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    12/22/2016 2:35 am

    Thank you guys. Yeah he definitely knew it was my birthday, it was all over facebook... Yesterday an unexpected thing happened, I ran into him and his new girl, which was sooo weird because we live in a big city! But I'' so glad I did run into them because now I know that maybe I don't even want him anymore because I didn't feel anything when I saw them together! Uhh thank you Universe for helping me realise!

    12/20/2016 2:35 am

    aligemini wrote:

    Where did you go wrong. You said it in the first line "I was really hoping". You must wholeheartedly believe and then let it go

    Really true. Hoping brings nothings. In fact if you notice things happen when we give up the hope. Perhaps because that's when we let go.

    12/20/2016 2:25 am

    Belated happy birthday!!!!!!

    Now as much as possible avoid being upset about it. My ex didn't wish me either. Now after a few months I am fine. In a few weeks you will be too. Relax. Since you didn't like how it went, just script your birthday the way you would have wanted it to go. Feel the pleasure of it. Replace it with what you would have wanted.

    12/19/2016 8:55 pm

    Happy Birthday!!!  

    Did you meditate/manifest in advance on him doing something special for you or were you just hoping something would happen on its own?  Did he know it was your B-Day?  Did he wish you Happy B-Day or spend that day with you in the past?  Perhaps he just forgot.

    12/19/2016 6:19 pm

    Where did you go wrong. You said it in the first line "I was really hoping". You must wholeheartedly believe and then let it go

    12/19/2016 6:03 pm

    Did you really believe or were you trying to convince yourself that you believed?

    12/19/2016 5:26 pm

    Hey guys. So yesterday was my birthday and I was really hoping H would wish me a happy birthday but he didn't. I think now I definitely should move on and forget about him.. I mean, I KNEW, I believed deep inside that he WILL wish me a happy birthday... I was like, of course he'll wish me a happy birthday it's no big deal. I believed as much as I could, I was sure about it. Where did I go wrong? I really don't understand it...

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