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    2/10/2017 12:28 pm

    @Goden thank you so much..i will surely check the threads you mentioned..xx

    2/10/2017 12:13 pm

    Don't worry , you aren't alone here.
    I can't tell you step-by-step what helped me because there's been so many ups and downs. Just work on yourself as well and realize that this is also about you. (Honestly it feels like it's mostly about us..and this 'singleness' gives us time to address our faults. Are we too dependent on a guy (or woman) for our happiness? Is it loneliness, is it insecurity? Where does this desperation come from? What do we need to work on?)
    Try to not rely on his attention, it's fine if he hasn't texted or called yet, you're talking to him daily through the technique.
    If you're feeling down, don't do the technique! It's fine.
    It should be done because you feel good, & you should feel even better after. Not looking for signs, but moving on to the next thing, enjoying life. ๐Ÿ’›

    ((There's also a "doubts" thread that has been started. It'll help you see that none of us are perfect at this.
    Also take a look at some of threads on letting go. And...there's a self-love thread in the general discussion section.๐Ÿ’› ))

    2/10/2017 11:48 am

    @Golden you are so right..I am so desperate at the moment that I have this sinking feeling even when i am trying to meditate..first thing i do when i wake up is to check my phone to see if he has texted, and i keep checking my phone all day to see if he is online and may be he will text me..i don't know how to get oout of this feeling..i dont know how to feel relaxed when i do the meditation as i am constantly worried what if he doesnt come back at all

    2/10/2017 11:35 am

    I think you should keep going with the technique if that's who you really want...
    But what stood out for me, is that in one of your posts (#15) you state, "this matters more than anything else in my life right now"
    This is not to 'attack' you because I'm sure most of us have been there and can agree that it's that kind of desperation that we have to get rid of.
    Of course you love him, of course he's important to you
    otherwise you wouldn't be here. Just make sure you assess yourself as you're manifesting. Don't hinder any progress that you're making due to "needing" him versus wanting him. ๐Ÿ’›

    2/10/2017 1:41 am

    Thank you!!!

    2/09/2017 1:38 am

    smalmo wrote:

    Thanks all!..Which meditation will be better in my situation here, can you please advise..:
    โ€‹pussy whip meditation or PUSSY WHIP" (3 MINUTES SILENCE) MEDITATION 

    Thanks again for all your help


    I do PW from the book, but the guided meditations are recommended
    if you are just starting out because it helps you to stay more focused.

    2/09/2017 1:15 am

    Thanks all!..Which meditation will be better in my situation here, can you please advise..:
    โ€‹pussy whip meditation or PUSSY WHIP" (3 MINUTES SILENCE) MEDITATION 

    Thanks again for all your help


    2/07/2017 8:29 pm

    Justaspeckintheuniverse wrote:

    Anything is possible with loa. The most unexpected circumstances have become possible.

    Agreed! The only limitations are those we place on ourselves. Long distance relationships can and DO work - it's just a bit more work. I know quite a few people who have had success with theirs and now they are married.

    2/07/2017 4:23 pm

    Anything is possible with loa. The most unexpected circumstances have become possible.

    2/07/2017 2:58 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Could that not be extended to every single situation on this board. When the basic feature of each situation is that the person is trying to attract someone who at the current moment is showing no interest

    I have no doubt in your sincerity in helping the OP I'm just wondering why the power of PW is only applicable in some situations but not worth using in others I.e LDR (

    Yes, Buddha, I got the part about LOA.  PW is not going to work on every single LDR
    situation on this board.  That's why you have all these women posting their problems.

    If I live at the South Pole and he lives at the North Pole, all the meditating in the world
    is not going to change that if neither one of us is willing to meet at the Equator whether
    it's a financial issue or because we just aren't inclined to make a move.  My target is 
    within three miles of me, why some ppl can't find a man in their proximity remains a
    mystery to me.  And he's interested in me and there is an attraction.  I don't think I
    would expend my efforts on an uninterested man.  But that's just me.

    Anyway, if he flat out refuses to marry her, after having met her through the matrimony
    website, should she go back online and find a new one or keep meditating on the one
    that doesn't want to get married.  I have a feeling that he never intended to get married
    in the first place, just wanted the "get to know you" part.  Wouldn't it just be easier to
    get with a man that actually wants to marry?


    2/07/2017 2:17 pm

    Indigo wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

    Yes, but women can take care of themselves.  Women do NOT need a man.  Women can earn income, take
    care of the household, raise their children alone, fix the car, cook, clean, do laundry, and take care of a ALL
    aspects of their lives.  Men cannot.  Most of them are sad and helpless creatures.  That's why men hook up
    with another woman as soon as they break-up/divorce and women take a break between relationships.  And
    please don't reply about how men can do all the things that a woman can.  They CANNOT.  We all have
    mothers and fathers, and which one of them does everything???  Exactly.  MOM!!!  And that is the main
    reason why long-distance DOES NOT work.  

