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    1/03/2017 12:11 pm

    Forgive me if I repeat anything anyone else has said here as I just saw the post and came right in to reply.

     I understand people's need to vent, but really, why script about and why give energy to what you DON'T want? Why solidify it in writing? Doing so will surely only create more of the same....

    1/03/2017 1:27 am

    Blue wrote:

    Mcleanie77 wrote:

    HH wrote:

    I think OasisCalm was trying to make a point that getting into the details may attract negativity and we should try to stay away from that - but maybe it didn't come across that way.  Of course you have the right to say or ask anything, but I don't think it was ill-intended.  

    And contributor, moderator, etc changes with the amount of posts you post.  

    Don't fight we are all here for each other!!  

    You're completely right about what OC is trying to do! We need to be telling better stories about what's going on in our lives! Revision is what Neville speaks about everyone should be trying to do that it really helps I promise I use it all the time.

    What exactly does revision do?

     What ever incident that happened that you didn't like you revise it in your favor! Like if someone pisses you off that you would go back and tell it like it never happened or the outcome is in a way that you would of rather had! Look it up sweetie it really does help and I'm sorry if I didn't explain it right it's late here!

    1/03/2017 1:22 am

    Mcleanie77 wrote:

    HH wrote:

    I think OasisCalm was trying to make a point that getting into the details may attract negativity and we should try to stay away from that - but maybe it didn't come across that way.  Of course you have the right to say or ask anything, but I don't think it was ill-intended.  

    And contributor, moderator, etc changes with the amount of posts you post.  

    Don't fight we are all here for each other!!  

    You're completely right about what OC is trying to do! We need to be telling better stories about what's going on in our lives! Revision is what Neville speaks about everyone should be trying to do that it really helps I promise I use it all the time.

    What exactly does revision do?

    1/03/2017 1:10 am

    HH wrote:

    I think OasisCalm was trying to make a point that getting into the details may attract negativity and we should try to stay away from that - but maybe it didn't come across that way.  Of course you have the right to say or ask anything, but I don't think it was ill-intended.  

    And contributor, moderator, etc changes with the amount of posts you post.  

    Don't fight we are all here for each other!!  

    You're completely right about what OC is trying to do! We need to be telling better stories about what's going on in our lives! Revision is what Neville speaks about everyone should be trying to do that it really helps I promise I use it all the time.

    1/02/2017 9:06 pm

    I didn't feel any negativity from talking about what happened. I just needed to let it out so I could move on and stop paying attention to it. And honestly that's what people need sometimes in order to get back to a higher frame of mind. 

    I didn't feel negativity or unhappiness, if anything when I was done discussing it I felt better. I understand both sides but sometimes I do believe it is healthy to have a place where you can get all the negativity out and send it away.

    1/02/2017 8:02 pm

    I was just going to say that @HH. Although some people may need details, they can be damaging to a person who is having a hard time already. No, she doesn't have to reply back, but if someone asked me a question, I always answer out of consideration.

    This is an loa/rs/empowering forum, or supposed to be, so that's what generally gets talked about here, although maybe a general/talk about anything thread would be a good idea. 

    Tbh, if I was asked why I asked a specific question, and received the same answer as you did, I would not have felt attacked or anything, but I understand what she's saying about focusing on non-positive details, but that's just me.

    This post wasn't intended in any sort of negative way, but just that everyone perceives things differently.

    1/02/2017 7:15 pm

    I think OasisCalm was trying to make a point that getting into the details may attract negativity and we should try to stay away from that - but maybe it didn't come across that way.  Of course you have the right to say or ask anything, but I don't think it was ill-intended.  

    And contributor, moderator, etc changes with the amount of posts you post.  

    Don't fight we are all here for each other!!  

    1/02/2017 7:11 pm

    Indigo wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    If I question what you write how does that encroach on your freedom of speech.

    The perception of freedom of speech refers to your right to say as you please. It does not extend to the questioning or reaction to what you say.

    Did you see anyway in my post me say that you MUST NOT say anything. Therefore how did I encroach your freedom of speech.

    What I did was ask what was the usefulness in what you asked. I asked how was what you was asking Blue going to benefit her in the context of her desire to manifest. I could say that was my freedom of speech to ask that.

    This is a forum which involves an exchange of many opinions. So to say that someone questioning your post is against your freedom of speech is baffling to me.

