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    Topic review (newest first):

    1/09/2017 5:58 pm

    All- Yes I'm new, and yesssssssssss my first post was maybe a little negative.  This thread saved my ass!!
    Thank you to all who posted these comments.  While blunt, they are sooooooooooo freaking true and sometimes you just need a little slap in the face.  Even from complete strangers.  You all helped me so much with this thread  THANK YOU for stopping me DEAD in my negative, complaining, whining, needy tracks... THANK YOU.

    this one post really opened my eyes:

    Golden wrote:

    Though I did start a "what if it's just not meant to be" thread, ironically I agree with you ladies. If those of us who are upset would be completely honest, we are putting these men on a pedestal and when they don't run to us fast enough everything crashes. We could be having the greatest day ever but if that person hasn't called suddenly life's just not fair?? (and I'm not judging the ladies, I've been there!) come on, we know this isn't healthy. Would we want to be with a guy who acts the way we've been ? Someone who depends on us for their happiness? Someone who stops their life to wait for us? It's kind of a turn off when you think about it.
    The whole point is to know you can't control everything but to let it happen, right? If anything, this journey has taught me more about my own flaws and myself. 💛

    You guys rock!

    1/09/2017 2:31 pm

    AnnanWater wrote:

    Lanie Stevens wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    Blue ur awesome and ur absolutely right about it !! I'm glad u posted this ! Oh and by the way John wasn't the guy she wanted to get back to ! He was th guy on whom she tried the technique on,and he replied back to it immediately right when she was next to him ! 😊 the guy whom u are referring to is probably her present guy but his name is not John !! 😝Just saying 😘 Thanks for the post babe ur amazing !!

    John isn't the guy I ended up being with HOWEVER he has never forgotten me and cannot move on because of the technique.  In fact, he contacted me yesterday!  LOL  I wouldn't ordinarily wish bad things on someone but John is a total narcissistic prick and he deserves to suffer because of all the things he did when we were together.  So what if it has been 7 years?  ;-)

    The guy I am engaged to is the one I wrote about who had no contact with me for a full year.  I used the technique but also dated like crazy while we were apart.  Why?  Because although I loved him I also recognize that the universe is sometimes much smarter than I am and there was a possibility of meeting a man even more perfect for me.  And, whether I did or not I am not going to sit around crying about someone when they have moved on.  I knew without a doubt that when I wanted him to think of me and miss me all I had to do was use the technique on him.  

    This thread has made me laugh.  Let's have a goal in 2017 of being more positive, looking at the bright side of things, remembering that we have a sense of humor and being strong enough to move on.  I would love it if we had posts of positive, uplifting and laugh out loud things instead of pity parties.  The more negativity you focus on the more you attract.  Let's make it a kick ass year whether it is with a mate or happily independent.  


    What did he say to you yesterday? He still wants you back?

    I'm wanting the techniques to have the same effect on my target as they did on John towards you.

    Ann, try this - I think this is what Lanie did:

    1/09/2017 2:13 pm

    Lanie Stevens wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    Blue ur awesome and ur absolutely right about it !! I'm glad u posted this ! Oh and by the way John wasn't the guy she wanted to get back to ! He was th guy on whom she tried the technique on,and he replied back to it immediately right when she was next to him ! 😊 the guy whom u are referring to is probably her present guy but his name is not John !! 😝Just saying 😘 Thanks for the post babe ur amazing !!

    John isn't the guy I ended up being with HOWEVER he has never forgotten me and cannot move on because of the technique.  In fact, he contacted me yesterday!  LOL  I wouldn't ordinarily wish bad things on someone but John is a total narcissistic prick and he deserves to suffer because of all the things he did when we were together.  So what if it has been 7 years?  ;-)

    The guy I am engaged to is the one I wrote about who had no contact with me for a full year.  I used the technique but also dated like crazy while we were apart.  Why?  Because although I loved him I also recognize that the universe is sometimes much smarter than I am and there was a possibility of meeting a man even more perfect for me.  And, whether I did or not I am not going to sit around crying about someone when they have moved on.  I knew without a doubt that when I wanted him to think of me and miss me all I had to do was use the technique on him.  