    It always makes me sad to read things like this pseudo men bashing. To see you write " are sad and helpless creatures." Breaks my heart. Why would you waste time trying to attract some of these helpless creatures. Where is the love in that.

    Women can take care of themselves, yes and so can every single creature in the animal kingdom. A relationship is about a union. It's not about loss of self. A man or woman should be with someone because they want to share the experience of love & life together.

    You make some very generalised blanket statements to differentiate men and women. There are plenty of women who jump straight into relationships one after another, with no breaks. It may also be good reading to look up how men and women process break ups differently.

    As for long distance not working. I've had a successful long distance and I have five good friends who are now married to men who they were in long distance relationships with. A LDR is hard but like any other relationship it will work of the two people (man & woman) are committed to making it work.

    I look forward to the day when we stop having the man v woman argument.

    I'm a little confused, I thought the whole point to applying LOA to your life was to empower yourself to change and create your reality. How does one do that with rigid beliefs that x is x and will never ever change.

    Let me summarize that for you - If you meet a man through a matrimonial website
    and he bales, is that something that should be meditated upon?  

    Could that not be extended to every single situation on this board. When the basic feature of each situation is that the person is trying to attract someone who at the current moment is showing no interest

    I have no doubt in your sincerity in helping the OP I'm just wondering why the power of PW is only applicable in some situations but not worth using in others I.e LDR (

    2/07/2017 4:45 am

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

    Aphrodite11 wrote:

    Long distance relationships are difficult and they rarely work This is true. But it is this very thinking that has made this true.
    And a woman too wants a man who will be with her, not someone who will skype her or talk over the phone all the time or just write letter or send the raven.
    If you want him to be near you, then add that in your PW. Hear him wanting to get a job in your country. 
    And don't you say nothing is working. You manifested this break up and whatever you did to manifest it worked even though you couldn't see it. You realised it only when you broke up. So whatever you are doing to manifest him back will work whether you see it or not.
    Have some patience. It has only been three to four days.

    Yes, but women can take care of themselves.  Women do NOT need a man.  Women can earn income, take
    care of the household, raise their children alone, fix the car, cook, clean, do laundry, and take care of a ALL
    aspects of their lives.  Men cannot.  Most of them are sad and helpless creatures.  That's why men hook up
    with another woman as soon as they break-up/divorce and women take a break between relationships.  And
    please don't reply about how men can do all the things that a woman can.  They CANNOT.  We all have
    mothers and fathers, and which one of them does everything???  Exactly.  MOM!!!  And that is the main
    reason why long-distance DOES NOT work.  

    It always makes me sad to read things like this pseudo men bashing. To see you write " are sad and helpless creatures." Breaks my heart. Why would you waste time trying to attract some of these helpless creatures. Where is the love in that.

    Women can take care of themselves, yes and so can every single creature in the animal kingdom. A relationship is about a union. It's not about loss of self. A man or woman should be with someone because they want to share the experience of love & life together.

    You make some very generalised blanket statements to differentiate men and women. There are plenty of women who jump straight into relationships one after another, with no breaks. It may also be good reading to look up how men and women process break ups differently.

    As for long distance not working. I've had a successful long distance and I have five good friends who are now married to men who they were in long distance relationships with. A LDR is hard but like any other relationship it will work of the two people (man & woman) are committed to making it work.

    I look forward to the day when we stop having the man v woman argument.

    I'm a little confused, I thought the whole point to applying LOA to your life was to empower yourself to change and create your reality. How does one do that with rigid beliefs that x is x and will never ever change.

    But you and Aphrodite's critique of my response to the OP isn't helping anything.  I was providing the
    best advice that I could think of to a problem that I never heard of.  The OP had a difficult problem and
    you all want to debate whether long distance relationships are viable or whether a man or a woman
    can boil a better egg.  Yes, my comments are generalized.  In general, long distance relationships
    do not work.  That's a scientific researched fact.

    I was up all night trying to help this woman with her problem.  How about providing some input to the
    OP's dilemma.  Let me summarize that for you - If you meet a man through a matrimonial website
    and he bales, is that something that should be meditated upon?  

    2/07/2017 4:26 am

    smalmo wrote:

    Thanks..I have a question regarding the manifestation pls..sometimes my mind wanders and then I have to pull it back to the that okay? or will it completely make my meditation useless?

    Once you do the meditations for a while, you will be able to concentrate and become more
    focused.  When I first started about three months ago, I had trouble visualizing my target
    and I would often fall asleep, but that has improved over time.  You will improve also.