    Because I shouldn't be questioned by a moderator about why I asked another member a question especially if there was nothing untoward or out of line on my part.  And in your capacity as a moderator, you come off as harassing particularly when a person is new to this forum.  You can't freely exchange opinions when a moderator gets on your case about why you want to know more details about what somebody has posted, as if you had done something wrong.  Everything doesn't always have to be about LOA this and LOA that, there are other topics being discussed here.  And again, no rules are posted except you telling people what they should and shouldn't be discussing here after they have already posted it, making up rules as you go along.

    If you are going to take the time to respond to me, why don't you answer some of my questions like why all of the sudden I have to go through Captcha to post.  Did you put that on me???

    Anyway, I'm done with this topic for now because I could sit here all day and all night going back and forth with you - I came here today to take a break from shampooing my carpets.


    I do not know why you have Captcha on your posts. No I did not put that on you.

    As I said I asked you that question in the capacity of a forum member, it has nothing to do with being a moderator.

    Enjoy the rest of your day/night

    1/02/2017 7:05 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    If I question what you write how does that encroach on your freedom of speech.

    The perception of freedom of speech refers to your right to say as you please. It does not extend to the questioning or reaction to what you say.

    Did you see anyway in my post me say that you MUST NOT say anything. Therefore how did I encroach your freedom of speech.

    What I did was ask what was the usefulness in what you asked. I asked how was what you was asking Blue going to benefit her in the context of her desire to manifest. I could say that was my freedom of speech to ask that.

    This is a forum which involves an exchange of many opinions. So to say that someone questioning your post is against your freedom of speech is baffling to me.

    Because I shouldn't be questioned by a moderator about why I asked another member a question especially if there was nothing untoward or out of line on my part.  And in your capacity as a moderator, you come off as harassing particularly when a person is new to this forum.  You can't freely exchange opinions when a moderator gets on your case about why you want to know more details about what somebody has posted, as if you had done something wrong.  Everything doesn't always have to be about LOA this and LOA that, there are other topics being discussed here.  And again, no rules are posted except you telling people what they should and shouldn't be discussing here after they have already posted it, making up rules as you go along.

    If you are going to take the time to respond to me, why don't you answer some of my questions like why all of the sudden I have to go through Captcha to post.  Did you put that on me???

    Anyway, I'm done with this topic for now because I could sit here all day and all night going back and forth with you - I came here today to take a break from shampooing my carpets.


    1/02/2017 6:35 pm

    I guess for some of us details might be important.
    I fully believe in the power of remote seduction and sending messages telepathically. I don't personally know yet if I believe in the law of attraction but either way I think they are very different things.


    1/02/2017 6:21 pm

    Indigo wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Firstly there was no argument about what you post. So thanks for not starting an argument with me, even though there was never a gateway to having one. What I wrote was my opinion and had nothing to do with being a moderator. If you read and understood what I wrote then you would have been clear the subtext of the post was about keeping the momentum forward moving. And not procrastinating in the unwanted.

    Secondly - Your "freedom of speech" as a US citizen has not be encroached. FYI I placed freedom of speech in quote marks because I believe freedom of speech is an illusion. But either way you are free to say whatever you like.

    Trust me, I can read and understand the simple things that are posted here.  And you ARE encroaching on my right to freedom of speech when you question what I wrote and why I wrote it or chastise me about it, as if I must answer to you - so you might want to check yourself on that.  Freedom of speech is not an illusion, it is a U.S. Constitutional right that people have fought and died and been imprisoned about. It is not to be taken lightly as not everyone on planet Earth has that right.  

    As long as I am cordial and professional, you shouldn't have anything to say about what I communicate with another member.

    And why all of a sudden do I have Captcha when I post???  

    Anyway, rules please.  The forum needs some.  Thank you.

    If I question what you write how does that encroach on your freedom of speech.

    The perception of freedom of speech refers to your right to say as you please. It does not extend to the questioning or reaction to what you say.

    Did you see anyway in my post me say that you MUST NOT say anything. Therefore how did I encroach your freedom of speech.

    What I did was ask what was the usefulness in what you asked. I asked how was what you was asking Blue going to benefit her in the context of her desire to manifest. I could say that was my freedom of speech to ask that.

    This is a forum which involves an exchange of many opinions. So to say that someone questioning your post is against your freedom of speech is baffling to me.

