Aphrodite11 wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Oasiscalm wrote:
That's great. And I glad you got something from both responses.
Keep staying focused on what you want.It's crazy that I was so positive yesterday morning and in the evening I was crying just because he didn't text me until evening and then he told me he had to work and was online in whatsapp the whole time ... then I immediately start to think he's messaging another girl ... he didn't even wish me a good night eventhough one day before he wrote me in the morning, even wanted to visit me to cuddle and watching movies, wrote me the whole day and wished me a good night with a kiss smiley... it's so stupid ... as soon as he isn't reacting the way I'm expecting I'm going crazy in my mind. Yesterday I wanted to wrote him that he probably doesn't have much to do if he's online in whatsapp all the time... but luckily I wrote my friend instead and kept my mouth shut lol. At least I learned that i shouldn't write him if I'm in such a crazy mood...
I don't know guys everytime the crazy thoughts come in my head i can't keep my focus anymore eventhough the day before I was soooo positive and was sooo happy. Yesterday I really thought about just giving up ... that he's in contact with other girls is killing me ... he's single so I can't stop him from doing that but I hate it ...
and then he's sending me today a happy 'Nikolaus' day (is like Santa Claus but not a Christmas Day just a day where you also get some presents ^^) with a kiss smiley ... i wish so much he visits me tonight ... it would just give me some hope .. what I really need right now...See? This is something you need to work on. So what if he didn't say good night? So what if he talks to other girls? So what if he doesn't text even for a full day?
Every once in a while, there used to be one day when my and me we both couldn't even text each other because we were busy, especially him. And if he used to not text, I used to not bother him or even text first. He couldn't stay without contacting me for more than a day though. His best friend is a girl. I don't know why but these things never bothered me. You can reach this place too. You are perfectly capable of being a composed, secure person.
Just because you see someone is online on whatsapp doesn't mean someone is using whatsapp for all that time. A boy said to me one that he ses me online but I don't reply. He couldn't wait for twenty minutes. I told him that just because I am online doesn't mean I am using one specific application. I use internet for playing games, surfing net, kindle, etc. Sometimes I just leave internet on and keep phone aside doing other things. I am not not glued to whatsapp. His behaviour irritated me and I thought that this boy is an adult male, does he not have the common sense to understand this? Am I supposed to explain this to him ? I know I shouldn't have thought like this, I was wrong. But still can you see that it irritates people?
And dear, it's good that you saw him online and didn't text him but you can do so many other things instead of just being on social media. Mostly social media is a waste of time. There are other things too. Years ago people easily spent their time without such things.
You see, you were crying over silly things. The world hasn't ended because he didn't text good night. You are constantly worried that he will start being with some other girl. See worrying about it will lead to it.
You know, you are doing so well with PW/BWD. I actually like it that you have done so well. You have a contact with him and things are progressing but these things are hindering it. Work on yourself. A lot. He is yours and only yours. There is only one girl in his life and that's you.
Wow thanks so much Aphrodite! That came with perfect timing. Tomorrow we will go to the movies to watch moana. But the last few days I really started to worry a lot again but you're so right that's the only thing which is holding me back from my end result... i have to stop this and shouldn't stalk him if he's online or not. He has so many friends and stuff I shouldn't always think about him dating other girls. Deep in my heart I know that he only wants me and I'm the best he ever could have. These days I always remember the sentence he said as we dated regularly 'you're everything I ever wanted what should I'm searching then?' And it's true no other girl will be like me and he knows that, that's the reason he always comes back. I just have to stay calm and focused and he's mine )
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Oasiscalm wrote:
That's great. And I glad you got something from both responses.
Keep staying focused on what you want.It's crazy that I was so positive yesterday morning and in the evening I was crying just because he didn't text me until evening and then he told me he had to work and was online in whatsapp the whole time ... then I immediately start to think he's messaging another girl ... he didn't even wish me a good night eventhough one day before he wrote me in the morning, even wanted to visit me to cuddle and watching movies, wrote me the whole day and wished me a good night with a kiss smiley... it's so stupid ... as soon as he isn't reacting the way I'm expecting I'm going crazy in my mind. Yesterday I wanted to wrote him that he probably doesn't have much to do if he's online in whatsapp all the time... but luckily I wrote my friend instead and kept my mouth shut lol. At least I learned that i shouldn't write him if I'm in such a crazy mood...
