i just want to say i really appreciate all your messages and how long and detailed they are shows me you you interested to help me realign so thanks everyone just by these messages i feel a lot better and i will believe in myself and NOT GIVE UP and hopefully start seeing some results xx
love and light guys xx
Everyone has given great advice and I agree with all of them. I just want to add when I was at my lowest and feeling very similar to you I did the Abraham/Esther Hicks exercise of gratitude journaling everyday for 15 minutes. They talk about doing this as a reboot of sorts and really making yourself do it for 15 minutes everyday. Also making sure you focus on things within yourself, as well as in your life and in life in general. I found it to really pick up my vibration and little by little get me in a much better place.
Sweetie you need to understand that it is working.
You are coming from a low place and low vibration if you say things like "it is not working/I am not seeing results/this that or whatever".
The reality you want and life you want already exists. You just need to tune into that reality by knowing it is here and knowing that everything you want is possible. My dad always tells me "believing is for people who don't believe, knowing is for people who believe." When you know that you are the master of your life and you can create everything you want then life becomes so easy! You tune into that reality by giving thanks for it already being here, living like all your desires are on their way because they are.
The universe does not change over night you need to realize that. She needs to place everything in order and that may take a little while but that does not mean it is not coming!!! It is you just need to be patient!! When you keep asking when it is going to happen or when or how that shows that you do not trust yourself, the process or the universe to fulfill your desires. KNOW it is coming and it WILL!!
thank you everyone for your support when i feeling really low its hard to stay upbeat especiually as its not like its only 1 month its 7 months but ive come to far to just give up i will keep going - glad people understand me about the circumstances and your world not moving even though your trying everything i thought i was the only one to feel like this but it is good to know im not on my own . i do feel like sometimes no matter what nothing works but i will just have to keep going and believe it will happen one day
Your thoughts/beliefs/etc all create your reality. YOU create your reality...the universe is not against you!
The others have already said it: it is your mind that is blocking it. Also, have you really worked on being happy in yourself: then there would not be so much pressure on this 'working'? Watch your mind on a day to day basis and see if you can 'catch' yourself. What is the internal story or internal dialogue? Someone many years ago told me that what I had said to him about my then ex partner was 'just a story you tell yourself' - and I now realise how true that is. Everything is just a story we tell ourselves.
Also: instead of visualising why don't you focus on the feeling aspect of the visualisation? Sensations, emotions, tastes etc. 'Feelingisation'.
When I read your first message I saw so many "can'ts". You might want to think about that.
You can do it.
donna89 wrote:
okay so ive posted quite a lot on this forum but the more time passess now 6 months of loa and 2 months of pw the more i feel like its just not working and i swear to god it really isnt. i have tried sooo much but i feel like compared to a lot of you my situation is one of the worst. this guy no matter what i do spells, mediatation healing pw you name it he wont budge he's not one bit interested in even messaging me as a friend NOTHING. i heard so many success stories of this working and that the guy even after few days is back up your ass literally so in love and theres people on here that werent even bothered ther guys came back but ME i would be soo grateful if he contact me it is just not happening i cannot get through to him. and i do feel like the universe/ god whatever is not listening to me i mean i cnat manifest anything lie even somethign so basic it doesnt work and ive tried to be postive believe in the process but i just keep on getting bad times, my social life has gone, i cant attract even a rebound to take my mind of my ex , i cant manifest a job that i want. everything feels so weird and stale and i feel stuck nothing is progressing for me and i am litterally losign the faith day by day when i read all these success stories i think well if the universe gives it to them , then why not me why would the universe make me suffer so much and have so many days of nothing worrking out for me even though in mind i say everything is working out perfectly., i visualize etc i just canrt make sense of why the universe is not helping me i cant explain this feeling but nothing working out and i been doing pw every night it has no effect on him he hasnt tried to even add me on facebook even as a friend. hes so stuborn its unreal. plus on top of that i heard he keeps trying to date but nothings happening with the girls - but its like he will try and keep on clutichin at straws to date anyone but me and that hurts like crazy bcause some of these girls im way better than - without being big headed and its like he dleiberately will not think about me he knows hes single im single but yet he doesnt want to try and contact me im sooooo confused why this aint working why the universe keeps making things go wrong for me and why i cannot manifest a fucking thing not one thing. what am i doing wrong, i followed all the techniques and visualizing etc and i might add i am trained dancer and was abroad i gave it all up for him - yday i had an opportunity come up to go back abroad as a dancer and i just think the unoiverse knows i want him and me together and that by me going abroad i will never see him again from america to portugal - now is that a sign the universe dont want us together or is it a test euther way the universe is not helping . i just feel like the universe is against what i want but everyone says the universe is impartial so surely just bcause we've broken up 3x does it mean the universe wont let us try a 4th time - sorry for long and nerghative post just really need some help and see if anyone else has experinced this staleness nothing happeningg in any area of their life and what to do
I hate when I have to tell people this, but it's not working because your belief is not strong enough. If you are swearing it's not, it won't. I would definitely work on your belief. Maybe start with someone you aren't attached to. Or perhaps you could work on manifesting something small to build belief in the techniques.
okay so ive posted quite a lot on this forum but the more time passess now 6 months of loa and 2 months of pw the more i feel like its just not working and i swear to god it really isnt. i have tried sooo much but i feel like compared to a lot of you my situation is one of the worst. this guy no matter what i do spells, mediatation healing pw you name it he wont budge he's not one bit interested in even messaging me as a friend NOTHING. i heard so many success stories of this working and that the guy even after few days is back up your ass literally so in love and theres people on here that werent even bothered ther guys came back but ME i would be soo grateful if he contact me it is just not happening i cannot get through to him. and i do feel like the universe/ god whatever is not listening to me i mean i cnat manifest anything lie even somethign so basic it doesnt work and ive tried to be postive believe in the process but i just keep on getting bad times, my social life has gone, i cant attract even a rebound to take my mind of my ex , i cant manifest a job that i want. everything feels so weird and stale and i feel stuck nothing is progressing for me and i am litterally losign the faith day by day when i read all these success stories i think well if the universe gives it to them , then why not me why would the universe make me suffer so much and have so many days of nothing worrking out for me even though in mind i say everything is working out perfectly., i visualize etc i just canrt make sense of why the universe is not helping me i cant explain this feeling but nothing working out and i been doing pw every night it has no effect on him he hasnt tried to even add me on facebook even as a friend. hes so stuborn its unreal. plus on top of that i heard he keeps trying to date but nothings happening with the girls - but its like he will try and keep on clutichin at straws to date anyone but me and that hurts like crazy bcause some of these girls im way better than - without being big headed and its like he dleiberately will not think about me he knows hes single im single but yet he doesnt want to try and contact me im sooooo confused why this aint working why the universe keeps making things go wrong for me and why i cannot manifest a fucking thing not one thing. what am i doing wrong, i followed all the techniques and visualizing etc and i might add i am trained dancer and was abroad i gave it all up for him - yday i had an opportunity come up to go back abroad as a dancer and i just think the unoiverse knows i want him and me together and that by me going abroad i will never see him again from america to portugal - now is that a sign the universe dont want us together or is it a test euther way the universe is not helping . i just feel like the universe is against what i want but everyone says the universe is impartial so surely just bcause we've broken up 3x does it mean the universe wont let us try a 4th time - sorry for long and nerghative post just really need some help and see if anyone else has experinced this staleness nothing happeningg in any area of their life and what to do