    2/07/2017 3:07 am

    Aphrodite11 wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

    smalmo wrote:

    I have been practicing it on my ex for 3-4 days now. We broke up after 2 years as he thought I am too intense for him and he is very laidback. We had a great understanding and chemistry earlier. Yes I did overreact on a couple of occasions in Nov which had put him off me completely. He stays in a different country so the likelihood of meeting again soon is very less as here I am dealing with a long distance relationship. Our last meeting was in Nov which had a bad episode too as I said. But we still stayed in touch for sometime, he mentioned he can remain friends with me but not get married to me. As I wanted more in the relationship he called it quits. I love him immensely and want to do anything to get him for good. But he is a very calm, composed and strong person, not sure how well and how far this will work with him. Being in a bad relationship earlier has scared him too much to take another risk in his life. I have no idea how to deal with this. Please help. No I haven't read PP yet, but the first two PW and BWD.

    If you just started doing PW 3-4 days ago, you need to work on your patience.  These meditations
    are not an instant gratification tool.  Honestly, I don't have much advice for you ladies in these long-
    distance cross-country relationships.  Everyone knows that long-distance relationships rarely work.  
    There is the occasional success story but for the most part they don't work because a man needs
    a woman taking care of him, not skyping him or talking to him over the phone
    .  I think that you all
    are setting yourselves up for failure by getting involved with someone that is not in your proximity.  
    Anyway, maybe someone else will post about how you should handle this relationship.  Meanwhile,
    I recommend that you read all of Lanie's For Women Only series, you can use them to learn about
    dealing with this situation as well as other men in the future.  

    Long distance relationships are difficult and they rarely work This is true. But it is this very thinking that has made this true.
    And a woman too wants a man who will be with her, not someone who will skype her or talk over the phone all the time or just write letter or send the raven.
    If you want him to be near you, then add that in your PW. Hear him wanting to get a job in your country. 
    And don't you say nothing is working. You manifested this break up and whatever you did to manifest it worked even though you couldn't see it. You realised it only when you broke up. So whatever you are doing to manifest him back will work whether you see it or not.
    Have some patience. It has only been three to four days.


    2/07/2017 3:07 am

    Indigo wrote:

    Aphrodite11 wrote:

    Indigo wrote:

    If you just started doing PW 3-4 days ago, you need to work on your patience.  These meditations
    are not an instant gratification tool.  Honestly, I don't have much advice for you ladies in these long-
    distance cross-country relationships.  Everyone knows that long-distance relationships rarely work.  
    There is the occasional success story but for the most part they don't work because a man needs
    a woman taking care of him, not skyping him or talking to him over the phone
    .  I think that you all
    are setting yourselves up for failure by getting involved with someone that is not in your proximity.  
    Anyway, maybe someone else will post about how you should handle this relationship.  Meanwhile,
    I recommend that you read all of Lanie's For Women Only series, you can use them to learn about
    dealing with this situation as well as other men in the future.  

    Long distance relationships are difficult and they rarely work This is true. But it is this very thinking that has made this true.
    And a woman too wants a man who will be with her, not someone who will skype her or talk over the phone all the time or just write letter or send the raven.
    If you want him to be near you, then add that in your PW. Hear him wanting to get a job in your country. 
    And don't you say nothing is working. You manifested this break up and whatever you did to manifest it worked even though you couldn't see it. You realised it only when you broke up. So whatever you are doing to manifest him back will work whether you see it or not.
    Have some patience. It has only been three to four days.

    Yes, but women can take care of themselves.  Women do NOT need a man.  Women can earn income, take
    care of the household, raise their children alone, fix the car, cook, clean, do laundry, and take care of a ALL
    aspects of their lives.  Men cannot.  Most of them are sad and helpless creatures.  That's why men hook up
    with another woman as soon as they break-up/divorce and women take a break between relationships.  And
    please don't reply about how men can do all the things that a woman can.  They CANNOT.  We all have
    mothers and fathers, and which one of them does everything???  Exactly.  MOM!!!  And that is the main
    reason why long-distance DOES NOT work.  

    It always makes me sad to read things like this pseudo men bashing. To see you write " are sad and helpless creatures." Breaks my heart. Why would you waste time trying to attract some of these helpless creatures. Where is the love in that.

    Women can take care of themselves, yes and so can every single creature in the animal kingdom. A relationship is about a union. It's not about loss of self. A man or woman should be with someone because they want to share the experience of love & life together.

    You make some very generalised blanket statements to differentiate men and women. There are plenty of women who jump straight into relationships one after another, with no breaks. It may also be good reading to look up how men and women process break ups differently. 

    As for long distance not working. I've had a successful long distance and I have five good friends who are now married to men who they were in long distance relationships with. A LDR is hard but like any other relationship it will work of the two people (man & woman) are committed to making it work.

    I look forward to the day when we stop having the man v woman argument.

    I'm a little confused, I thought the whole point to applying LOA to your life was to empower yourself to change and create your reality. How does one do that with rigid beliefs that x is x and will never ever change.

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