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    Topic review (newest first):

    2/27/2017 8:41 am

    Thank you so much 😊 the only movement  I've been seeing if that he comes around for sex . But I want a loving stable relationship.

    2/26/2017 7:07 pm

    Antonios Wife wrote:

    I purchased the How to make him Burn mediation bundle and it put me to sleep was I suppose to relax and visualize or what . I'm truly feeling like I'm doing something wrong.

    Antonio's Wife

    When I first started I used to fall asleep ALL the time while doing PW and then I couldn't
    remember what happened so I'd have to do another session just to make sure I got it in.  

    You'll do better once you gain more experience just like everyone else.


    2/26/2017 6:56 pm

    Hi sweetie, yes Lanie's voice is extremely soothing 
    Try to focus, once you start listening regularly you will be able to follow it.

    I used to fall sleep too, then awaken right when she starts to bring you out of alpha.

    2/26/2017 5:43 pm

    I purchased the How to make him Burn mediation bundle and it put me to sleep was I suppose to relax and visualize or what . I'm truly feeling like I'm doing something wrong.

    Antonio's Wife

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