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    2/26/2017 1:14 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    thaqueenliz wrote:

    Hate to disagree ladies!  But this is the answer i found! I framed the question wrong perhaps, but this is from an article called "signs your soulmate is on the way"

    "I have lost track of the number of times over the years that I have had a caller or client come to me and say “I have excellent relationships with all my ex lovers. But suddenly, none of them will talk to me anymore! What did I do?” The answer I almost always receive from the angels is that nothing at all is wrong. In fact, I almost always see that the person receiving the reading is growing and blossoming spiritually and starting to release the security blanket of those old, failed relationships. They may not realize it yet, but their higher consciousness has realized that it’s time to let go, that the former lovers are not coming back and that true love is on the way."

    That answer confirms what everyone has replied to you.

    Note it says "their higher consciousness has realised..."  Note it does not say the universe.

    The general theme through all the answers you have recieved is that YOU are driving the changes on your environment.

    I personally believe my higher consciousness comes from the universe. As well as I believe when I met him (not knowing he'd be so special) the universe put almost an aura around me that tells others (especially men that weren't necessarily good for me) "stop. she's taken." Because something i've noticed through my life is that I may not always know what's best for me, but the universe does. I see it as a guiding hand that pushes me and shields me from making detrimental decisions without stopping me from receiving important lessons. I see it as I tell the universe what i want, then it doing everything necessary to make it happen, even things I may not like at the time. A few months ago I asked for my soulmate, defined my list and everything, and now i've met him. So distractions are being eliminated. I'm being forced to focus as well as be alone and look inwardly. No excessive partying, no drunk hookups, none of that! As my psychic said, he's a "catalyst".

    At the time I posted this I was confused about how my POI felt for me or if he was even worth it, and was confused and angry when I kept trying to find people to fill my time and occupy my mind only for them to pull a major ass move within a day, or for communication to fall out completely. Basically the universe was like "no, you're better than this just have patience, he's the one."

    Lo and Behold when I hear from him again he's constantly thanking me for my patience.

    So I truly believe I'm on reserve (maybe there's a better word for it) and it's not a bad thing. It's just keeping my eyes on the prize and honestly stopping me from making a mistake or doing something stupid.

    2/26/2017 11:34 am

    thaqueenliz wrote:

    Hate to disagree ladies!  But this is the answer i found! I framed the question wrong perhaps, but this is from an article called "signs your soulmate is on the way"

    "I have lost track of the number of times over the years that I have had a caller or client come to me and say “I have excellent relationships with all my ex lovers. But suddenly, none of them will talk to me anymore! What did I do?” The answer I almost always receive from the angels is that nothing at all is wrong. In fact, I almost always see that the person receiving the reading is growing and blossoming spiritually and starting to release the security blanket of those old, failed relationships. They may not realize it yet, but their higher consciousness has realized that it’s time to let go, that the former lovers are not coming back and that true love is on the way."

    That answer confirms what everyone has replied to you.

    Note it says "their higher consciousness has realised..."  Note it does not say the universe.

    The general theme through all the answers you have recieved is that YOU are driving the changes on your environment.

    2/26/2017 1:58 am

    Hate to disagree ladies!  But this is the answer i found! I framed the question wrong perhaps, but this is from an article called "signs your soulmate is on the way"

    "I have lost track of the number of times over the years that I have had a caller or client come to me and say “I have excellent relationships with all my ex lovers. But suddenly, none of them will talk to me anymore! What did I do?” The answer I almost always receive from the angels is that nothing at all is wrong. In fact, I almost always see that the person receiving the reading is growing and blossoming spiritually and starting to release the security blanket of those old, failed relationships. They may not realize it yet, but their higher consciousness has realized that it’s time to let go, that the former lovers are not coming back and that true love is on the way."

    2/20/2017 12:26 pm

    emem80 is totally right. The idea of there being a 'universe' with its own mind or some kind of predetermined destiny is incorrect – YOU are the creator of everything in your life and your own reality. The universe is totally neutral.

