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    2/07/2017 10:04 am

    Indigo wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Thank you ... What a reality check . I do find myself looking at other systems and how they work . You are so right .
    For myself I need to focus on trying to perfect PW so I can do it correctly, not just with what I'm doing now but in other avenues in my life .

    We all tend to research things to death these days, especially with all of the free PDFs and Kindles.  
    After doing Lanie's PW for three months I think that it is a great meditation system - short and sweet.  
    I have tweaked it just a bit to suit my preference and I'll probably use this for the rest of my life.  

    I've followed Veronica and she's great as well but I think I want to stick with this for now . At least test it and see if it works for me and so I can apply it to the rest of my life situations.

    2/07/2017 8:31 am

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Thank you ... What a reality check . I do find myself looking at other systems and how they work . You are so right .
    For myself I need to focus on trying to perfect PW so I can do it correctly, not just with what I'm doing now but in other avenues in my life .

    We all tend to research things to death these days, especially with all of the free PDFs and Kindles.  
    After doing Lanie's PW for three months I think that it is a great meditation system - short and sweet.  
    I have tweaked it just a bit to suit my preference and I'll probably use this for the rest of my life.  

    2/07/2017 7:53 am

    Indigo wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Good morning... I just finished PW, I've been trying the techniques. I will be trying it often . I am hoping to see some results. Get feedback and learn a lot more . I feel I've learned so much but I feel like a sponge and I need to soak in more , learn more . I'm enjoying this process . Any tips or suggestions please chime right in . I'm very happy to be in this forum

    My tip to you and anyone just getting started with PW/BWD is don't overwhelm yourself trying to
    get information from multiple sources.  Learn one system and just do that for a couple of months.
    You don't need to know fifteen different meditation methods in order to change your life.  

    Thank you ... What a reality check . I do find myself looking at other systems and how they work . You are so right .
    For myself I need to focus on trying to perfect PW so I can do it correctly, not just with what I'm doing now  but in other avenues in my life .

    2/07/2017 7:42 am

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Good morning... I just finished PW, I've been trying the techniques. I will be trying it often . I am hoping to see some results. Get feedback and learn a lot more . I feel I've learned so much but I feel like a sponge and I need to soak in more , learn more . I'm enjoying this process . Any tips or suggestions please chime right in . I'm very happy to be in this forum

    My tip to you and anyone just getting started with PW/BWD is don't overwhelm yourself trying to
    get information from multiple sources.  Learn one system and just do that for a couple of months.
    You don't need to know fifteen different meditation methods in order to change your life.  

    2/07/2017 6:08 am

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    emmiline wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Could you re- write that in capital letters. I'm wondering why there is posts asking "redundant" questions.

    If they want a little reassurance I can understand but you are completely right in your observation.

    Perhaps we can have a separate thread that can be pinned, like a sticky, to serve as a reminder. There are members asking questions for which a thread has already been started, but instead taking the time to read it and post a reply they are starting new threads altogether.

    Hi manifestingmama, welcome. Let us know once you've completed the book. It is worth reading in its entirety especially if you are new to learning about the subconcious mind.


    That is a good suggestion @em but :

    There is a pinned thread all about general PW queries. There is a newbies q&a thread.
    There is a subforum titled POST your questions here.

    Another pinned thread is not really needed I don't think.

    Good morning... I just finished PW, I've been trying the techniques. I will be trying it often . I am hoping to see some results. Get feedback and learn a lot more . I feel I've learned so much but I feel like a sponge and I need to soak in more , learn more . I'm enjoying this process . Any tips or suggestions please chime right in . I'm very happy to be in this forum

    2/04/2017 7:19 pm

    emmiline wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Could you re- write that in capital letters. I'm wondering why there is posts asking "redundant" questions.

    If they want a little reassurance I can understand but you are completely right in your observation.

    Perhaps we can have a separate thread that can be pinned, like a sticky, to serve as a reminder. There are members asking questions for which a thread has already been started, but instead taking the time to read it and post a reply they are starting new threads altogether.

    Hi manifestingmama, welcome. Let us know once you've completed the book. It is worth reading in its entirety especially if you are new to learning about the subconcious mind.


    That is a good suggestion @em but :

    There is a pinned thread all about general PW queries. There is a newbies q&a thread.
    There is a subforum titled POST your questions here.

    Another pinned thread is not really needed I don't think.

    2/04/2017 4:47 pm

    emmiline wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Could you re- write that in capital letters. I'm wondering why there is posts asking "redundant" questions.

    If they want a little reassurance I can understand but you are completely right in your observation.

    Perhaps we can have a separate thread that can be pinned, like a sticky, to serve as a reminder. There are members asking questions for which a thread has already been started, but instead taking the time to read it and post a reply they are starting new threads altogether.

    Hi manifestingmama, welcome. Let us know once you've completed the book. It is worth reading in its entirety especially if you are new to learning about the subconcious mind.


    I sure will . I hope to really get into it tomorrow since I will have free time . Thank you

    2/04/2017 3:38 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Could you re- write that in capital letters. I'm wondering why there is posts asking "redundant" questions.

    If they want a little reassurance I can understand but you are completely right in your observation.