I don't know guys everytime the crazy thoughts come in my head i can't keep my focus anymore eventhough the day before I was soooo positive and was sooo happy. Yesterday I really thought about just giving up ... that he's in contact with other girls is killing me ... he's single so I can't stop him from doing that but I hate it ...
and then he's sending me today a happy 'Nikolaus' day (is like Santa Claus but not a Christmas Day just a day where you also get some presents ^^) with a kiss smiley ... i wish so much he visits me tonight ... it would just give me some hope .. what I really need right now...
See? This is something you need to work on. So what if he didn't say good night? So what if he talks to other girls? So what if he doesn't text even for a full day?
Every once in a while, there used to be one day when my and me we both couldn't even text each other because we were busy, especially him. And if he used to not text, I used to not bother him or even text first. He couldn't stay without contacting me for more than a day though. His best friend is a girl. I don't know why but these things never bothered me. You can reach this place too. You are perfectly capable of being a composed, secure person.
Just because you see someone is online on whatsapp doesn't mean someone is using whatsapp for all that time. A boy said to me one that he ses me online but I don't reply. He couldn't wait for twenty minutes. I told him that just because I am online doesn't mean I am using one specific application. I use internet for playing games, surfing net, kindle, etc. Sometimes I just leave internet on and keep phone aside doing other things. I am not not glued to whatsapp. His behaviour irritated me and I thought that this boy is an adult male, does he not have the common sense to understand this? Am I supposed to explain this to him ? I know I shouldn't have thought like this, I was wrong. But still can you see that it irritates people?
And dear, it's good that you saw him online and didn't text him but you can do so many other things instead of just being on social media. Mostly social media is a waste of time. There are other things too. Years ago people easily spent their time without such things.
You see, you were crying over silly things. The world hasn't ended because he didn't text good night. You are constantly worried that he will start being with some other girl. See worrying about it will lead to it.
You know, you are doing so well with PW/BWD. I actually like it that you have done so well. You have a contact with him and things are progressing but these things are hindering it. Work on yourself. A lot. He is yours and only yours. There is only one girl in his life and that's you.
Oasiscalm wrote:
That's great. And I glad you got something from both responses.
Keep staying focused on what you want.
It's crazy that I was so positive yesterday morning and in the evening I was crying just because he didn't text me until evening and then he told me he had to work and was online in whatsapp the whole time ... then I immediately start to think he's messaging another girl ... he didn't even wish me a good night eventhough one day before he wrote me in the morning, even wanted to visit me to cuddle and watching movies, wrote me the whole day and wished me a good night with a kiss smiley... it's so stupid ... as soon as he isn't reacting the way I'm expecting I'm going crazy in my mind. Yesterday I wanted to wrote him that he probably doesn't have much to do if he's online in whatsapp all the time... but luckily I wrote my friend instead and kept my mouth shut lol. At least I learned that i shouldn't write him if I'm in such a crazy mood...
I don't know guys everytime the crazy thoughts come in my head i can't keep my focus anymore eventhough the day before I was soooo positive and was sooo happy. Yesterday I really thought about just giving up ... that he's in contact with other girls is killing me ... he's single so I can't stop him from doing that but I hate it ...
and then he's sending me today a happy 'Nikolaus' day (is like Santa Claus but not a Christmas Day just a day where you also get some presents ^^) with a kiss smiley ... i wish so much he visits me tonight ... it would just give me some hope .. what I really need right now...
That's great. And I glad you got something from both responses.
Keep staying focused on what you want.
Oasiscalm wrote:
Aphrodite11 wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
You're right guess I should act like I don't care and focus more on myself ... if I'm going on to be so clingy he probably never want to meet up again...Do you notice something?
You are upset that he hasn't met you since your last encounter, that he texts you but doesn't meet you? He is a human and he has to work to feed himself and fulfill his basic needs, he has other people too (friends, family) in his life apart from you whom he values and with whom he might want to maintain a healthy relationship?
Is he supposed to completely ignore, devalue and leave them and just be with only one person 24x7? They have a place too in his life just as you have a special place in his life.
We all have multiple people who have their places in our lives.
From what I read above, you appear to be desperate, needy and yes very clingy. Somewhat emotionally dependent on him. And as mentioned by others this is a huge turn off for most people. I personally do not feel like spending any time with clingy people and I end up being irritated by them. I have had experiences with clingy men.
Trust me it's extremely vexing.
