DC wrote:
One other thing I will add, I can't remember the source but I think it might be Amargi Hillier that talked about keeping your imagination "simple" for quicker manifestation. He talks about using what I would consider bland backdrops. If you imagine you and your love going somewhere exotic on a diving excursion and having a grand time, and neither of you are interested in diving at this time, just as an example, the universe needs to create more circumstances to which we may have resistance etc. so to imagine you going for a hike with your love and having a lovely conversation would be easier to manifest than something exotic that requires more time or might encounter more resistance as it lines up. The other thing is not to make one manifestation dependent on another, as it is harder to manifest. For example, if you are in an apartment now, and you visualize yourself driving a Ferrari and living in a mansion in another country with your love, it's said to take longer. I don't know if this helps anything but I just thought about it, so I'm throwing it out there.
Ah I'd never thought of it like that! My situation is that he is in another Country but before things went wrong and he took up with "her" he was talking about getting a visa to come over and visit, so this is what I have been using in my visualisation, him coming here and me going back over there after!
DC wrote:
There is a book called the forbidden parapsychology that gives the analogy that these techniques are like water drops filling a bucket, and when the bucket is full, the full on manifestation occurs. Similar methods are discussed, but the writer says that even though each time you reach out, the recipient gets feelings, it takes time for the feelings to fully set. Then depending on the persons fears, resistance, openness, it might take shorter or longer. If you employ the methods habitually, then the person can break through resistance if they have it. So as long as you're feeling good, you are simply adding more drops to the bucket.
Thanks DC I'm going to have a look for that book and give it a read. I have read similar things about this before probably on here and it makes sense, so i'll keep on feeling good, keep my vibration up and adding more drops to that bucket
One other thing I will add, I can't remember the source but I think it might be Amargi Hillier that talked about keeping your imagination "simple" for quicker manifestation. He talks about using what I would consider bland backdrops. If you imagine you and your love going somewhere exotic on a diving excursion and having a grand time, and neither of you are interested in diving at this time, just as an example, the universe needs to create more circumstances to which we may have resistance etc. so to imagine you going for a hike with your love and having a lovely conversation would be easier to manifest than something exotic that requires more time or might encounter more resistance as it lines up. The other thing is not to make one manifestation dependent on another, as it is harder to manifest. For example, if you are in an apartment now, and you visualize yourself driving a Ferrari and living in a mansion in another country with your love, it's said to take longer. I don't know if this helps anything but I just thought about it, so I'm throwing it out there.
There is a book called the forbidden parapsychology that gives the analogy that these techniques are like water drops filling a bucket, and when the bucket is full, the full on manifestation occurs. Similar methods are discussed, but the writer says that even though each time you reach out, the recipient gets feelings, it takes time for the feelings to fully set. Then depending on the persons fears, resistance, openness, it might take shorter or longer. If you employ the methods habitually, then the person can break through resistance if they have it. So as long as you're feeling good, you are simply adding more drops to the bucket.
One night I was looking at my vision board, wearing a fake engagement ring, wearing an essential oil, had just finished reading over my list from "The Little Red Book" and was about to put on my headphones to listen to either PW or BWD and thought, "What the hell am I doing? I'm crazy, doing all this stuff and seeing nothing in return.I should just give up"
It wasn't that much longer, like about a month that he contacted me after 5 months of no contact saying he wanted to see me again. So I felt like I was doing way too many things but it did work.
Unfortunately he hasn't contacted me since then though, since the end of September. But if it worked once it can work again. Once he wrote me I had to tell him about some thing and maybe he didn't like hearing it but I don't know...I don't know why he's not writing me again. I feel just as strongly connected to him now in the visualizations as I did during those 5 months so I just know this isn't it for good.
Sushi wrote:
What is CTC?
Cutting the cord Sushi
What is CTC?
emmiline wrote:
Hi daisychain, i dont think too much is possible.
What you might want to be mindful of is burnout on your part. As long as you feel good and it doesnt start feeling like a chore you should be fine.
Thanks emmiline, at the moment I feel good doing them and it helps with my vibration and feeling positive. If it starts feeling like a chore then I will reign it back a bit and do what feels right for me.
Hi daisychain, i dont think too much is possible.
What you might want to be mindful of is burnout on your part. As long as you feel good and it doesnt start feeling like a chore you should be fine.
Can you do too much visualisation on your target?
Is it okay to CTC followed by PW every night on him with an occasional BWD thrown in instead of PW? Is this too much and can it confuse him? Sorry if this is a daft question!
I also like to do the Soul Linking Part 1 heart chakras every now and then as i like the comfort feeling it gives me of being connected.
Am I overdoing things???