    This thread has made me laugh.  Let's have a goal in 2017 of being more positive, looking at the bright side of things, remembering that we have a sense of humor and being strong enough to move on.  I would love it if we had posts of positive, uplifting and laugh out loud things instead of pity parties.  The more negativity you focus on the more you attract.  Let's make it a kick ass year whether it is with a mate or happily independent.  


    What did he say to you yesterday? He still wants you back?

    I'm wanting the techniques to have the same effect on my target as they did on John towards you.

    1/09/2017 3:46 am

    Yes Laine so I was right about it that John wasn't ur guy ! Blue I guess was confused with the whole thing so I mentioned t to her and thanks for reinstating what I told !  Ur the bestest !! 😘😘😘😘😘

    1/08/2017 4:13 pm

    I am queen wrote:

    Blue ur awesome and ur absolutely right about it !! I'm glad u posted this ! Oh and by the way John wasn't the guy she wanted to get back to ! He was th guy on whom she tried the technique on,and he replied back to it immediately right when she was next to him ! 😊 the guy whom u are referring to is probably her present guy but his name is not John !! 😝Just saying 😘 Thanks for the post babe ur amazing !!

    John isn't the guy I ended up being with HOWEVER he has never forgotten me and cannot move on because of the technique.  In fact, he contacted me yesterday!  LOL  I wouldn't ordinarily wish bad things on someone but John is a total narcissistic prick and he deserves to suffer because of all the things he did when we were together.  So what if it has been 7 years?  ;-)

    The guy I am engaged to is the one I wrote about who had no contact with me for a full year.  I used the technique but also dated like crazy while we were apart.  Why?  Because although I loved him I also recognize that the universe is sometimes much smarter than I am and there was a possibility of meeting a man even more perfect for me.  And, whether I did or not I am not going to sit around crying about someone when they have moved on.  I knew without a doubt that when I wanted him to think of me and miss me all I had to do was use the technique on him.  

    This thread has made me laugh.  Let's have a goal in 2017 of being more positive, looking at the bright side of things, remembering that we have a sense of humor and being strong enough to move on.  I would love it if we had posts of positive, uplifting and laugh out loud things instead of pity parties.  The more negativity you focus on the more you attract.  Let's make it a kick ass year whether it is with a mate or happily independent.  


    1/08/2017 8:33 am

    Indigo I so so agree with u !! Some of them are really silly and it's true the group was so amazing in the starting and I loved loved loved to be a part of it cos everyone was always talking about the progress and the attention was on doing and having the confidence of things being done unlike what it's mostly now always about cribbing and cryin and every small thing is magnified !! Not like one shouldn't express but here there are so many women coming to get encouragement if the ratio of positives are lesser to the negative ones I reckon no one will be too enthusiastic to come here and read and get motivated !! Maybe a thread should be made only for venting and ONLY ONLY for that and the rest of the threads can be about stories where the true encouragement and other things happen !! 😊

    1/08/2017 8:23 am

    Blue ur awesome and ur absolutely right about it !! I'm glad u posted this !  Oh and by the way John wasn't the guy she wanted to get back to ! He was th guy on whom she tried the technique on,and he replied back to it immediately right when she was next to him ! 😊 the guy whom u are referring to is probably her present guy but his name is not John !! 😝Just saying 😘 Thanks for the post babe ur amazing !!

    1/07/2017 6:52 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Blue wrote:

    I've been trying to help so many users here but I honestly feel like there's no hope for some of you who have this victim mentality.

