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    3/05/2017 10:59 pm

    Jag123 wrote:

    Hi DeDe

    Looks like we're in the same boat and experiencing exactly the same thing!

    I'm so glad to hear you felt more confident after the second round, because I did too.  So far removed from the feelings after the first round.  Today is the day after the second round and I woke up with an innate "knowing" that this is all working out.  Isn't it a wonderful feeling. Can't wait for tonight!!! 

    Signs are a wonderful thing, he's definitely close - virtual high five!!  This is so exciting!!!


    Yes high five to you as well!!

    3/05/2017 5:27 am

    Hi DeDe

    Looks like we're in the same boat and experiencing exactly the same thing!

    I'm so glad to hear you felt more confident after the second round, because I did too.  So far removed from the feelings after the first round.  Today is the day after the second round and I woke up with an innate "knowing" that this is all working out.  Isn't it a wonderful feeling. Can't wait for tonight!!! 

    Signs are a wonderful thing, he's definitely close - virtual high five!!  This is so exciting!!!


    3/04/2017 7:50 pm

    Jag123 wrote:

    DeDe651 wrote:

    Jag123 wrote:

    So I think I may have had an epiphany around this.  I have been a bit of a spiritual seeker for most of my adult life and have manifested some great things in my life.  I keep forgetting that while Lanie has created a step by step method, it's the same principles of manifesting a new job, new car etc using the law of attraction.  Any blocks in our own belief systems etc prevent things from manifesting. 

    Last night I woke up about 4am and felt anxiety around missing him, doubt etc.  Similar to the feelings I was experiencing that day and thinking it was the spell.   Now, I do think it was the spell that brought these feelings about, but I don't think it's necessarily relating to the feelings my boy has for me. I feel that the spell is bringing us closer as promised, but the sad feelings were my own personal blocks and beliefs. I didn't know how to label or explain why I was feeling that way, so labeled them "missing him" "will it work" "can't stop thinking about him".  I think the spell has activated the laws of attraction and subsequently my own blocks and belief were coming up for healing. 

    So I laid in my bed that night and allowed the feelings.  I didn't label the feelings or attribute them to the boy. I just felt them and did some Ho'oponopo until they dissipated.  When they dissipated I thought of him and if I felt them again I went back to the Ho'poponopoo.  I did this for about an hour until I felt clear of all sad feelings and asked the universe to help me and him heal.  I felt gratitude for what was going on behind the scenes. Fell asleep and woke up this morning feeling happy, clear and full of optimism about him and this night's round of the spell.

    Sorry for the long post but I genuinely feel those feelings came up for me to heal, let go and get ready for him.  I also think this, as when he came back the last time I clearly had unresolved issues that ensured it didn't last very long! 

    Just my take on things, and can't wait to see what comes next!

    I definitely agree with you on that one. I emailed Lanie about it and she suggested detachment.

    Good to have that feedback!  Still feeling much better today, and I did the Cut the Cord Meditation this afternoon based on the advice.  Really enjoyed tonight's round of the spell.  How are you doing?

    After I did the cord cutting it worked like a charm. Also the next time I did the spell I felt a lot more confident and connected.

    I have been seeing one particular sign related to him all day however. I got two phone calls from an area the same name of the area he lives in just in a different state. 

    There's no telling when he will be popping up but I know it's gonna be soon.

    3/03/2017 4:40 pm

    DeDe651 wrote:

    Jag123 wrote:

    So I think I may have had an epiphany around this.  I have been a bit of a spiritual seeker for most of my adult life and have manifested some great things in my life.  I keep forgetting that while Lanie has created a step by step method, it's the same principles of manifesting a new job, new car etc using the law of attraction.  Any blocks in our own belief systems etc prevent things from manifesting. 