You could clearly see he had work and people become tired after working for long, don't the? It's common sense. The reason I am mentioning common sense here is because I used to end up thinking "doesn't he/she have enough common sense to at least understand that I might be busy or occupied by something or I might not be in a mental/physical condition, etc, etc, etc". This was in past. Later I found out and understood that it was because of dependency, fear, insecurity, etc. And also had to attend the birthday of his friend, yet you ended up disappointed.
Now imagine some guy behaving with you the way you behave with him. Perhaps it will help you understand.
Don't "act as if you don't care". Work on uprooting that clingy behaviour out of you completely. Also dear why don't you enjoy your alone time you get with yourself when he doesn't end up meeting you? Why don't you see that it is actually an opportunity to do other things that you want to do? Why don't you take the advantage of that time?I'm going to have to completely disagree with shaming the OP that she is clingy.
Their last date was a month ago. Had she just had a date a few days and then asking for more time then I would agree. But it was a month since she last saw him. And she made arrangements to go to the sauna. And now she sees him going out with other people and fobbing her off with excuses of being tired.
Clearly he enjoys your company and interaction hence the daily communication. But if he isn't making the effort to see you more often then you have to accept at this current time what you desire he isn't ready for.
I wouldn't say you are being clingy. I would say however you are holding yourself in limbo waiting for him to change when its you who needs to change first.
You need to be complete believe that you can have the relationship you desire with him. And not look at your current reality as evidence that it's not happen.
Take a step back and get yourself aligned and positively expectant of getting your desires. To his actions now stop seeing the current reality of him not making the effort. Stop focusing on the unwanted and continue the techniques, be happy and lean back and observe the shift in him.
Thanks Oasiscalm I got a lot better since I posted this. I watched a lot of videos from Benthino Massaro and it was a really eye opener for me.
I try to ignore the reality and just hold on to my imagination that is MY reality and since that he's sooo much more nice and caring to me than before! He even wanted to visit me yesterday but I wasn't at home lmao.
But still I guess I'm back on track and know I can totally change my reality the way I want it to be
But Aphrodite isn't so wrong btw... In the past we even break because I was too clingy.. it's getting better now and I'm really working on that. But sometimes I still try to push things forward and he's someone who always breaks out then.
Aphrodite11 wrote:
Oasiscalm, once I asked on th forum how to bring about a change in others. When I asked the question I got a different answer. What I actually wanted to ask was how to bring about a change in them using LOA/PW, etc. I got the answer for that somewhere in another post.
But as I said, I got a different answer and that answer was "changing ourselves". I knew we have to change ourselves first in order to change the behaviour of others towards us. But I gradually learnt the other meaning of it too.
You have mentioned it here again. Thank you for that. Now whenever possible, I try to remember it.
It always comes back down to ourselves
It's the most difficult and easiest part of using LOA.
Instinctively we observe the other persons actions and we want to react and change them but we forget it's ourselves we need to focus on.
It's all within our power to change our reaction andnexpectations. It's a process which sometimes flows and other times more effort is needed
Oasiscalm, once I asked on th forum how to bring about a change in others. When I asked the question I got a different answer. What I actually wanted to ask was how to bring about a change in them using LOA/PW, etc. I got the answer for that somewhere in another post.
But as I said, I got a different answer and that answer was "changing ourselves". I knew we have to change ourselves first in order to change the behaviour of others towards us. But I gradually learnt the other meaning of it too.
You have mentioned it here again. Thank you for that. Now whenever possible, I try to remember it.
I was not trying to insult OP. If what I wrote appeared to be rude, then I apologize.
She must have been upset that she hadn't seen him in a month. But he still isn't her boyfriend and he has said he didn't want a relationship. He is without a doubt desiring her, he wants her but he still needs sometime to come back and he will. And people do end up being too busy sometimes and become very exhausted. Although if he didn't inform her that he was stuck in work and won't be able to make it then it's not fair to her. As far as him attending the birthday party and visiting his best friend, doesn't he need to give time to other people too? She isn't his top priority yet. Soon she will be.
I agree that it can be very annoying to have plans cancelled because even OP must have made adjustments in her schedule to go to the sauna.
Aphrodite11 wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Piper wrote:
Just my 2 cents here, but seems as though you are being a bit too clingy. I won't generalize and say guys don't like that, but from my experience and having 5 older bro's...I'd say that's a turn-off. If you are having a bad day because you didn't see him (which I totally get), you maybe shouldn't let him know. Go have a good time and let him know that you can have fun without him around.
