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    2/01/2017 5:49 pm

    Thank you Sarah Jayne! I will try this xx

    2/01/2017 5:38 pm

    A little tip that I have picked up from studying the work of Neville Goddard in more detail: 

    Using the sense of Sound and Smell while visualising. 

    So you have imagining seeing the person in your visualisation sessions, but what if you add that extra special smell he has? Maybe you remember how he smells, maybe its a smell you associate with him. For example, I can recall his scent and the cologne he usually wears ... and I can also smell his apartment. That sounds weird, but practice "smelling" a lemon without there actually being a lemon in the room. 

    Secondly, I imagine distinctive sounds during my visualisations. I remember the sound of the air conditioning in his place where we spent a lot of time together, I remember the sound of his dog's chain when he moves around. I remember the sound of his voice of course ... 

    these extra things can really amp up and speed up your manifesting! 

    2/01/2017 3:58 pm

    Evey2222 wrote:

    I think I am letting it go, I know this sounds stupid but how exactly do i know if I am letting it go? I do keep busy I am seeing my friends all the time or working out or cleaning haha (I have also just had to put my dog to sleep and he was my best friend and I need to keep busy because of that too! still grieving
    I don't really pay attention to signs but I have noticed harry potter comes up all the time and he is a massive fan lol. How can i fully let go after a session??? Thank you for the neville tips as well, I do have a book of his I need to finish!! xxx

     Sweetie I'm so sorry about your dog! That's something super hard to deal with!!๐Ÿ˜”

    Well it's like you do the technique and then not thinking or wondering if he felt it just know he did and then go about your day and not dwelling on it so basically just letting it go out to the uni!๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

    2/01/2017 11:13 am

    That is so great, since really focusing and doing one last night I feel really connected to him. Like at one point today I just felt that he was next to me, I could hear his voice and laughing which was super weird but kinda cool haha!

    Last nights PW/RS/RI was great but it felt so weird, it felt like something went into my body and I went into a really deep relaxation state. Since doing that I feel so close to him and that he is thinking of me. I hope to see more physical results soon!!! x 

    1/31/2017 9:02 pm

    Thank you Blue. I will continue to do PW/RS. Love your posts by the way

    1/31/2017 7:28 pm

    dannie wrote:

    sometimes I cry when I do PW/RS because of the happiness I feel with the things I am wanting him to say to me. I wonder if he feels it too? How much love I have for him and how much I want to be with him?

    Yes. They always feel whatever you send

    1/31/2017 6:46 pm

    sometimes I cry when I do PW/RS because of the happiness I feel with the things I am wanting him to say to me. I wonder if he feels it too? How much love I have for him and how much I want to be with him?

    1/31/2017 4:57 pm

    I think I am letting it go, I know this sounds stupid but how exactly do i know if I am letting it go? I do keep busy I am seeing my friends all the time or working out or cleaning haha (I have also just had to put my dog to sleep and he was my best friend and I need to keep busy because of that too! still grieving
    I don't really pay attention to signs but I have noticed harry potter comes up all the time and he is a massive fan lol. How can i fully let go after a session??? Thank you for the neville tips as well, I do have a book of his I need to finish!! xxx

    1/31/2017 2:01 pm

    Evey2222 wrote:

    When doing PW, RS, visualising. I mainly do it with love as I want a committed relationship with him, I know he is denying it and staying away as much as possible. When we are near each other there is just so much sexual tension and attraction, like we really have a great deep connection.

    I did manage to manifest him coming over to get his things but he ended up staying for hours and we were acting like boyfriend and girlfriend, he kissed me and we just then kissed and cuddled for ages, and he didn't want to leave and seemed so confused saying things like i hate my head an whatever, I didn't sleep with him because I want him to respect me and said I wont sleep with you whilst we are not together. (he wasnt pressuring either he was a gentleman).. two days after i manifested bumping into him on the train.
    I have had contact since but initiated by me, he is always nice to me and for some reason reassures me he will not be dating anyone else. I have stopped contacting him now as I want him to contact me and initiate seeing me, etc. I know he fell in love with me. You don't just switch that off.

    I have been visualising and doing other things such as scripting, affirming, RS, PW, BWD. Not obsessively though, I do it when I feel good and when I feel like it. 

    So I was just wondering is there anything that can amplify these amazing techniques, or is it all down to me, I mean I know it works. I have had my guy unblock me, my other ex wont leave me alone and a previous ex to that about 5 years ago has also unblocked me! Also being asked on a few dates, so something is in the air that I am putting out haha (no pun intended)

    Any thoughts everyone?



     Wow it sounds like you're doing something right but as for your question about if you're maybe hindering it there's many things we can do to hinder it sweetie 1- are you letting it go after you've done the technique's? 2- are you checking for signs? 3- are you keeping busy with yourself like going out with friends and over all just being happy and content with yourself? The number one thing I did was doing the technique and forgetting about it not nessarily forgetting but letting it go and not checking for signs! It helped things move so fast it blew me away!

    Sweetie you should read Neville Goddard's prayer the art of believing and basically many of his other books are really great!

    1/31/2017 9:25 am

    Thank you TLC, I have watched a few of her videos. I shall try x

    1/31/2017 9:07 am

    Check Veronica Isle out on youtube. If you go around behaving like he's already in your life, it might speed things up a bit.

    1/31/2017 8:34 am

    Thanks blue, I hope he is caving, and I can't wait for when he does mwahaha! Yeah its strange the more I do it the more I feel love for him. I just send him love as much as I can, I always find myself fantasising sexually in the day as well lol like little scenes that last a few seconds.. then I realise I am at work and should stop and focus on my work haha!

    1/31/2017 8:31 am

    I've been wondering this too but honestly I think if you're doing it with unconditional love then it's more powerful than anything. I know Lanie spoke about in PW her friend doing it on her husband and he became so madly in love with her and lost all this weight and such, I think maybe her friend just did it with such intense love and intention that her PW was just powerful. He just needs time to perhaps fully accept his feelings and what not, there could be other factors at play. But it definitely sounds like he is caving, just be patient - he's just stubborn!

    1/31/2017 8:02 am

    When doing PW, RS, visualising. I mainly do it with love as I want a committed relationship with him, I know he is denying it and staying away as much as possible. When we are near each other there is just so much sexual tension and attraction, like we really have a great deep connection.

    I did manage to manifest him coming over to get his things but he ended up staying for hours and we were acting like boyfriend and girlfriend, he kissed me and we just then kissed and cuddled for ages, and he didn't want to leave and seemed so confused saying things like i hate my head an whatever, I didn't sleep with him because I want him to respect me and said I wont sleep with you whilst we are not together. (he wasnt pressuring either he was a gentleman).. two days after i manifested bumping into him on the train.
    I have had contact since but initiated by me, he is always nice to me and for some reason reassures me he will not be dating anyone else. I have stopped contacting him now as I want him to contact me and initiate seeing me, etc. I know he fell in love with me. You don't just switch that off.

    I have been visualising and doing other things such as scripting, affirming, RS, PW, BWD. Not obsessively though, I do it when I feel good and when I feel like it. 

    So I was just wondering is there anything that can amplify these amazing techniques, or is it all down to me, I mean I know it works. I have had my guy unblock me, my other ex wont leave me alone and a previous ex to that about 5 years ago has also unblocked me! Also being asked on a few dates, so something is in the air that I am putting out haha (no pun intended)

    Any thoughts everyone?



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