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    2/10/2017 3:29 pm

    Samibaby21 wrote:

    I think you're worrying too much Hun. I didn't use the laser beam thing I just visualized him as best I could. You will create your own blocks if you're always worried wether it's working or not.

    yh your right i do constantly worry i will just continue to visualize him saying he loves me etc. its just bn doing it a month now no improvements on him his resistance is insane lol x

    2/09/2017 10:06 pm

    I think you're worrying too much Hun. I didn't use the laser beam thing I just visualized him as best I could. You will create your own blocks if you're always worried wether it's working or not.

    2/09/2017 8:35 pm

    donna89 wrote:

    Blue wrote:

    It is working. Just imagine the laser beam.
    Make sure when you do your visualisations it is in first-person and you are seeing it happen in front of you. Not in third person where you see the two of you.

    i know i need to stop doubting myself thanks for the tip... blue i noticed you message a lot of people on here and know a lot about it - do you know genrally how long it takes to start effect on a stubborn guy like more than a month etc? thanks

    I have no idea sweetheart, my man is stubborn too. Well...I know I shouldn't say "stubborn" but he has a lot of blocks up. But it always works and is always taking effect, he may just be keeping it to himself. Just keep doing it and have faith

    2/09/2017 8:30 pm

    donna89 wrote:

    thanks for your advice your absolutely right i am trying to complicate things i have ocd so i just keep thinking shall i do it again etc is it working i guess i just need to believe and stop reading too many different techniques on this forum and like you said do my own way - hopefully il have some success soon 

    I am OCD so I can relate.  When I first started I made a list of the steps.
    That worked for me until I did it enough to remember everything.  I also
    made a long list of the statements that I want my man to say.  For me it
    works best to keep it as simple and basic as possible.  Each meditation
    I have him tell me two or three statements from my list.  You really don't
    need to know all the different meditations when you are first starting out
    or ever really.  There's hundreds of them and you'd drive yourself nuts.


    2/09/2017 8:03 pm

    Blue wrote:

    It is working. Just imagine the laser beam.
    Make sure when you do your visualisations it is in first-person and you are seeing it happen in front of you. Not in third person where you see the two of you.

    i know i need to stop doubting myself thanks for the tip... blue i noticed you message a lot of people on here and know a lot about it - do you know genrally how long it takes to start effect on a stubborn guy like more than a month etc? thanks

    2/09/2017 7:36 pm

    It is working. Just imagine the laser beam.
    Make sure when you do your visualisations it is in first-person and you are seeing it happen in front of you. Not in third person where you see the two of you.

    2/09/2017 7:35 pm

    Indigo wrote:

    donna89 wrote:

    hey im learning more and more each day about PW and still follow it daily i do it to my guy twice a day. i have read a few posts and people say your spose to visualise witjh your third eye when you do this, im really confused because i haven't been doing that and also is it more effective when you do it, and do i jus do it and shine the light from my third eye on to his or his third eye supposed to laser light back at me ? please help guys im trying to manifest him back but since bumping in to him last week i feel like this pw is not doing anythin i feel numb like it has no effect on him i cant xplain it feels like he is blocking me or not having any feelings towards what im doin and i can sense it  i been doin it now a month when is the average kind of time frame people have had results from stubborn exes

    Lanie says in the book to focus like you would a laser beam.  You need to re-read PW because
    we can't write that much about what it says as that would violate copyrights.  It seems to me
    that you are over-complicating the process and the reason it does not seem to be working for
    you is because you keep worrying about whether or not it is having an effect.  Your conscious
    mind needs to let your subconscious mind do what it is supposed to do.  Just relax and do the
    meditations.  Visualize your target as best you can and do what it says in PW.  I would strongly
    urge you to read Pussy Power and Breakup to Makeup so that you know how to deal with your
    man when you encounter him.  Everyone does their meditations differently.  Find your rhythm 
    and do your own thing and PW will work for you.  If you let it.

    thanks for your advice your absolutely right i am trying to complicate things i have ocd so i just keep thinking shall i do it again etc is it working i guess i just need to believe and stop reading too many different techniques on this forum and like you said do my own way - hopefully il have some success soon 


    2/09/2017 7:30 pm

    donna89 wrote:

    hey im learning more and more each day about PW and still follow it daily i do it to my guy twice a day. i have read a few posts and people say your spose to visualise witjh your third eye when you do this, im really confused because i haven't been doing that and also is it more effective when you do it, and do i jus do it and shine the light from my third eye on to his or his third eye supposed to laser light back at me ? please help guys im trying to manifest him back but since bumping in to him last week i feel like this pw is not doing anythin i feel numb like it has no effect on him i cant xplain it feels like he is blocking me or not having any feelings towards what im doin and i can sense it  i been doin it now a month when is the average kind of time frame people have had results from stubborn exes

    Lanie says in the book to focus like you would a laser beam.  You need to re-read PW because
    we can't write that much about what it says as that would violate copyrights.  It seems to me
    that you are over-complicating the process and the reason it does not seem to be working for
    you is because you keep worrying about whether or not it is having an effect.  Your conscious
    mind needs to let your subconscious mind do what it is supposed to do.  Just relax and do the
    meditations.  Visualize your target as best you can and do what it says in PW.  I would strongly
    urge you to read Pussy Power and Breakup to Makeup so that you know how to deal with your
    man when you encounter him.  Everyone does their meditations differently.  Find your rhythm 
    and do your own thing and PW will work for you.  If you let it.


    2/09/2017 6:46 pm

    hey im learning more and more each day about PW and still follow it daily i do it to my guy twice a day. i have read a few posts and people say your spose to visualise witjh your third eye when you do this, im really confused because i haven't been doing that and also is it more effective when you do it, and do i jus do it and shine the light from my third eye on to his or his third eye supposed to laser light back at me ? please help guys im trying to manifest him back but since bumping in to him last week i feel like this pw is not doing anythin i feel numb like it has no effect on him i cant xplain it feels like he is blocking me or not having any feelings towards what im doin and i can sense it  i been doin it now a month when is the average kind of time frame people have had results from stubborn exes 

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