You're right guess I should act like I don't care and focus more on myself ... if I'm going on to be so clingy he probably never want to meet up again...
Do you notice something?
You are upset that he hasn't met you since your last encounter, that he texts you but doesn't meet you? He is a human and he has to work to feed himself and fulfill his basic needs, he has other people too (friends, family) in his life apart from you whom he values and with whom he might want to maintain a healthy relationship?
Is he supposed to completely ignore, devalue and leave them and just be with only one person 24x7? They have a place too in his life just as you have a special place in his life.
We all have multiple people who have their places in our lives.
From what I read above, you appear to be desperate, needy and yes very clingy. Somewhat emotionally dependent on him. And as mentioned by others this is a huge turn off for most people. I personally do not feel like spending any time with clingy people and I end up being irritated by them. I have had experiences with clingy men.
Trust me it's extremely vexing.
You could clearly see he had work and people become tired after working for long, don't the? It's common sense. The reason I am mentioning common sense here is because I used to end up thinking "doesn't he/she have enough common sense to at least understand that I might be busy or occupied by something or I might not be in a mental/physical condition, etc, etc, etc". This was in past. Later I found out and understood that it was because of dependency, fear, insecurity, etc. And also had to attend the birthday of his friend, yet you ended up disappointed.
Now imagine some guy behaving with you the way you behave with him. Perhaps it will help you understand.
Don't "act as if you don't care". Work on uprooting that clingy behaviour out of you completely. Also dear why don't you enjoy your alone time you get with yourself when he doesn't end up meeting you? Why don't you see that it is actually an opportunity to do other things that you want to do? Why don't you take the advantage of that time?
I'm going to have to completely disagree with shaming the OP that she is clingy.
Their last date was a month ago. Had she just had a date a few days and then asking for more time then I would agree. But it was a month since she last saw him. And she made arrangements to go to the sauna. And now she sees him going out with other people and fobbing her off with excuses of being tired.
Clearly he enjoys your company and interaction hence the daily communication. But if he isn't making the effort to see you more often then you have to accept at this current time what you desire he isn't ready for.
I wouldn't say you are being clingy. I would say however you are holding yourself in limbo waiting for him to change when its you who needs to change first.
You need to be complete believe that you can have the relationship you desire with him. And not look at your current reality as evidence that it's not happen.
Take a step back and get yourself aligned and positively expectant of getting your desires. To his actions now stop seeing the current reality of him not making the effort. Stop focusing on the unwanted and continue the techniques, be happy and lean back and observe the shift in him.
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Piper wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Hey wonderful people
I'm sooo confused right now... My love and me are still in a daily contact, he writes me everyday (I don't initiate the contact), we're playing our game (World of Warcraft lol) almost daily but except on one short visit (most of the time out of nowhere and no more than two hours) in a week I don't see him ... Since our 'date' almost one month ago we haven't done anything ... Last friday he thought about finally visit the sauna together but he had to stay at work for so long so we couldn't go. On Saturday he had to go on a birthday party and yesterday he spent some time with his best friend... I was disappointed and told him about it and he just said 'please don't be that way I wanted to go to the sauna with you on friday' 'I know but you still could have visit me' 'yeah I know but I was way too tired. That will change soon'.
Yesterday I was very pissed about that and went to bed early and said to him 'this wasn't a nice day just wanted to let you know that' 'why?' 'Don't want to talk about it I'm too tired' 'I'm sorry, if I've done anything wrong. Sleep well' I didn't even say good night to him and this morning he messaged me again, asking me how I slept and stuff..
I don't get it.. why is he texting me everyday but doesn't meet me? It makes me sad... :/
Just my 2 cents here, but seems as though you are being a bit too clingy. I won't generalize and say guys don't like that, but from my experience and having 5 older bro's...I'd say that's a turn-off. If you are having a bad day because you didn't see him (which I totally get), you maybe shouldn't let him know. Go have a good time and let him know that you can have fun without him around.
You're right guess I should act like I don't care and focus more on myself ... if I'm going on to be so clingy he probably never want to meet up again...
Do you notice something?
You are upset that he hasn't met you since your last encounter, that he texts you but doesn't meet you? He is a human and he has to work to feed himself and fulfill his basic needs, he has other people too (friends, family) in his life apart from you whom he values and with whom he might want to maintain a healthy relationship?