    Last night I woke up about 4am and felt anxiety around missing him, doubt etc.  Similar to the feelings I was experiencing that day and thinking it was the spell.   Now, I do think it was the spell that brought these feelings about, but I don't think it's necessarily relating to the feelings my boy has for me. I feel that the spell is bringing us closer as promised, but the sad feelings were my own personal blocks and beliefs. I didn't know how to label or explain why I was feeling that way, so labeled them "missing him" "will it work" "can't stop thinking about him".  I think the spell has activated the laws of attraction and subsequently my own blocks and belief were coming up for healing. 

    So I laid in my bed that night and allowed the feelings.  I didn't label the feelings or attribute them to the boy. I just felt them and did some Ho'oponopo until they dissipated.  When they dissipated I thought of him and if I felt them again I went back to the Ho'poponopoo.  I did this for about an hour until I felt clear of all sad feelings and asked the universe to help me and him heal.  I felt gratitude for what was going on behind the scenes. Fell asleep and woke up this morning feeling happy, clear and full of optimism about him and this night's round of the spell.

    Sorry for the long post but I genuinely feel those feelings came up for me to heal, let go and get ready for him.  I also think this, as when he came back the last time I clearly had unresolved issues that ensured it didn't last very long! 

    Just my take on things, and can't wait to see what comes next!

    I definitely agree with you on that one. I emailed Lanie about it and she suggested detachment.

    Good to have that feedback!  Still feeling much better today, and I did the Cut the Cord Meditation this afternoon based on the advice.  Really enjoyed tonight's round of the spell.  How are you doing?

    3/03/2017 3:40 pm

    I am on the last day of the love spell on Sunday. I thought it was just me with the 'backlash'. I could not believe I was missing my new fella. I even text him and said "are you missing me?" He replied "I think about you, but I think it is you missing me". Glad to know others are experiencing the same. But I would rather it worked the other way round, I thought that was the point of doing it!!!

    3/03/2017 12:24 pm

    Jag123 wrote:

    So I think I may have had an epiphany around this.  I have been a bit of a spiritual seeker for most of my adult life and have manifested some great things in my life.  I keep forgetting that while Lanie has created a step by step method, it's the same principles of manifesting a new job, new car etc using the law of attraction.  Any blocks in our own belief systems etc prevent things from manifesting. 

    Last night I woke up about 4am and felt anxiety around missing him, doubt etc.  Similar to the feelings I was experiencing that day and thinking it was the spell.   Now, I do think it was the spell that brought these feelings about, but I don't think it's necessarily relating to the feelings my boy has for me. I feel that the spell is bringing us closer as promised, but the sad feelings were my own personal blocks and beliefs. I didn't know how to label or explain why I was feeling that way, so labeled them "missing him" "will it work" "can't stop thinking about him".  I think the spell has activated the laws of attraction and subsequently my own blocks and belief were coming up for healing. 

    So I laid in my bed that night and allowed the feelings.  I didn't label the feelings or attribute them to the boy. I just felt them and did some Ho'oponopo until they dissipated.  When they dissipated I thought of him and if I felt them again I went back to the Ho'poponopoo.  I did this for about an hour until I felt clear of all sad feelings and asked the universe to help me and him heal.  I felt gratitude for what was going on behind the scenes. Fell asleep and woke up this morning feeling happy, clear and full of optimism about him and this night's round of the spell.

    Sorry for the long post but I genuinely feel those feelings came up for me to heal, let go and get ready for him.  I also think this, as when he came back the last time I clearly had unresolved issues that ensured it didn't last very long! 

    Just my take on things, and can't wait to see what comes next!

    I definitely agree with you on that one. I emailed Lanie about it and she suggested detachment.

    3/03/2017 8:16 am

    jessieroro wrote:

    Sorry, can I just ask, cause I bought Lanie's new book and read the first few pages and was confused. Are there multiple spells? It seems that way? What spell did you do? Btw I agree with Sunshine's idea. I think you're missing him more because he's thinking about you more and the feelings and thoughts are bouncing between the two of you in a way.

    The spell is at the back of the book.  You'll need to purchase the meditations as well to undertake it properly.  There is only one spell.  Make sure you read it and get your meditation before you want to start because you need to gather a few bits and bobs.  I ordered them from Amazon Prime so I had them ready for the next night Hope you enjoy it!

