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    Topic review (newest first):

    1/15/2017 3:49 pm

    I truly believe that once you do it, and if the session is intense enough - they will constantly think of you. But those feelings in them become stronger the more often/intense the sessions are.

    1/15/2017 3:35 pm

    I totally agree, I only do it when it feels good but that's not what I was curious about.
    Let see if I can  explain it differently.
    If I did it PW 50 times on a Saturday and only once on a Sunday. Would if think of me 50 times more on the Saturday then he would Sunday?
    Now I exaggerated with numbers so don't shoot me with how many times I'm doing it. Lol. No one could possibly do it that many times.

    1/15/2017 3:32 pm

    I was off work from before Christmas to after New Years.I liked that I could lay in bed in the morning and imagine being with him vs getting up and going to work everyday.

    1/15/2017 2:45 pm

    Joshbemine wrote:

    I tend to do more PW on the weekends as I'm laying around more relaxing. Which got me thinking does it make any difference if you PW once a day or lots of times during the day? I know you don't have to do it everyday for it to have any benefits. PW relaxing weekends I have, does he think of me more on those days than say days I might only do it once? Sorry if this has already been asked. It just got me  curious that's all.

    I wrote a post about this but in all reality, I think both methods of doing it often/not so much work as long as you do it with love and give it your all every time. There are books that say do it often and then there are ones that say that the effect lingers for a long time. Just make sure to do it when YOU want, not when it feels like an obligation.

    1/15/2017 9:06 am

    You can do it as much you want as long it doesn't feels like hard work. It must make YOU feel good

    1/15/2017 6:37 am

    I tend to do more PW on the weekends as I'm laying around more relaxing. Which got me thinking does it make any difference if you PW once a day or lots of times during the day? I know you don't have to do it everyday for it to have any benefits. PW relaxing weekends I have, does he think of me more on those days than say days I might only do it once? Sorry if this has already been asked. It just got me  curious that's all.

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