    Laine took the time to write these books and to help us and so many of you are still not doing what she has told you. She didn't sit and cry her eyes out over John. She knew in her heart that after everything, she was going to be with him. She KNEW it, she didn't cry and beg and plea. She did what she wrote and she moved on and lived her life. And guess what? When her and John reunited - he told her EVERYTHING she visualised, he was the man she needed finally. Sometimes people need space from each other in order to grow.

    You need to do the techniques, let go and go out and live your lives. Stop checking for messages, progress, what he says or does. GO OUT AND LOVE YOURSELF. Start sewing, baking, cooking. Go learn how to snowboard or ski. Go read books, learn about something new you love. Watch documentaries, write stories. But stop feeling sorry for yourselves and crying and begging all the time.

    Stop being so desperate and worrying about these men. Your negative attitudes have contributed to your issues and nothing else. Neville has taught us time and again that imagination, not the outside world, it the only thing that matters. Therefore, you need to stop thinking everything negative and start living and imagining the life you want.

    I'm going to use my Neville imaginational acts and pray this is heard and followed by many.

    Funnily last night I was thinking about the forum and when it first started there was a very upbeat vibe. More humour, more positive expectancy. Whilst everyone had the same current situation of the their guys not being there they were collectively pushing through with a "can do" attitude. Yes there we days when a member would have a bad day but they would come here and would be uplifted.

    Unfortunately there has been a change in tone (hence my recent thread about enabling) to a collective pity party and constant focus on him not doing what they want.

    It's hard to get the message across, but there is no value is sitting around moping and focusing on the unwanted. And that is regardless of LOA. The only question we need to keep asking is how can "I" make myself happy?Don't focus on the crumbs, you want the whole cake so why lower your focus to crumbs (I.e. Texts & likes on Facebook).

    Hopefully in the New Year the tone will change. Everyone will start slaying with confidence and come here for empowerment advice and leave the despair at the door.


    1/07/2017 3:52 pm

    ahh ok, then Indigo i sincerely apologize for misunderstanding you! :-) and yes i agree with you. 

    1/07/2017 3:36 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    He's in Timbuktu with 17 children .....Loooooool

    That made me laugh 😂😂😂😂

    It is kind of funny, but it's true isn't it?  This business about "I live in Russia but he lives in Prussia, I never really seen him before but I think he's my one true love" is just beyond my comprehension.  What are these people thinking about?  Ugh!!!

    Irini wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

     And then there's the ones that want a relationship with someone across the world with whom they seemingly never even had a proper telephone conversation.  And the ones that won't listen to reason.  Some of these ladies create problems for their own selves by going after men who are simply unavailable.

    in general i agree with what you are trying to say, but this part sounds like it's referring to a topic i made the other day and if so, I think you are misunderstanding and judging unfairly.

    No, I wasn't directing my comments towards anyone specifically, there are several posts from ladies here that seem to want to have long distance/Internet relationships with someone they either never met or he is long gone, which is something I cannot understand.  Or someone that they were with years ago or with whom they had a one-night stand that has moved on but they are still hanging on to some old memory when he's not even thinking about them anymore.  Men have meaningless sex all the time and we're back here sniffing on the preserved pillow where their butts once laid and dreaming about how they flipped us all over the bed kissing on our feet and what not, when they have forgotten all about it and are having sex with numerous next ones and we are some dopes saving ourselves for their return - how dumb is that?  I've had a long-distance relationship in my lifetime but it was an actual long-term relationship where he moved away (he was in the military and got shipped to Iraq) and maybe we got back together and maybe not but it was real.  Not someone I met on FB, never seen him for real but now he's the love of my life and I'm going to waste my time meditating on him and hoping he sends me some pix.  I don't understand these women today.

    Anyway, I'm happy for you that things are going your way.