    3/03/2017 8:05 am

    So I think I may have had an epiphany around this.  I have been a bit of a spiritual seeker for most of my adult life and have manifested some great things in my life.  I keep forgetting that while Lanie has created a step by step method, it's the same principles of manifesting a new job, new car etc using the law of attraction.  Any blocks in our own belief systems etc prevent things from manifesting. 

    Last night I woke up about 4am and felt anxiety around missing him, doubt etc.  Similar to the feelings I was experiencing that day and thinking it was the spell.   Now, I do think it was the spell that brought these feelings about, but I don't think it's necessarily relating to the feelings my boy has for me. I feel that the spell is bringing us closer as promised, but the sad feelings were my own personal blocks and beliefs. I didn't know how to label or explain why I was feeling that way, so labeled them "missing him" "will it work" "can't stop thinking about him".  I think the spell has activated the laws of attraction and subsequently my own blocks and belief were coming up for healing. 

    So I laid in my bed that night and allowed the feelings.  I didn't label the feelings or attribute them to the boy. I just felt them and did some Ho'oponopo until they dissipated.  When they dissipated I thought of him and if I felt them again I went back to the Ho'poponopoo.  I did this for about an hour until I felt clear of all sad feelings and asked the universe to help me and him heal.  I felt gratitude for what was going on behind the scenes. Fell asleep and woke up this morning feeling happy, clear and full of optimism about him and this night's round of the spell.

    Sorry for the long post but I genuinely feel those feelings came up for me to heal, let go and get ready for him.  I also think this, as when he came back the last time I clearly had unresolved issues that ensured it didn't last very long! 

    Just my take on things, and can't wait to see what comes next!

    3/02/2017 6:01 pm

    Sorry, can I just ask, cause I bought Lanie's new book and read the first few pages and was confused. Are there multiple spells? It seems that way? What spell did you do? Btw I agree with Sunshine's idea. I think you're missing him more because he's thinking about you more and the feelings and thoughts are bouncing between the two of you in a way.

    3/02/2017 5:42 pm

    Jag123 wrote:

    Sunshine wrote:

    Jag123 wrote:

    You know, you may be on to something.  I actually thought maybe I'm feeling his thoughts, but put that down as wishful thinking lol!  It was very overwhelming and while I  have felt like that before, it's been a while.  

    So you feel the same after PW and BWD?  I actually find that I find more control and empowered after those meditations.  So much so I hardly ever miss him.  That's why it was so surprising!!  God help you when you try the spell then LOL!  I'm just hoping our theories are right and it's not backfiring or something! 

     I don't get it all the time. Sometimes I get waves of missing him and really wanting him sexually! I'm in contact with my love so I know it's working. Although he's responding in a passive aggressive way mostly, trying to push my buttons, starting fights or acting hot and cold. Thanks to Lanie's books and meditations I am able to play it cool, so I just sit back and enjoy the show 😎
    But when I get those days when I can only think about him and feel pretty much obsessed, that's what I tell myself

    Well now that is very interesting to hear that you know how it is affecting him!  You must feel all powerful.  Ha ha!  In that case you must be right.  That makes me very happy because I don't see mine and we don't speak.  If you are right, then that love spell is very very powerful because I couldn't shake the feeling all day! 

    Interesting theory. I think I'm going to email Lanie about it. I'll post if I get a reply 😊

    3/02/2017 4:15 pm

    Sunshine wrote:

    Jag123 wrote:

    Sunshine wrote:

    Girls I haven't done the spell yet but I've been doing PW and BWD and sometimes feel the same! As if the thoughts I'm planting in him are haunting me.
    I have a theory... maybe it's because they are thinking about us, they're visualising (even if not intentionally) so it hits us back? Those intense emotions that they're feeling and thoughts that they're thinking, make them unknowingly do PW on us. Just how I'm explaining this to myself

    You know, you may be on to something.  I actually thought maybe I'm feeling his thoughts, but put that down as wishful thinking lol!  It was very overwhelming and while I  have felt like that before, it's been a while.  

