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    3/06/2017 9:36 am

    Thank you for sharing I really appreciate it

    3/06/2017 9:00 am

    I am learning so much from you ladies on this forum. I thank you so much for all this information. You all are awesome.

    3/06/2017 8:54 am

    Indeed, patience is key. 

    3/05/2017 11:01 pm

    I swear someone posted the link to the article but now I can't see it..? Anyway, I found the remote seduction part really helpful - here is the daily routine you should be using to effectively seduce your target.
    Find one hour a day. This must come first. The hour is split in two mind control sessions: Thus you will be doing a half hour session at one time in a day, and another session at a later time in the same day. If need be, reduce each session by 15 minutes, but it is preferable to do half hour sessions. Serious mind control adventurers may even find the desire to do longer sessions, perhaps two or more hours a day.
    Keeping notes of your sessions is also advisable.
    your half hour session should include the following two forms of visualization. 20 minutes should be used to erotically 'touch' (in your mind) the other person. The last 10 minutes should involve 'scenario building'. For the first twenty minutes you need to imagine yourself touching the target in a sexual/erotic way. Focus more on the touch itself and the effect that the touch is having on the other person, not on the situation or scene that you are in. OK? Keep your touches gentle and erotic, not rushed or aggressive. In your mind's eye (imagination) focus more on the feeling of touch, rather than seeing yourself touching. 
    (For some practice on feeling (touching) things in your mind, imagine yourself touching cotton balls, or touching a pen, or touching some rocks. Take your time and caress these objects in your mind, feeling the hardness or softness, etc. But these practice sessions are separate from your seduction sessions.)
    Erotic touches and caresses should be focused on typical erogenous areas of the target's body, such as the nipples and genital areas as well as other tender areas of the body such as the tummy or face. As you touch that person in your mind, feel (as best as possible) the reaction the other person should experience, such as wetness (if the target is a woman) or hardness (if the target is a man). You want to slowly erotically touch the person and feel their reaction building in your mind, eventually driving them to a sexual frenzy. Take your time and don't try to rush over the touches, trying to cover all sensual parts of their body. Different areas can be explored in different sessions. Once again, the target's 'turned on' feeling as a result of your mental touches should be prominent in these visualizations. 
    The final 10 minutes of your half hour session should be visualizing you and your target together in scenarios. If you are trying to instill a feeling of 'falling in love' within your target, then imagine (visualize) you and your target hanging out, holding hands, cuddling on the couch, etc. Find one thing to focus on and keep that scenario for the entire 10 minutes. In these scenario sub-sessions, try to encompass as much emotion and senses as possible. You can see the target, touch the target, hear their voice, see the surroundings of where you are, etc.   Most important to visualized scenarios is the feeling of 'now.' You want to experience the scene in your imagination as if it was happening in the present moment. Not later, not then... but now.  
    To add that extra dosage of belief into the process, when you are doing your session you should hold yourself with an inner inner knowing that your efforts are working and have come to fruition. Even if you feel doubtful, fake the feeling. It will eventually become your feeling i.e. the confident holding of oneself with that unbreakable faith that your mind power is highly effective and powerful. With that inner confident feeling, you also instill patience, seriousness, and calm... which are all emotions (energy) that work in conjunction with your visualization sessions (thoughts) to eventually manipulate and change the physical world around you (e.g. making events happen). This total session should be done twice a day preferably. Be patient and have faith, and don't be in a rush to see results immediately.

    3/05/2017 6:59 pm

    Is this from Amargi Hillier? 

    3/05/2017 4:39 pm

    Love this, thank you xx

    3/05/2017 12:42 pm

    Thank you for this OC. I often go through the threads for help and guidance but maybe I missed this. This is wonderful!!!!! 

    3/05/2017 12:23 pm

    Love this! Thanks for sharing. Where is this snippet from? I'd like to read more!

    3/05/2017 11:07 am

    Here is an excerpt which clearly explains the timeline for your manifestation when using PW/BWD. You will see it is a marathon not a sprint and requires consistent positive effort.

    Hopefully the message will get across that all you need is some patience, faith and calm.

    Here is the excerpt

    ".....These methods are powerful, without a doubt. The effect begins instantly, however there will be a certain degree of 'lag' time before you physically see results. Instant and automatic sexual influence is a mental skill that takes time. Like any skill, you need to develop it through effective and regular practice. You must maintain patience and calm rather than a rushing attitude. M anifestation will come. And as your skill increases, manifestation will come quicker. If you are new to these techniques, then expect anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months for results to be seen. Results are directly influenced by the amount of time you involve yourself in this, at least during these 'beginner' stages. Patience and calm (that inner smile attitude) pays off though, for you will begin to see your influence taking effect and molding into manifestation on a physical level; that person will become so drawn to you that eventually they will want to be with you....."

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