    1/02/2017 6:06 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Firstly there was no argument about what you post. So thanks for not starting an argument with me, even though there was never a gateway to having one. What I wrote was my opinion and had nothing to do with being a moderator. If you read and understood what I wrote then you would have been clear the subtext of the post was about keeping the momentum forward moving. And not procrastinating in the unwanted.

    Secondly - Your "freedom of speech" as a US citizen has not be encroached. FYI I placed freedom of speech in quote marks because I believe freedom of speech is an illusion. But either way you are free to say whatever you like.

    Trust me, I can read and understand the simple things that are posted here.  And you ARE encroaching on my right to freedom of speech when you question what I wrote and why I wrote it or chastise me about it, as if I must answer to you - so you might want to check yourself on that.  Freedom of speech is not an illusion, it is a U.S. Constitutional right that people have fought and died and been imprisoned about. It is not to be taken lightly as not everyone on planet Earth has that right.  

    As long as I am cordial and professional, you shouldn't have anything to say about what I communicate with another member.

    And why all of a sudden do I have Captcha when I post???  

    Anyway, rules please.  The forum needs some.  Thank you.

    1/02/2017 5:44 pm

    Indigo wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

    What kind of a fight?  An argument or what,  and what exactly are you guys fighting about?  Trivial things or things that are important?  More details please.

    Why do we need details???????

    Which part of LOA requires you to embellish in details of the unwanted????

    How is it of benefit to her desires to sit typing out the details of what she doesn't want?????

    I wanted to know what type of a fight they had.  Like did they punch each other in the face or were they just arguing/squabbling about something insignificant.  Because to me a fight is when you hit somebody over the head with a frying pan like how we used to do back in the day.  Not arguing about what was posted on FB.  

    FYI, I'm not going to argue with you (moderator or not) about what I choose to post or communicate, as a U.S. citizen I have freedom of speech and expression.  If someone does not what to respond, they are free to do whatever.

    If there are some rules about what can be discussed here (which I haven't seen any posted here) that I don't know about, please post those rules for all to see.  Thank you.

    Firstly there was no argument about what you post. So thanks for not starting an argument with me, even though there was never a gateway to having one. What I wrote was my opinion and had nothing to do with being a moderator.   If you read and understood what I wrote then you would  have been clear the subtext of the post was about keeping the momentum forward moving. And not procrastinating in the unwanted.

    Secondly - Your "freedom of speech" as a US citizen has not be encroached. FYI I placed freedom of speech in quote marks because I believe freedom of speech is an illusion. But either way you are free to say whatever you like.

    1/02/2017 5:34 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

    Blue wrote:

    I know my PW and BWD is working but it makes me so angry being ignored lol.

    Just on Christmas he was loving, then he started a fight a day after and now I'm being completely ignored. Of course I know all my sessions are working but it's still driving me so crazy, you know?

    The reason why us women are so crazy is because these men are so confusing LMAO.

    What kind of a fight?  An argument or what,  and what exactly are you guys fighting about?  Trivial things or things that are important?  More details please.

    Why do we need details???????

    Which part of LOA requires you to embellish in details of the unwanted????

    How is it of benefit to her desires to sit typing out the details of what she doesn't want?????

    I wanted to know what type of a fight they had.  Like did they punch each other in the face or were they just arguing/squabbling about something insignificant.  Because to me a fight is when you hit somebody over the head with a frying pan like how we used to do back in the day.  Not arguing about what was posted on FB.  

    FYI, I'm not going to argue with you (moderator or not) about what I choose to post or communicate, as a U.S. citizen I have freedom of speech and expression.  If someone does not want to respond, they are free to do whatever.

    If there are some rules about what can be discussed here (which I haven't seen any posted here) that I don't know about, please post those rules for all to see.  Thank you.

    1/02/2017 4:08 pm

    Indigo wrote:

    Blue wrote:

    I know my PW and BWD is working but it makes me so angry being ignored lol.

    Just on Christmas he was loving, then he started a fight a day after and now I'm being completely ignored. Of course I know all my sessions are working but it's still driving me so crazy, you know?

    The reason why us women are so crazy is because these men are so confusing LMAO.

    What kind of a fight?  An argument or what,  and what exactly are you guys fighting about?  Trivial things or things that are important?  More details please.

    Why do we need details???????

    Which part of LOA requires you to embellish in details of the unwanted????

    How is it of benefit to her desires to sit typing out the details of what she doesn't want?????

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