    So you feel the same after PW and BWD?  I actually find that I find more control and empowered after those meditations.  So much so I hardly ever miss him.  That's why it was so surprising!!  God help you when you try the spell then LOL!  I'm just hoping our theories are right and it's not backfiring or something! 

     I don't get it all the time. Sometimes I get waves of missing him and really wanting him sexually! I'm in contact with my love so I know it's working. Although he's responding in a passive aggressive way mostly, trying to push my buttons, starting fights or acting hot and cold. Thanks to Lanie's books and meditations I am able to play it cool, so I just sit back and enjoy the show 😎
    But when I get those days when I can only think about him and feel pretty much obsessed, that's what I tell myself

    Well now that is very interesting to hear that you know how it is affecting him!  You must feel all powerful.  Ha ha!  In that case you must be right.  That makes me very happy because I don't see mine and we don't speak.  If you are right, then that love spell is very very powerful because I couldn't shake the feeling all day! 

    3/02/2017 4:02 pm

    Yikes! Three-fold law in action?  (shocked)

    I'm set to start the love spell next week, will update you on my experience then.

    Who else has had a similar experience with the spell thus far?

    3/02/2017 4:01 pm

    Jag123 wrote:

    Sunshine wrote:

    Girls I haven't done the spell yet but I've been doing PW and BWD and sometimes feel the same! As if the thoughts I'm planting in him are haunting me.
    I have a theory... maybe it's because they are thinking about us, they're visualising (even if not intentionally) so it hits us back? Those intense emotions that they're feeling and thoughts that they're thinking, make them unknowingly do PW on us. Just how I'm explaining this to myself

    You know, you may be on to something.  I actually thought maybe I'm feeling his thoughts, but put that down as wishful thinking lol!  It was very overwhelming and while I  have felt like that before, it's been a while.  

    So you feel the same after PW and BWD?  I actually find that I find more control and empowered after those meditations.  So much so I hardly ever miss him.  That's why it was so surprising!!  God help you when you try the spell then LOL!  I'm just hoping our theories are right and it's not backfiring or something! 

     I don't get it all the time. Sometimes I get waves of missing him and really wanting him sexually! I'm in contact with my love so I know it's working. Although he's responding in a passive aggressive way mostly, trying to push my buttons, starting fights or acting hot and cold. Thanks to Lanie's books and meditations I am able to play it cool, so I just sit back and enjoy the show 😎
    But when I get those days when I can only think about him and feel pretty much obsessed, that's what I tell myself

    3/02/2017 3:51 pm

    Sunshine wrote:

    Girls I haven't done the spell yet but I've been doing PW and BWD and sometimes feel the same! As if the thoughts I'm planting in him are haunting me.
    I have a theory... maybe it's because they are thinking about us, they're visualising (even if not intentionally) so it hits us back? Those intense emotions that they're feeling and thoughts that they're thinking, make them unknowingly do PW on us. Just how I'm explaining this to myself

    You know, you may be on to something.  I actually thought maybe I'm feeling his thoughts, but put that down as wishful thinking lol!  It was very overwhelming and while I  have felt like that before, it's been a while.  

    So you feel the same after PW and BWD?  I actually find that I find more control and empowered after those meditations.  So much so I hardly ever miss him.  That's why it was so surprising!!  God help you when you try the spell then LOL!  I'm just hoping our theories are right and it's not backfiring or something! 

    3/02/2017 3:43 pm

    Girls I haven't done the spell yet but I've been doing PW and BWD and sometimes feel the same! As if the thoughts I'm planting in him are haunting me.
    I have a theory... maybe it's because they are thinking about us, they're visualising (even if not intentionally) so it hits us back? Those intense emotions that they're feeling and thoughts that they're thinking, make them unknowingly do PW on us. Just how I'm explaining this to myself

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