    Perhaps we can have a separate thread that can be pinned, like a sticky, to serve as a reminder. There are members asking questions for which a thread has already been started, but instead taking the time to read it and post a reply they are starting new threads altogether.

    Hi manifestingmama, welcome. Let us know once you've completed the book. It is worth reading in its entirety especially if you are new to learning about the subconcious mind.


    2/04/2017 10:11 am

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    This wasn't really directed at you. It was more of a side convo.

    Don't let it off you asking questions

    Ok , because I'm trying to learn . I don't want to do this half ass and get no results . I'm in this to win this

    That's great. Keep up the deliberation and you can only but win

    Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

    2/04/2017 10:09 am

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Not sure if you are speaking to me or not , however I'm new and I was simply asking a question . I'm reading a lot of the post and I really didn't see my question answered that is why I asked .
    Is this forum not here to learn and ask questions ? If it is not please let me know . Thank you

    This wasn't really directed at you. It was more of a side convo.

    Don't let it off you asking questions

    Ok , because I'm trying to learn . I don't want to do this half ass and get no results . I'm in this to win this

    That's great. Keep up the deliberation and you can only but win

    2/04/2017 9:21 am

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Not sure if you are speaking to me or not , however I'm new and I was simply asking a question . I'm reading a lot of the post and I really didn't see my question answered that is why I asked .
    Is this forum not here to learn and ask questions ? If it is not please let me know . Thank you

    This wasn't really directed at you. It was more of a side convo.

    Don't let it off you asking questions

    Ok , because I'm trying to learn . I don't want to do this half ass and get no results . I'm in this to win this

    2/04/2017 9:10 am

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Could you re- write that in capital letters. I'm wondering why there is posts asking "redundant" questions.

    If they want a little reassurance I can understand but you are completely right in your observation.

    Not sure if you are speaking to me or not , however I'm new and I was simply asking a question . I'm reading a lot of the post and I really didn't see my question answered that is why I asked .
    Is this forum not here to learn and ask questions ? If it is not please let me know . Thank you

    This wasn't really directed at you. It was more of a side convo.

    Don't let it off you asking questions

    2/04/2017 8:19 am

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

    It's become obvious to me that not that many people are actually reading the books, otherwise they wouldn't keep
    posting redundant questions.  Anyway, if you want to skip to the part about the actual method, that is Chapter 6.
    You can always come back and re-read the rest.  It's really important that besides the meditations that you read
    PP, Book 3, because ladies are doing the meditations and self-sabotaging their efforts because they are impatient
    to see results, so they chase, stalk, beg, plead, and make a fool out of themselves doing things that do not work.


    Could you re- write that in capital letters. I'm wondering why there is posts asking "redundant" questions.

    If they want a little reassurance I can understand but you are completely right in your observation.

    Not sure if you are speaking to me or not , however I'm new and I was simply asking a question . I'm reading a lot of the post and I really didn't see my question answered that is why I asked .
    Is this forum not here to learn and ask questions ? If it is not please let me know . Thank you

    2/04/2017 8:16 am

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Hi , as you know I'm new and I just started ready Pussy Whipped . I'm wondering how many have completed the book and has it been successful ?
    I'm enjoying the read , but my busy schedual only allows me a little time so it seems I'm not making progress .
    I'm anxious to get to the part where I actually learn the techniques but I know I must be patient and read the book in its entirety .
    Any success stories I'd love to hear them . Thank you in advance

    It's become obvious to me that not that many people are actually reading the books, otherwise they wouldn't keep
    posting redundant questions.  Anyway, if you want to skip to the part about the actual method, that is Chapter 6.
    You can always come back and re-read the rest.  It's really important that besides the meditations that you read
    PP, Book 3, because ladies are doing the meditations and self-sabotaging their efforts because they are impatient
    to see results, so they chase, stalk, beg, plead, and make a fool out of themselves doing things that do not work.


    Could you re- write that in capital letters. I'm wondering why there is posts asking "redundant" questions.

    If they want a little reassurance I can understand but you are completely right in your observation.

    2/04/2017 8:12 am

    Indigo wrote:

    Manifestingmama wrote:

    Hi , as you know I'm new and I just started ready Pussy Whipped . I'm wondering how many have completed the book and has it been successful ?
    I'm enjoying the read , but my busy schedual only allows me a little time so it seems I'm not making progress .
    I'm anxious to get to the part where I actually learn the techniques but I know I must be patient and read the book in its entirety .
    Any success stories I'd love to hear them . Thank you in advance

    It's become obvious to me that not that many people are actually reading the books, otherwise they wouldn't keep
    posting redundant questions.  Anyway, if you want to skip to the part about the actual method, that is Chapter 6.
    You can always come back and re-read the rest.  It's really important that besides the meditations that you read
    PP, Book 3, because ladies are doing the meditations and self-sabotaging their efforts because they are impatient
    to see results, so they chase, stalk, beg, plead, and make a fool out of themselves doing things that do not work.


    Could you re- write that in capital letters. I'm wondering why there is posts asking "redundant" questions.

    If they want a little reassurance I can understand but you are completely right in your observation.

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