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    11/30/2016 9:00 am

    Awesome lady! Your dreams will come true.

    11/30/2016 12:20 am

    Sushi wrote:

    My situation is a little different than most on here, but the PW worked all the same. Haven't had much communication in the last 3 months. Tonight I called him and talked for about 15 minutes. Wasn't too deep of a conversation but it was loaded with tension. Not much was said, but one thing stood out. 

    He admitted fault. 

    This is huge. It's the one thing I could never get out of him before and it's what I focused a lot of his statements in PW on. I wanted him to take responsibility for the way things ended up. I'm sitting here over an hour after getting off the phone with him and I am still in shock. 

    It works, ladies. It really, really works. 

    I'm going to continue using it and working on him. 

    That's awesome sweetie!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    11/29/2016 10:24 pm

    My situation is a little different than most on here, but the PW worked all the same. Haven't had much communication in the last 3 months. Tonight I called him and talked for about 15 minutes. Wasn't too deep of a conversation but it was loaded with tension. Not much was said, but one thing stood out. 

    He admitted fault. 

    This is huge. It's the one thing I could never get out of him before and it's what I focused a lot of his statements in PW on. I wanted him to take responsibility for the way things ended up. I'm sitting here over an hour after getting off the phone with him and I am still in shock. 

    It works, ladies. It really, really works. 

    I'm going to continue using it and working on him. 

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