    I would delve into Neville Goddard's work (Lanie's main inspiration!) for more on this.


    2/20/2017 6:54 am

    thaqueenliz wrote:

    If you haven't read my backstory I met my POI the 24th of January and was immediately pretty smitten, however he's busy and blocking the connection he felt between us (by making himself as busy as possible), and I haven't heard from him in weeks.

    I used to have tinder and bumble, FULL of matches, dates every night, sometimes twice a day, and although it was fun, none of them really stuck. And going out with friends I'd be approached and bought drinks all night. Literally the same night I met him I was with another guy, and all his guy friends were around me and we were having drinks, I was a bombshell! Then I met "Josh" and all that came to a halt. I still go out, but hardly get approached, I'll be looking around like "who's the lucky guy? Huh? No one? ok" haha. If I do have a drunk or lonely soul wander over and flirt, and give my number out, I never hear from them or it fizzles. I've tried getting tinder again, and get significantly less matches, and conversation never picks up. Same with the bumble app. Seriously talking about going from so many matches I couldn't message them all, to literally three matches! We'll message once or twice then it fizzles! Even today I tried to meet up with one and it fizzled out mid plan-making! 

    I've been feeling lonely especially not hearing from him, and tried reconnecting with some old flames, it's not the same, there's no interest on either ends especially with an ex flame that I had been head-over-heels for until after New Years, and now there's just nothing.

    Does the universe ever put us on reserve for someone we're meant for? (especially people like me with so much ability to stray)? My psychic described "Josh" as a catalyst for me to go within myself and focus on me. I don't even know what that means, if I'll end up being with him. 

    This is just so weird and confusing and honestly? Lonely not having at least someone to distract me while I try these techniques on "Josh." I haven't heard from him in almost 3 weeks now. Thoughts?

    Hello, Queen! I'd just like to add to everyone's comments by saying that you ARE the universe, and you make your reality.  I found you a beautiful Rumi quote, about it. 

    “Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.”
    ― Jalalludin Rumi

    2/19/2017 3:16 pm

    thaqueenliz wrote:

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    No the universe doesn't reserve you.

    Your reality reflects your energy and your inner talk.

    Think about your energy when your profile was full of matches. Were you more carefree and detached?

    I was as detached then as I am now. Probably even more detached to other the idea of dating other men because I have my eye on someone.

    If you are squarely focused and pining for one person, then are you not reserving yourself not the universe.

    2/19/2017 3:14 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    No the universe doesn't reserve you.

    Your reality reflects your energy and your inner talk.

    Think about your energy when your profile was full of matches. Were you more carefree and detached?

    I was as detached then as I am now. Probably even more detached to other the idea of dating other men because I have my eye on someone.

    2/19/2017 3:10 pm

    No the universe doesn't reserve you.

    Your reality reflects your energy and your inner talk.

    Think about your energy when your profile was full of matches. Were you more carefree and detached?

    2/18/2017 10:59 pm

    marilyng wrote:

    I don't think so.
    I think a very common theme when reading success stories regarding LOA is that most people are grateful that whatever circumstances happened in their lives happened in the first place because that then led them to LOA and to start the journey which they plan to continue to use through their lives even when they manage to attract or fix whatever it was that brought them to LOA in the first place.

    If you believe your psychic then that makes perfect sense, Josh is the catalyst for you to go within yourself and focus on you, if you had other guys interested in you right now you wouldn't do that because they could fill the void while you're waiting to see what the future holds for you and Josh.


    Thanks! It is nice having so much time for myself. Back then I was so busy running around i had no time to meditate or even shower sometimes! Now I take detox baths every night, and can practice self care all Sunday!

    As for him being a catalyst...I'm not sure it was an odd choice of word! I'd rather her have used...soulmate haha. Catalyst makes it sound like he appears for a purpose then goes away lol.

    2/18/2017 10:42 pm

    I don't think so.
    I think a very common theme when reading success stories regarding LOA is that most people are grateful that whatever circumstances happened in their lives happened in the first place because that then led them to LOA and to start the journey which they plan to continue to use through their lives even when they manage to attract or fix whatever it was that brought them to LOA in the first place.

