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2/02/2017 4:56 pm

emmiline wrote:

Hi sweetie, perhaps just ignore him when you dont feel like chatting and when you do want to chat keep it light hearted.

Thanks emmiline, I think i'm going to have to start ignoring him or say something again, i've ignored his last few messages as his last one said "any cheap hotels up near you when I come up to visit"

Blue wrote:

😂 girl you're vibing so high he just wants in on you lol. It's so crazy how all of this happens when we are all at such a wonderful place emotionally.

Just politely say, "Look we can be friends and if you can't accept that, I'm sorry but I will not continue talking to you. My heart belongs to someone else." If he asks if you have a boyfriend just say yes because subconsciously, your man is already yours.

Haha thanks Blue, it is crazy how it all happens when we are feeling so great emotionally, would be better if it was from my love lol.  That's a nice way of getting over what I want, I think i'll use that, thanks.

Mcleanie77 wrote:

Do PW on him and tell him you don't have feelings for him and vice versa! That's what I would do!👍

Oh good idea Mcleanie I never thought of that, if he doesn't stop after me saying something else then PW it is

2/02/2017 4:23 pm

daisychain wrote:

I don't mean to sound ungrateful or that but how do you let a guy know you aren't interested when he just won't take the hint?

I've had a few guys show interest including an old ex but there's this one guy who just won't let up.  We've been facebook friends for about 3 years and exchanged the odd like etc but no conversation.  He messaged me about 2 weeks ago saying how nice it would be to chat as we'd never chatted etc which I thought was a nice thing of him to do.  Well now he won't leave me alone, despite me telling him i'm not interested and i'm in love with someone else etc.  He keeps talking about coming up to visit me, how do I get the message over to someone who won't listen lol.

It's like everything i'm visualising my love doing this guy is doing, is this normal?

Do PW on him and tell him you don't have feelings for him and vice versa! That's what I would do!👍

2/02/2017 4:17 pm

😂 girl you're vibing so high he just wants in on you lol. It's so crazy how all of this happens when we are all at such a wonderful place emotionally.

Just politely say, "Look we can be friends and if you can't accept that, I'm sorry but I will not continue talking to you. My heart belongs to someone else." If he asks if you have a boyfriend just say yes because subconsciously, your man is already yours.

2/02/2017 4:15 pm

Hi sweetie, perhaps just ignore him when you dont feel like chatting and when you do want to chat keep it light hearted.

2/02/2017 4:07 pm

I don't mean to sound ungrateful or that but how do you let a guy know you aren't interested when he just won't take the hint?

I've had a few guys show interest including an old ex but there's this one guy who just won't let up.  We've been facebook friends for about 3 years and exchanged the odd like etc but no conversation.  He messaged me about 2 weeks ago saying how nice it would be to chat as we'd never chatted etc which I thought was a nice thing of him to do.  Well now he won't leave me alone, despite me telling him i'm not interested and i'm in love with someone else etc.  He keeps talking about coming up to visit me, how do I get the message over to someone who won't listen lol.

It's like everything i'm visualising my love doing this guy is doing, is this normal?

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