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    2/03/2017 10:08 pm

    Finally I met my ex again. It had been my dream to meet him for several months and I had been missing him so much. But when I met him he was cold and I also didn't have much feelings on him which is completely from what I was expecting and different from what I sent him on my PW. Why?

    2/02/2017 12:28 pm

       What you said is so right. When I feel he doesn't accept me I am obsessed to him. But When I feel he accept me and would like to meet me I don't have feelings on him. After we met last week he didn't respond to me anymore and he is seeing other women. So now I am a little obsessed to him again.

    1/31/2017 2:17 am

    Maybe your feelings toward him were caused by the feeling of being rejected. It happened to me. I once fell totally apart because a man dumped me. I missed him sooooo much and was obsessed with him. I couldn't understand it because I wasn't that mad about him until I realized it wasn't about him at all -it was the feeling of being rejected and the devatstating loneliness.

    1/28/2017 9:05 am

    I met my ex couple of days ago. It has been my dreams to meet him again. Thanks to universe for this to be happening, unbelievable. But when I met him I had no feelings on him at all. Is human beings strange? I have been missing him so much. But when I met him, no feelings?

    1/19/2017 1:41 pm

    Funny, when I told myself to completely give up on him, he sent me invite to meet. Amazing. It has been my dream to meet him.

    1/19/2017 7:02 am

    I completely give up on this ex because he is an extremely cold guy and not worth my energy at all.

    1/17/2017 7:35 pm

      Thanks a lot for encouragement.

    1/17/2017 6:35 pm

    Winner wrote:

    Thank you, Blue! Two weeks has passed, he didn't contact me back. I feel when he said wait two weeks it meant he changed mind and didn't want to meet me.

    Don't worry about it, Hun. Just keep doing PW, it does work 100% I can promise you that. Just focus on you for now.

    1/17/2017 6:20 pm

    Thank you, Blue! Two weeks has passed, he didn't contact me back. I feel when he said wait two weeks it meant he changed mind and didn't want to meet me.

    1/14/2017 12:39 am

    Absolutely!  Always glad to help shine a positive light on a situation. 😊

    1/13/2017 10:35 pm

      What you say is so true that our journey is to make ourself the best version.  My guy is also very active on the site we met. Yes, if they need to meet many women and find out we are still the ones it is their journey for us to be together. Thanks for all encouragement.

    1/13/2017 10:12 pm

    I'm in a bit of a similar situation, in that my guy is active on the dating site where we met. However, I take that as a good sign, in that he hasn't been able to find any one woman who he wants to be with. And if he needs to date a bunch of women to find out that I'm the one, well that's his journey to us being together. My journey is staying focused on making myself the best person to share with the right guy.

    Keep looking for the positives, they're always there!

    1/13/2017 10:11 pm

       Thank you so much for your encouragement. I will do PW again. I will update you later! Thanks a lot!

    1/12/2017 6:15 pm

    Winner wrote:

    Thank you very much for your messages. He is still on the dating site most of days. But I will see if he will contact me back next week.

    The dating sites don't matter, only you do Remember that you are the one and only, the dating sites don't mean anything!

    1/12/2017 6:11 pm

       Thank you very much for your messages. He is still on the dating site most of days. But I will see if he will contact me back next week.

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