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    11/02/2016 11:42 am

    MissFlip wrote:

    I had lots of little winks from the universe this morning, in the space of 3 hours I saw about 7 of the same type of his car,2 were identical and the rest were the same type and colour just with a different back on and it's quite a big newish expensive car he has

    Love it!!!

    11/02/2016 9:28 am

    I had lots of little winks from the universe this morning, in the space of 3 hours I saw about 7 of the same type of his car,2 were identical and the rest were the same type and colour just with a different back on and it's quite a big newish expensive car he has

    11/02/2016 7:30 am

    I think this is catching, because I ended up having a drink with a guy who I know has the hots for me last night. We had a lovely time and while it is purely platonic for me, I was reminded of how it felt to be admired and treated like a lady!  These little winks from the universe are wonderful for keeping us on track. 

    I'm looking forward to seeing you post more of these as well!

    11/01/2016 11:40 am

    MissFlip wrote:

    How's about this for a possitive sign,just been to pick my little girl up and stopped at the shop in the village, my man has a certain time of animal and allover the shop was pictures of his animal staring back at me and now I'm home I've just had a look on Facebook (not at him) and there's the most gorgeous picture of an animal like his with a huge loveheart marking on its head

    Love it!  The momentum is set to continue in the right direction!! 

    11/01/2016 11:26 am

    How's about this for a possitive sign,just been to pick my little girl up and stopped at the shop in the village, my man has a certain time of animal and allover the shop was pictures of his animal staring back at me and now I'm home I've just had a look on Facebook (not at him) and there's the most gorgeous picture of an animal like his with a huge loveheart marking on its head

    11/01/2016 11:13 am

    Well said Jag123! Totally agree...


    11/01/2016 10:03 am

    Me too.  It's easy to forget the main purpose of all of this is to empower ourselves which in turn gets the boy. He's secondary lol! Focus can get skewed and then you read an amazing story like MissFlip's.  She is a powerful reminder that true success is finding that centred place from which everything else springs -  including the ex.  She's getting there and doing so well! 

    11/01/2016 9:46 am

    So happy to read this thread <3

    11/01/2016 9:07 am

    MissFlip, this actually made me want to cry.  You are truly inspirational, to go through dark times and to come out the other side, still working on yourself  -  amazing.  It's so hard to acknowledge what is in you is making awful situations come abut, especially when it seems other people have it so easy.  I often have dark times when I feel like that.  I too  had no self respect, and acted like a psycho, and had to hit rock bottom before things started to change.  It's an awful place to be isn't it?

    Do you feel that your outlook is changing as a person as you do this work on yourself?  Also have you started to question why  you want that relationship with that particular person?

    Thank you so much for the offer to message you, I'll take you up on that x

    11/01/2016 8:46 am

    Jag123 wrote:

    You are my inspiration for today!  When you personally know you have turned a corner it's such a wonderful feeling.  I can't wait to be where you are.  Congratulations on your progress xx

    Thankyou, I'm so happy I've helped you a little bit,if you want to talk feel free to message me.
    I've been through a lot and been in some very dark places but I can finally see a flicker of a light at the end of the tunnel.i was the psycho ex girlfriend who did everything that I shouldn't have done and I know I had no self respect when it came to men,not just the one I'm on here for but for all previous exs and doing soul searching and working on my demons was something I really didn't want to do but bit by bit I'm getting through it all,and if I can do it anyone can and I still have no doubt at all that my man will be back soon xx

    11/01/2016 8:27 am

    You are my inspiration for today!  When you personally know you have turned a corner it's such a wonderful feeling.  I can't wait to be where you are.  Congratulations on your progress xx

    11/01/2016 7:55 am

    Jag123 wrote:

    I love stories like this! You are in alignment and have manifested proof all around you!  I have always found in the past when you can make a decision easily on a subject that would have previously troubled you, you have expanded.  Also that you don't have the urge to check his facebook like a crazy woman, means you have expanded where he is concerned and that sounds like a success story in itself to me.  Well done you!

    Thankyou that's means a lot,I realised a long time ago that constantly checking his Facebook was doing ME no good at all (I know I had him blocked but I had a old account that I could use,I know I'm a total stalker Haha).
    It's like something just clicked so ages ago I just stopped looking and after feeling like it was time for a few weeks I just unblocked him today,there is no urge at all to look or check and if he does feel that he has to block me on there aswell then I'm not bothered because it was something I had to do for me.
    He's still 100% the person I want but he's not 100% on my mind constantly anymore,I have so much going on at the moment and I'm actually excited about everything that's happening and I'm grateful for the time to finally get things in order and actually do things for me

    11/01/2016 7:28 am

    I love stories like this! You are in alignment and have manifested proof all around you!  I have always found in the past when you can make a decision easily on a subject that would have previously troubled you, you have expanded.  Also that you don't have the urge to check his facebook like a crazy woman, means you have expanded where he is concerned and that sounds like a success story in itself to me.  Well done you!

    11/01/2016 5:32 am

    I've been thinking about this for a long time and while I'm in the process of getting the old me back i know I'm not the kind of person to play games and keeping him blocked on social media was starting to feel like I was.ive not even looked at his profile nor do I feel the need to and I don't think I'll look in the future because it doesn't matter.I needed to do this for me because I'm a good person.

    Also had some more good manifestations coming in,found money while on holiday,been given a free computer and printer with new ink,had a party to go to but really couldn't afford the fuel to get there and out of the blue my neighbour has asked if I'll wait for a delivery while she's at work so I now don't have to use my car.had a old male friend message me for no apparent reason last night (he did once when drunk say he'd like to see me).

    So lots of possitive things still happening and I'm feeling great

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