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    2/12/2017 1:57 pm

    I drink 'blessed' water every day and eat 'blessed' food too. I either write on the bottle or transfer love from my hands or my heart to my food/water. I might do this on my body as we consist of 95% water

    2/09/2017 8:30 pm

    Maybe I'll try this a lot on my mind

    2/09/2017 5:44 pm

    I love this. Def going to try some of those, I read another LOA book today - this time it had to do with angels and I am feeling so much better

    2/09/2017 5:36 pm

    I'm going to try this. I'm inspired.

    2/09/2017 7:57 am

    I'm fine thankyou, I always knew it would never be over between me and him unless I was the one to end it and he's not stalking me because he will have had a genuine reason to be there because it's a garage

    2/09/2017 7:51 am

    That's too bad.  I hope you'll be alright.  
    And I hope that he's not stalking you.

    2/09/2017 7:39 am

    At first I did the meditations everyday and then as often as I could but like I said I struggle badly and just couldn't get rid of all the negative thoughts and I was manifesting them more than anything else so I stopped for a while now,if I'd continued I would have probably got the end result I wanted but I was stressing too much and not letting go constantly thinking well why haven't I seen him,why am I still blocked etc.
    Sadly there will be no wedding and I've put off posting this for ages because I didn't want to discourage people but last night I actually ended it with him.too many lies have been told and even yesterday he couldn't tell me the whole truth and I just can't go through it all again.
    It's a funny old thing but after my first post I went outside and there he was parked opposite my house.he hasn't been there for months

    2/09/2017 7:35 am

    Good morning MissFlip
    I love love  love this. Such a great start to my day hearing a lovely success story. Never heard of the manifesting with water will have to look it up.

    2/09/2017 7:19 am

    This is nice MissFlip.  
    I wonder if it would work to wrap the letter to the universe around
    the water bottle?  Are you still doing the meditations?  And when's
    the wedding??? 

    2/09/2017 7:00 am

    Hi everyone I thought I'd share two things that really helped me let go and get my ex back.
    Everyone is different and different things work for different people but loa is always always working.
    I realised that visualising is something I really struggle with for a long amount of time because my mind wanders and I end up manifesting what I don't want (as in my ex seeing someone else,been blocked etc)
    Please don't take that as visualiseing doesn't work because it really does its just something I'm not very good at but for others it might be just the thing that works.
    Anyway what I found that worked for me was writing a letter to the universe, I poured my heart out and said everything that I was worried/scared about and let it all out,then after I'd put all my worries down I put how grateful I was that the universe had sorted it all out for me so example that all my bills were paid and I have extra money to buy/do things then ending it by saying how grateful I am for the days out I'm having/my wonderful relationship etc.
    I put this letter in a special box I have and then just leave it and get on with things such as starting to phone companys who I owe money to or looking at clothes I will wear for my perfect date with my man and if I ever start having worrys or doubts I just think no the universe has my letter and it's working on it so get out of its way.

    The second thing I do is I have a bottle of water that I peeled the label back and wrote on my biggest desire,I use this bottle everyday and as I drink the water I affirm what's written and imagine all the positive energy going into me as I drink.
    Have a look at manifesting with water and the water crystal experiment.
    The power of words is very strong so when I'm brushing my hair whatever as I look in the mirror I say I'm happy, I'm loved,I have beautiful eyes, I have clear skin,I'm was hard at first but after a while I was like hey I actually do have beautiful eyes,my hair does look good,I have an amazing smile.

    So for me writing everything down and reminding myself that the universe has my back and is working on it then fully concentrating on loving me really worked.

    How well did it work??after been blocked/ignored/him seeing someone else since August last year,I was at his house yesterday and he told me it was only ever me he loved and he still loves me now.

    Believe believe believe and love yourself first

    I hope this might help someone

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