    1/07/2017 2:51 pm

    Indigo wrote:

      And then there's the ones that want a relationship with someone across the world with whom they seemingly never even had a proper telephone conversation.  And the ones that won't listen to reason.  Some of these ladies create problems for their own selves by going after men who are simply unavailable.

    in general i agree with what you are trying to say, but this part sounds like it's referring to a topic i made the other day and if so, I think you are misunderstanding and judging unfairly.

    and also i have a pretty fantastic update on this - the universe really can sort things out in the best way! :-) so i decided instead of trying to attract anything romantic with this guy since he lives so far away, i would focus instead on working with him - he's also a talented cinematographer and i would very much like to collaborate with him on a project. so i did the technique and had him telling me he admires my work and asking me to work with him on a project when i am in his country.

    less than 24 hours later he sent me a message saying almost exactly what I visualized! he found a post I had made talking about a music-festival documentary I'm working on, and messaged me literally saying that he admires my work and asking if i would like to collab with him! :-)

    if you were referring to my topic above, you're wrong about me being negative and/or desperate, but you're very right about amazing things happening when you keep it positive and trust the process and also do your thing! :-)

    1/07/2017 2:38 pm

    Blue wrote:

    Laine took the time to write these books and to help us and so many of you are still not doing what she has told you. She didn't sit and cry her eyes out over John. She knew in her heart that after everything, she was going to be with him. She KNEW it, she didn't cry and beg and plea. She did what she wrote and she moved on and lived her life. And guess what? When her and John reunited - he told her EVERYTHING she visualised, he was the man she needed finally. Sometimes people need space from each other in order to grow.

    i didn't know this story; I've read PW and BWD and knew the story about her trying the technique for the first time on this guy, but didn't know they broke up and eventually reunited even better than before! that's really sweet and awesome!

    Stop being so desperate and worrying about these men. Your negative attitudes have contributed to your issues and nothing else. Neville has taught us time and again that imagination, not the outside world, it the only thing that matters. Therefore, you need to stop thinking everything negative and start living and imagining the life you want.

    thank you :-)
    also the weird thing is, I'm finding that sometimes the technique changes/influences the person I'm working on, and sometimes it changes MY attitude and mindset! When I made the post about how tired I am of my boyfriend insisting on having an "open relationship" and constantly talking to his ex and being really distracted by other girls in general, i did the technique and visualizations and you know what is happening so far?

    He has not changed his behaviour or said anything different (yet), but i *feel* differently about it. I feel less attached to him, I care less and am less upset about it; I think the visualization might have actually worked on ME, to decrease my feelings for him and allow me to feel like "i'm really just fucking TIRED of constantly having to do this technique just to keep him focused on me, I'm going to stop focusing so much energy on him and start visualizing and attracting other things in my life that I want (achievements/experiences, etc) and I'm going to stay with him but i'm also going to do my own thing instead of being attached to him all the time".

    1/07/2017 11:18 am

    Though I did start a "what if it's just not meant to be" thread, ironically I agree with you ladies. If those of us who are upset would be completely honest, we are putting these men on a pedestal and when they don't run to us fast enough everything crashes. We could be having the greatest day ever but if that person  hasn't called suddenly life's just not fair??  (and I'm not judging the ladies, I've been there!) come on, we know this isn't healthy. Would we want to be with a guy who acts the way we've been ? Someone who depends on us for their happiness? Someone who stops their life to wait for us? It's kind of a turn off when you think about it.
    The whole point is to know you can't control everything but to let it happen, right? If anything, this journey has taught me more about my own flaws and myself. 💛

    1/07/2017 10:13 am

    Love this thread also! I'm new here and I admit that I don't dare even read some negative threads just to avoid the negative vibes.  First and foremost I can report I'm feeling great about myself ever since doing LOA and Lanie's methods and hey I think that's the most (us) feeling great first then everything else will follow 😊 Much love to all of you who are so inspiring and encouraging! 😍

    1/07/2017 8:33 am

    Here here with the sentiments!  I had to stop posting for a while - even though I lurked - because the vibe was bringing me down!  The desperation can be hideous - I agree it's all about empowering ourselves and each other.  It really does work but we have to be the strong women we actually are, before we can actually see the fruit of our labour.  Love this thread! 

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