Is he supposed to completely ignore, devalue and leave them and just be with only one person 24x7? They have a place too in his life just as you have a special place in his life.
We all have multiple people who have their places in our lives.
From what I read above, you appear to be desperate, needy and yes very clingy. Somewhat emotionally dependent on him. And as mentioned by others this is a huge turn off for most people. I personally do not feel like spending any time with clingy people and I end up being irritated by them. I have had experiences with clingy men.
Trust me it's extremely vexing.
You could clearly see he had work and people become tired after working for long, don't the? It's common sense. The reason I am mentioning common sense here is because I used to end up thinking "doesn't he/she have enough common sense to at least understand that I might be busy or occupied by something or I might not be in a mental/physical condition, etc, etc, etc". This was in past. Later I found out and understood that it was because of dependency, fear, insecurity, etc. And also had to attend the birthday of his friend, yet you ended up disappointed.
Now imagine some guy behaving with you the way you behave with him. Perhaps it will help you understand.
Don't "act as if you don't care". Work on uprooting that clingy behaviour out of you completely. Also dear why don't you enjoy your alone time you get with yourself when he doesn't end up meeting you? Why don't you see that it is actually an opportunity to do other things that you want to do? Why don't you take the advantage of that time?
Avaelle wrote:
From my understanding, it is engraved in your mind that you'll never meet up with him. You also carry a sadness. You'll have to shake the sadness and actually believe and see yourself meeting up with him. Try having visuals of the meet ups happening
You should absolutely focus on yourself and continue with the visualizations. Sometimes we don't realize that we are forcing things. You'll be fine .
Avaelle wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Avaelle wrote:
From my understanding, it is engraved in your mind that you'll never meet up with him. You also carry a sadness. You'll have to shake the sadness and actually believe and see yourself meeting up with him. Try having visuals of the meet ups happening
Well actually I'm visualizing every night before to go to sleep and I'm scripting everyday ... don't know what else I could do
I know how you feel. All you really can do is be patient and know and truly believe that it will happen.
Thank so much avaelle guess you're right and I have to stop to try to push him to anything that doesn't help at all
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Avaelle wrote:
From my understanding, it is engraved in your mind that you'll never meet up with him. You also carry a sadness. You'll have to shake the sadness and actually believe and see yourself meeting up with him. Try having visuals of the meet ups happening
Well actually I'm visualizing every night before to go to sleep and I'm scripting everyday ... don't know what else I could do
I know how you feel. All you really can do is be patient and know and truly believe that it will happen.
Avaelle wrote:
From my understanding, it is engraved in your mind that you'll never meet up with him. You also carry a sadness. You'll have to shake the sadness and actually believe and see yourself meeting up with him. Try having visuals of the meet ups happening
Well actually I'm visualizing every night before to go to sleep and I'm scripting everyday ... don't know what else I could do
Piper wrote:
MadMoiselle87 wrote:
Hey wonderful people
I'm sooo confused right now... My love and me are still in a daily contact, he writes me everyday (I don't initiate the contact), we're playing our game (World of Warcraft lol) almost daily but except on one short visit (most of the time out of nowhere and no more than two hours) in a week I don't see him ... Since our 'date' almost one month ago we haven't done anything ... Last friday he thought about finally visit the sauna together but he had to stay at work for so long so we couldn't go. On Saturday he had to go on a birthday party and yesterday he spent some time with his best friend... I was disappointed and told him about it and he just said 'please don't be that way I wanted to go to the sauna with you on friday' 'I know but you still could have visit me' 'yeah I know but I was way too tired. That will change soon'.
Yesterday I was very pissed about that and went to bed early and said to him 'this wasn't a nice day just wanted to let you know that' 'why?' 'Don't want to talk about it I'm too tired' 'I'm sorry, if I've done anything wrong. Sleep well' I didn't even say good night to him and this morning he messaged me again, asking me how I slept and stuff..
I don't get it.. why is he texting me everyday but doesn't meet me? It makes me sad... :/
Just my 2 cents here, but seems as though you are being a bit too clingy. I won't generalize and say guys don't like that, but from my experience and having 5 older bro's...I'd say that's a turn-off. If you are having a bad day because you didn't see him (which I totally get), you maybe shouldn't let him know. Go have a good time and let him know that you can have fun without him around.
You're right guess I should act like I don't care and focus more on myself ... if I'm going on to be so clingy he probably never want to meet up again...