No, he wasn't a narcissist at all. Narcissists tend to be know it alls and brag a lot about whatever particular subject is their "thing". He was nothing like that. He was terribly insecure, paranoid and spiteful. Narcissism doesn't include psychosis or self harm in the diagnostic criteria, both of which were present with him. Narcissists are also unlikely to attempt suicide, which he had several times. Suicidal ideation is also a diagnostic criteria for bpd. While some narcissists can be cruel, they do tend to be more emotionally stable than those with BPD many of whom can be just as cruel as any narcissist or sociopath. The difference is that the BPD will usually show intermittent empathy, sociopaths have little empathy at all, ever, and narcissists only have empathy when it aligns with their purposes or it's someone that they as either an extension of themselves (like their children for example) or see themselves in (one of their idols for example).
Sushi wrote:
Only about a quarter of BPD cases are the way you describe, sweet and vulnerable. In the book I suggested this type would fall under the Waif subtype. And yes, we all have issues, but some more than others. My BPD ex had the full blown psychotic features.
I suspect your ex could be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, and not BPD, which seems less severe comparatively. narcissists purposefully harm and do not have any remorse (i was in a narcassistic sociopathic relationship which had all the classic symptoms from beginning to end). from what i gather here about pp with BPD, they still have a good heart.
Sushi wrote:
Only about a quarter of BPD cases are the way you describe, sweet and vulnerable. In the book I suggested this type would fall under the Waif subtype. And yes, we all have issues, but some more than others. My BPD ex had the full blown psychotic features.
Of course, some people have more issues than others, but that does not make them any less human. We tend to forget that words are very powerful and can really impact people. That is why empathy is so know what I mean? Just try and imagine from a person with BPD's point of view, coming onto this thread and reading people saying "run" or "they are manipulators", etc. It is hurtful no matter who we are talking about. No? Plus, some of us know that there are people with BPD on this forum already and the fact that someone on this thread even spoke about her BPD, yet there is still hurtful words being thrown around. We should be taking that into consideration.
There is just such a stigma surrounding this disorder. The good news is that there is hope for everyone (even those with BPD) and we create our realities right? We can send good healing vibes to the people we care about <3
Only about a quarter of BPD cases are the way you describe, sweet and vulnerable. In the book I suggested this type would fall under the Waif subtype. And yes, we all have issues, but some more than others. My BPD ex had the full blown psychotic features.
My bpd poi is the most compassionate and loving girl I have ever met.
Her having bpd could not make me care about her less.
Everybody say "run fast. Run far". But I don't believe they are evil people. They just have issues. We all do. And we can all learn to deal with it.
I'm sad to see these comments. I have done a lot of research and reading on bpd since finding out he has it and it has a bad reputation and people tend to generalize and group everyone with bpd into the same box. It's not fair to do so as with any disorder, there is a spectrum and everyone is so different. There are some people with bpd who lash out while there are some who are considered "quiet" bpd who internalize everything and take things out on themselves. I for one would not run away from someone who has bpd as the majority of them are very compassionate people and are unfortunately suffering more than others on the outside can see. We all have our "stuff" as human beings and one does not have to have bpd to manipulate, etc. Please remember that the most important thing in life is to love, have compassion and empathy for others.<3 lots of love to you all
AmberSky wrote:
Just run, the borderline people are manipulators, emotional blackmailers and not good to be around.
I'm sorry you feel that way I for one am not. There's bad people everywhere. All my pain was self inflicted I'd never hurt a fly. Xxx
Just run, the borderline people are manipulators, emotional blackmailers and not good to be around.
Sushi wrote:
And my apologies to Rosetint and anyone else out there with BPD. I don't mean to offend. I was very badly abused by this ex.
It's ok I don't take offence. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm definitely not in that bracket and many bpd aren't. I've never cheated on anyone in my life for instance lol! And I'm just a part of the very sensitive group of bpd people.
Everyone is so different even when grouped into a diagnoses like that so it's hard to speak on it (why I don't really like diagnoses like that anymore as I got grouped in with a lot of negative connotations that just weren't part of me)
My relationship with my bpd girl was actually amazing. It was only the last 1,5 month before she left it went downhill.
My insecurity etc. made her lose interest, and my parents began to play too b7g a part in our relationship.
That's also why I'm trying to manifest her back. I know we can have a just as amazing new relationship.
I'm really crazy about her and her little girl.
And my apologies to Rosetint and anyone else out there with BPD. I don't mean to offend. I was very badly abused by this ex.
I dated a borderline male about 10 years ago. It was the most damaging experience of my life. To this day he is still on a smear campaign about me because I threw him out because he was running around on me constantly. People with BPD cheat compulsively and constantly on their partners. It's part of the illness. (not all will have that aspect of the illness, but most do.) My advice is simply "Run" whenever anyone with a BPD partner asks for advice, and it comes up a lot. If you decide to stay anyways, I'd recommend pickup a copy of this book. I know it's about the mother daughter relationship, but it goes into detail about their behavior and can help you understand.
I'm also trying to get my bpd ex back.
She's so sweet and kind, but I became insecure and jaloux and she ended our relationship back in September.
I really hope I can get back in touch with her using loa.
I use pw and bwd on her everyday, and look forward to the first sign of contact from her. Just the mere thought of her, brings a smile on my face.
eleven wrote:
Hi rosetinted! Thank you for your reply to my topic and sharing
I am still learning about it and reading a really good book on it called Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder by Shari Y. Manning. It is really helping me to understand BPD better.
You are absolutely right. LOA works for everyone, no matter what the circumstances.
I will take that advice and continue to send lots of loveThanks so much
rosetinted wrote:
Hello love
I would also like to add I have BPD and I find the more I focus on it the worse it gets. It's funny as I was feeling poorly today especially as things had been going so well with my guy and now they're backtracking a bit...
I started to think does LOA not work for me because of this? Or not as well? But I'm sure the answer is yes of course it does.
I don't want to have to miss out on all the miracles too
Lots of love and keep sending love, that's important.
I bought that book and gave it to all the closest people in my life! Thank you for your lovely response to me too xxx
Hi Emmiline! Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and thank you for your response to this topic
You're absolutely right. Definitely no harm in sending loving thoughts. That is what I will do.
I have seen discussions on the ho'oponopono mantra around several LOA forums, but never explored it. I will definitely check it out!
emmiline wrote:
eleven wrote:
Hi everyone. I haven't been on here in a while....
So, recently my guy told me that he was diagnosed with BPD. I have been doing research on it and also reading a book about it to better understand the illness. I have been feeling fine about since he told me as I finally know why he is the way he is, but have been feeling down about it today. I haven't been doing PW for months now. I took a break from it.
Will LOA help with this situation? I have been trying to read up about BPD exs coming back and stuff...but I have no idea.![]()
Hi sweetie, i was just wondering yesterday where you'd got to as i haven't seen you here in a while.
I'm sorry about this news you recieved. I am not sure if PW will help in this situation, but there is no harm in sending him loving thoughts.
You might want to try incorporating the ho'oponopono mantra (Hawaiian forgiveness mantra) into your routine visualizations for your man:
We had a thread on this but it may have been purged.
* Forgot to add that it is used for healing as well.