    If you believe your psychic then that makes perfect sense, Josh is the catalyst for you to go within yourself and focus on you, if you had other guys interested in you right now you wouldn't do that because they could fill the void while you're waiting to see what the future holds for you and Josh.


    2/18/2017 10:37 pm

    thaqueenliz wrote:

    January wrote:

    The newest book describes the love spell. But you'll need to buy her guided meditation to do the actual spell. Both are well worth the money! I think they'll give you some calm over this.

    Do try to stop saying he's blocking you! I've stopped thinking that way over the past week and I think it's helping! A few times during PW, I had visualized him with a big, heavy cloud full of my messages over his head, just waiting to burst as I called him to me.

    Just bought the book and I'm reading it now! And yes I do that too! Sometimes during the day I imagine him in bed or at his office and let's down his blocks and the messages go into his head! Like a laser kind of haha.

    I was doing that too! Sometimes I also envisioned him hard and then his erection going down when he told me that he only gets hard for me. Ha! I've released a ton of anger and hurt the past week or so and I don't feel as vindictive these days or the need to visualize him as often. Some days I barely think of him until it's time to do PW. It's so refreshing. Let me know what you think of the book!

    2/18/2017 10:24 pm

    January wrote:

    The newest book describes the love spell. But you'll need to buy her guided meditation to do the actual spell. Both are well worth the money! I think they'll give you some calm over this.

    Do try to stop saying he's blocking you! I've stopped thinking that way over the past week and I think it's helping! A few times during PW, I had visualized him with a big, heavy cloud full of my messages over his head, just waiting to burst as I called him to me.

    Just bought the book and I'm reading it now! And yes I do that too! Sometimes during the day I imagine him in bed or at his office and let's down his blocks and the messages go into his head! Like a laser kind of haha.

    2/18/2017 10:17 pm

    The newest book describes the love spell. But you'll need to buy her guided meditation to do the actual spell. Both are well worth the money! I think they'll give you some calm over this.

    Do try to stop saying he's blocking you! I've stopped thinking that way over the past week and I think it's helping! A few times during PW, I had visualized him with a big, heavy cloud full of my messages over his head, just waiting to burst as I called him to me.

    2/18/2017 9:53 pm

    January wrote:

    Really interesting question! I hope someone knows the answer! In her books and in response to an email, Lanie said you should go out and date, live your life, etc while knowing your guy is on his way back to you. Easier said then done of course... I've been very casually dating someone (not my norm at all) and it has helped me to stop obsessing over my ex the past two weeks. Finally! But I spent almost 6 weeks prior to that really working on myself. It was long overdue and it was hard. I couldn't even deal with thinking about dating, even as a distraction during that time. I had made so many positive changes in my life but I couldn't let go of when my POI would be coming back. Now I just have a complete sense of peace and calm that he will be coming.

    Maybe instead of trying to date guys right now, you could date yourself for a while? Lanie has some really great meditations to help you work on yourself. Powerful You, Stop Obsessing, Skinny You, Body Enlightenment  (my favorite for chakra balancing) are a few of my favorites. All these will help you raise your vibration. I woke up a few days ago, the day after doing the first Love Spell, and I felt like I was my old self from years ago. But better. I look worse than I have in years but I feel more confident and I have truly fallen in love with myself. I also have guys hitting on me all the time. With no encouragement. 

    I would try some personal work to raise your vibration. Are you doing the Love Spell?

    I haven't done the love spell but I'm starting to see whispers of it here! is it from her newest book? I've considered buying it! I never thought of manifesting his resistance, I simply felt it and my psychic confirmed it, but I wonder what would happen if I tried to manifest him being open to my visualizations. I keep trying to casually date like i used to but seems it's not in the cards these days!

    2/18/2017 9:46 pm

    One more thing, if you keep seeing your guy as blocking you or resisting you, you'll continue to manifest resistance and being blocked! I struggle with this too.

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