thank you so much for your comments and perspective! you have helped me change my mindset and i am seeing results! thank you for reminding me to let go of resistance. my bf and i had a really great conversation tonight and i think things are working! thank you all so much!
Irini wrote:
this girl briefly dated my boyfriend and is still obsessed with him. he admits she's basically a terrible person but says she has some strange magnetism over him. could she be RS'ing him? if so, how do i make mine stronger? in addition to him feeling overwhelming attraction and love for me, i also want him to feel revulsion whenever he looks at her or whenever a message comes up from her. if he meets her in person (as she frequently begs him to do), i want him to feel literally sick.
Stop seeing competition.
If he is in a situation where his attention split leave him be and work on your own self worth and confidence.
It's always about you, your beliefs and what you want.
He doesn't need to feel repulsion for her, that's of no real benefit to you except it feeds your lack of confidence. You could equally wish for him to feel love for her but know he wants you. I hope you see they come from two different places.
If you truly believed he only wanted to be with you this other girl wouldn't be a problem. And if you saw yourself as being worthy of being his sole focus of admiration you wouldn't hold yourself in a place with someone who has divided attention. You would say "go and come back when it me and only me".
do a spell ;) spells ae also energy and the props like candles, poppets.. they help you focus and visualize.
thank you!
Read Bambi's success story-I would approach it in a similar way.
this girl briefly dated my boyfriend and is still obsessed with him. he admits she's basically a terrible person but says she has some strange magnetism over him. could she be RS'ing him? if so, how do i make mine stronger? in addition to him feeling overwhelming attraction and love for me, i also want him to feel revulsion whenever he looks at her or whenever a message comes up from her. if he meets her in person (as she frequently begs him to do), i want him to feel literally sick.