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    Topic review (newest first):

    3/19/2017 9:43 am

    i guess its your own judgment!

    3/19/2017 9:34 am

    What if the poi is just in a relationship with another person?
    Not married.
    How is the moral standards on this?

    3/11/2017 9:20 am

    I am queen wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    lol that's what u would like to believe !! The fact is none of the posts were about u !! And u seem a lot who keeps changing ur words and blame others for it !! Whoever is exposed with whatever wasn't the point ! Blue whether fake or real had a lot to do with posting many nice things to uplift everyone here !! And just cos u can't get the concept of karma right ur going on n on about someone being removed for a different reason !! Jfyi the member wasn't removed cos she tried to explain things about her learning !! LANIE would know best why she was removed !!
    U had written a whole big reply and I was gonna reply to it when I got back home from my shoot but then when I did the post wasn't there !! Either leave ur posts on and have the mind to be open about what anyone is trying to explain without getting defensive,else don't post it if u have to take it off !! No one was tryin to corner u here !! Shows how silly u are !! Everyone here was trying to explain the concept,to take it or leave it is left to u!! No one was forcing it down ur throat like how u wanna believ it !! This forum is about knowledge and about helping each other !! Which is what everyone is trying to do,if someone doesn't get it others try to give their opinion and help,can't help if some are so crazy to even understand something so simple !!

     Girl please, you can call me if it is that serious to you.

    Call u if what is that serious for me ?! I don't mind ! But let me know what u wanna talk about I'm open for it !!

    When are you two ladies going to agree to disagree and get back to radiating positive energy and enjoying life.

    Everyone is on their our journey with their own principles and own beliefs. Don't waste your energy on a task which long term is going to have no real benefit to you.

    Time to let it go and let it be done.

    Channel this low energy into generating some high vibes to gain momentum in manifesting all your desires.

    3/10/2017 11:39 pm

    Avaelle wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:

    It is null, void and pointless. The source of this entire issue has been exposed.

    lol that's what u would like to believe !! The fact is none of the posts were about u !! And u seem a lot who keeps changing ur words and blame others for it !! Whoever is exposed with whatever wasn't the point ! Blue whether fake or real had a lot to do with posting many nice things to uplift everyone here !! And just cos u can't get the concept of karma right ur going on n on about someone being removed for a different reason !! Jfyi the member wasn't removed cos she tried to explain things about her learning !! LANIE would know best why she was removed !!
    U had written a whole big reply and I was gonna reply to it when I got back home from my shoot but then when I did the post wasn't there !! Either leave ur posts on and have the mind to be open about what anyone is trying to explain without getting defensive,else don't post it if u have to take it off !! No one was tryin to corner u here !! Shows how silly u are !! Everyone here was trying to explain the concept,to take it or leave it is left to u!! No one was forcing it down ur throat like how u wanna believ it !! This forum is about knowledge and about helping each other !! Which is what everyone is trying to do,if someone doesn't get it others try to give their opinion and help,can't help if some are so crazy to even understand something so simple !!

     Girl please, you can call me if it is that serious to you.

    Call u if what is that serious for me ?! I don't mind ! But let me know what u wanna talk about I'm open for it !!

    3/10/2017 11:32 pm

    I am queen wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡ I thought I had seen a long post here !!?? Would have wanted to reply to that but it's taken off so nothing much I can do about it now ! Cheers !! Have a good day 😊

    It is null, void and pointless. The source of this entire issue has been exposed.

    lol that's what u would like to believe !! The fact is none of the posts were about u !! And u seem a lot who keeps changing ur words and blame others for it !! Whoever is exposed with whatever wasn't the point ! Blue whether fake or real had a lot to do with posting many nice things to uplift everyone here !! And just cos u can't get the concept of karma right ur going on n on about someone being removed for a different reason !! Jfyi the member wasn't removed cos she tried to explain things about her learning !! LANIE would know best why she was removed !!
    U had written a whole big reply and I was gonna reply to it when I got back home from my shoot but then when I did the post wasn't there !! Either leave ur posts on and have the mind to be open about what anyone is trying to explain without getting defensive,else don't post it if u have to take it off !! No one was tryin to corner u here !! Shows how silly u are !! Everyone here was trying to explain the concept,to take it or leave it is left to u!! No one was forcing it down ur throat like how u wanna believ it !! This forum is about knowledge and about helping each other !! Which is what everyone is trying to do,if someone doesn't get it others try to give their opinion and help,can't help if some are so crazy to even understand something so simple !!

