Oasiscalm wrote:
From my point of view you are overthinking things.
Firstly his statement is pretty straightforward he doesn't want to communicate with you at the moment, he wants his space.
As for him looking back I think that's an Interpretation you will have to make for yourself. Really it can mean anything you want it to mean.
Do sit over anayalsising.
Yeah you're probably right....i think I was just more confused by the statement because when we broke up I had said to him "right so that's it you want no contact from now on etc" and his response was no i don't want that but that's upto you and your decision.....
I was doing great before yesterday I was raising my vibration and really feeling the connection and I know and truly believe that lanies techniques will work and are in the process of working i know the universe has got my back and a few days ago memories popped into my head of being a teenager and using visualisation and manifesting everything I wanted before I ever heard of loa so I know it works I guess I'm just having an off day and like you said overthinking everything....
I am making a conscious decision right now to stop overthinking and get back to working on me raising my vibration and PW/BWD 😊😊😊
Thanks oasiscalm your response is exactly what I needed to hear/read 😊😊
From my point of view you are overthinking things.
Firstly his statement is pretty straightforward he doesn't want to communicate with you at the moment, he wants his space.
As for him looking back I think that's an Interpretation you will have to make for yourself. Really it can mean anything you want it to mean.
Do sit over anayalsising.
Oasiscalm wrote:
Tinkerbell1 wrote:
Hey everyone
First of all I'd like to say I'm new to this forum but I have been reading all the wonderful topics and advice the last wk or so I find it sooo uplifting and inspiring anyways to the reason of this topic.....
I did the cutting the cord mediationWelcome to the forum
Congrats on doing the CTC meditation
Thanks oasiscalm I posted my full story I accidently hit submit before I finished it oops ha! My mind is boggled 🙈
Sorry I hit submit before I finished it 😂 i just posted the full story there apologies for it being so long haha
Tinkerbell1 wrote:
Hey everyone
First of all I'd like to say I'm new to this forum but I have been reading all the wonderful topics and advice the last wk or so I find it sooo uplifting and inspiring anyways to the reason of this topic.....
I did the cutting the cord mediation
Welcome to the forum
Congrats on doing the CTC meditation
Hey everyone
First of all I'd like to say I'm new to this forum but I have been reading all the wonderful topics and advice the last few wks or so I find it sooo uplifting and inspiring anyways to the reason of this topic.....
I did the cutting the cord mediation a couple of times (I'll explain why a couple of times in a minute ha) the first time I did it when I was letting him go and him walking away he just kept looking back to me over his shoulder 🤔 is this a cause of me visualising him not wanting to be let go???
Anyways yesterday I manifested a txt from him. it was just a general txt that a friend of his asked him to pass on some info to me so he did and then sent me a txt to say "sorry for the txt but so and so asked me to send this on" i replied with "no need to apologise thanks for that and just some other stuff like how you doing etc" i know i probably shouldn't of asked anyways there were a couple of more txts and he said that he wasn't sure if I had told anyone yet so he isn't telling anyone and that other ppl arent his concern I replied with im not ready yet (as at the minute im focusing on some health issues) and that im not ready for all the questions and I hope that this doesn't put him in an awkward position... he told me that it didnt at all and to do whatever i need to do I then said to him that maybe he would like to give me a call purely platonic (such a dope I knew I shouldn't of asked) to which he replied "can we hold off for a while I'm just not ready"
I'm so confused about that statement 🤔🤔
Anyways after that I did the ctc meditation again as I knew I had done wrong with the conversation but this time he was looking back at me and pulling and trying to run back to me.....
Is this just all me visualising what I desire him fighting to run back to me????
Any opinions of this or advice would be much appreciated.