you completely. If i am honest with myself I do have these doubts deep inside which i do try to push back and ignore. I found this article on shifting beliefs
    Anyone has any other good advice on how to shift core beliefs?

    11/01/2016 7:40 am

    Whenever I am surrounded by negative people, I always remind myself that I have attracted them into my experience and they are reflecting some hidden belief that I have in myself.  Your friend is is just reflecting to you thoughts that you have.  If you are honest with yourself deep down you probably do have doubts about whether you will get to work at that specific bank or get that specific person.  Your friend is just reflecting that back at you. I agree with the others, that staying away from her will help you re-gain equilibrium on both subjects, but you also need to do the work on understanding what your core beliefs really are.  When you start to shift these, the universe will start to send you signs that you are in alignment with your dreams.  Your friend is simply a sign of your current vibration.

    11/01/2016 4:36 am

    Lillian30 wrote:

    Don't talk about him with her. Sorry, you will have to either find a like minded friend who excepts what you are doing or continue to let her negative influence seep in and destroy your efforts. If I ever told my bff what I was doing here, she would have told me I was living in a fantasy world and I will never meet him. I have met him all by his suggestion and thank goodness I had brought another like minded friend with me who believed in me and wasn't there to squash my dream.

    I have decided to not speak about him or the bank to anyone but you guys here. Also, I have really started to think as if i am with him and working at that bank..i was doing well until that and that he blocked me on whatsapp suddenly.

    10/30/2016 7:11 pm

    Don't talk about him with her. Sorry, you will have to either find a like minded friend who excepts what you are doing or continue to let her negative influence seep in and destroy your efforts. If I ever told my bff what I was doing here, she would have told me I was living in a fantasy world and I will never meet him. I have met him all by his suggestion and thank goodness I had brought another like minded friend with me who believed in me and wasn't there to squash my dream.

    10/30/2016 9:30 am

    Thanks a lot for the responses.
    People think that by watching the Secret or reading here and there but not practicing it then they that friend of mine who knows about LOA but i guess isn't a believer like i am and LOA is a fact and i don't want to hear it is not..I guess coz i am frustrated that i still haven't achieved what i want esp. the specific bank I let others influence me.Ok, I guess i am not a 100% believer myself like the great LOA achievers

    I am feeling negative and it pisses me off that i am letting others influence me. I have been reading this forum and other LOA stuff and I know that we can create the life that we want. I see no reason why for example i shouldn't work at that SPECIFIC bank. That is what i want. I don't want this or something better. I want this! If it turns out for some reason not to be the best for me then I will create a new reality for myself.
    Also, with that guy...things change. I also got divorce (years ago) and I never thought I would..he also nearly got a divorce (not coz of me we were NC during that time) anything is possible and when we were in NC i didn't stop thinking about us together and even going to a movie together and we did when he separated from his wife.  And, i never thought they were not happy. So, anything is possible.
    I am so trying to ignore current reality and concentrate on the reality that i do want. I should really stop discussing him or the bank and if i want to talk about it then write it here or to myself.
    I need to watch something funny!

    10/30/2016 3:59 am

    Sorry collie, perhaps avoid her temporarily if you can. I know friends think they mean well but a lot of them don't understand what we practice so their well intended advice may be in opposition of our goals.

    10/29/2016 4:55 pm

    I get how someone not believing in your desire or methods can sometimes get you down.....but you have to be okay with it and continue in what you believe in and what you want!

    Im pretty sure there are people who do not believe that LOA works. Some say its just dumb and that you can not have some control over your life and future. But that does not stop the people who have had so much success using LOA. Or Pw or BWD! 

    As long as you know what you want and feel good about how your doing it then it dont matter what anyone says. Take it with a grain of salt and dismiss it!


    10/29/2016 3:37 pm


    So, i know that you shouldn't talk about your desires too much and should rather write them down. However, today i met a friend of mine that knows my desires and I haven't seen her in a long time.
    She does support me working again at the specific bank that I want but also said to look at other companies.
    How do I get this job? I am starting to feel frustrated and it is not good.

    Also, about my guy she told me to forget about him. On the one hand she is right since he isn't available however, on the other hand anything is possible. She says that I am stuck coz of him and not meeting other guys. 
    I want him and i know I want him.  This bought my energy a bit down but i quickly told myself to ignore it and concentrate on the reality that i want.
    I do want a relationship but I want it with him. I don't want to grow old and be alone but I do want him.
     I have never felt so much chemistry and trust and attraction towards another guy...not even my ex-husband (who is a wonderful person)or an ex-boyfriend of 5 years (he was so bad for me) and nobody makes me laugh like him and nobody made me nervous around him after knowing him for so long and sometimes when he is around i start sweating (embarrassing)!
    What would you do?


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