    Where did I say she was removed because she tried to explain things about her learning?  I'll wait.

    3/10/2017 11:24 pm

    Avaelle wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:


    πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡ I thought I had seen a long post here !!?? Would have wanted to reply to that but it's taken off so nothing much I can do about it now ! Cheers !! Have a good day 😊

    It is null, void and pointless. The source of this entire issue has been exposed.

    lol that's what u would like to believe !! The fact is none of the posts were about u !! And u seem a lot who keeps changing ur words and blame others for it !! Whoever is exposed with whatever wasn't the point ! Blue whether fake or real had nothing to do with posting many nice things to uplift everyone here !! And just cos u can't get the concept of karma right ur going on n on about someone being removed for a different reason !! Jfyi the member wasn't removed cos she tried to explain things about her learning !! LANIE would know best why she was removed !!
    U had written a whole big reply and I was gonna reply to it when I got back home from my shoot but then when I did,the post wasn't there !! Either leave ur posts on and have the mind to be open about what anyone is trying to explain without getting defensive,else don't post it if u have to take it off !! No one was tryin to corner u here !! Shows how silly u are !! Everyone here was trying to explain the concept,to take it or leave it is left to to the person involved ! No one was forcing it down ur throat like how u wanna believ it !! This forum is about knowledge and about helping each other !! Which is what everyone is trying to do,if someone doesn't get it others try to give their opinion and help,can't help if some are so crazy to not even understand something so simple !!

    3/10/2017 10:18 pm

    I am queen wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    Avaelle u need to watch ur words when u message me or others here instead of calling me a liar and other things,when others n I are tryin to get the concept of karma as clear as possible! Ur the one who is changing ur posts and stand with every successive post of urs !! Go open ur eyes wide and read your posts on THIS THREAD ! All u have written about is karma!! Trying to be a moral police here !!
    If u have congratulated her achievements like u have mentioned then u r contradicting ur statements cos u urself mentioned this is a spinoff topic about Her and on one hand u congratulate her for her post and on the other hand u come on this thread and speak about karma and things on those lines !! Everyone here has mentioned if it's bad karma to think of a man who is committed or married or just separated etc etc it's also bad karma if u try to interfere with a persons free will which u are doing by pw'ing your POI ! A few mentioned this and very smartly cos u got cornered and had nothing to say to that u dismissed it off by saying it's an interesting read!! 🀣 And now all of sudden u are not a strong believer of karma !! I'm finally glad u are not a strong believer of karma now,that was the whole point !! And the topic isn't about how strongly or not so strongly u believe in karma ! U made it seem so by constantly posting about karma in almost all ur posts on THIS THREAD ! Either make an attempt to understand the concept well before u wanna argue particularly only with me about this,when the whole forum is tryin to get the concept across clearly,or stick to ur point and argue! For the last time karma can't harm u as a concept unless u believe that it's true for ur reality and u believe in that concept ! I don't believe in it now anymore cos I agree that it's a reality if I give it power by believing in the concept otherwise it doesn't even exist !!

    And I will show u proof of how u don't read things properly and clearly right here on this post itself ! U said : "the fact of the matter is that this topic is a spin off topic about a post of a woman puruisng a married man using pw and being in a relationship with him !!" Firstly she wasn't in a relationship with a man who was married she got into it only after he separated from his wife !! Kindly read her post clearly not with ur eyes half closed !! This proves u hardly take note of what is being discussed ! U read half understand quarter and argue about it all the time and that too only with me !! πŸ˜‚ Considering how much ur posts keep changing I don't have to say who is the liar here !!


    πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡ I thought I had seen a long post here !!?? Would have wanted to reply to that but it's taken off so nothing much I can do about it now ! Cheers !! Have a good day 😊

    It is null, void and pointless. The source of this entire issue has been exposed.

    3/10/2017 8:53 pm

    Avaelle wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:

    You're a liar.  I post fairly frequently here as well as other forums and the majority of my posts are not of me speaking about Karma or advocating it. The fact of the matter is that this topic is a spin off topic about a post of a woman pursuing a married man using PW and being in a relationship with him.  Do you know what I had to say to her?  I thanked her for sharing her tips and I let her know that I enjoyed her story. So please, explain to me how it is ever so obvious that I feel so strongly about Karma.  This is a topic about Karma and I provided my knowledge and opinion on it and left it there.

    As for the moral part, again I wasn't "so bothered" by it. Posting a comment I made about my opinion on how I feel morally isn't evidence that I'm "so bothered".  I'm not in the inbox of any of these women that are pursuing married men and telling them how wrong they are or anything.  I feel that abortions are morally wrong which is my opinion , that doesn't mean I'm "so bothered" by the idea of people getting them.  I drive by abortion clinics each day and I don't make the protest posters.

    Avaelle u need to watch ur words when u message me or others here instead of calling me a liar and other things,when others n I are tryin to get the concept of karma as clear as possible! Ur the one who is changing ur posts and stand with every successive post of urs !! Go open ur eyes wide and read your posts on THIS THREAD ! All u have written about is karma!! Trying to be a moral police here !!
    If u have congratulated her achievements like u have mentioned then u r contradicting ur statements cos u urself mentioned this is a spinoff topic about Her and on one hand u congratulate her for her post and on the other hand u come on this thread and speak about karma and things on those lines !! Everyone here has mentioned if it's bad karma to think of a man who is committed or married or just separated etc etc it's also bad karma if u try to interfere with a persons free will which u are doing by pw'ing your POI ! A few mentioned this and very smartly cos u got cornered and had nothing to say to that u dismissed it off by saying it's an interesting read!! 🀣 And now all of sudden u are not a strong believer of karma !! I'm finally glad u are not a strong believer of karma now,that was the whole point !! And the topic isn't about how strongly or not so strongly u believe in karma ! U made it seem so by constantly posting about karma in almost all ur posts on THIS THREAD ! Either make an attempt to understand the concept well before u wanna argue particularly only with me about this,when the whole forum is tryin to get the concept across clearly,or stick to ur point and argue! For the last time karma can't harm u as a concept unless u believe that it's true for ur reality and u believe in that concept ! I don't believe in it now anymore cos I agree that it's a reality if I give it power by believing in the concept otherwise it doesn't even exist !!

    And I will show u proof of how u don't read things properly and clearly right here on this post itself ! U said : "the fact of the matter is that this topic is a spin off topic about a post of a woman puruisng a married man using pw and being in a relationship with him !!" Firstly she wasn't in a relationship with a man who was married she got into it only after he separated from his wife !! Kindly read her post clearly not with ur eyes half closed !! This proves u hardly take note of what is being discussed ! U read half understand quarter and argue about it all the time and that too only with me !! πŸ˜‚ Considering how much ur posts keep changing I don't have to say who is the liar here !!


    πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡ I thought I had seen a long post here !!?? Would have wanted to reply to that but it's taken off so nothing much I can do about it now ! Cheers !! Have a good day 😊

    3/10/2017 7:19 pm

    Wow...haven't seen this thread in a while. And now it's blown up into a very heated drama fest and a scandal smh. Hell, gotta love it!

    But I stopped by mainly for this...

    Jag123 wrote:

    Wow....just wow!    All that anger, you need to let it go.Avaelle is a great contributor to this board and I love her posts, she is always upbeat, positive and encouraging.  Just because your personal beliefs differ doesn't mean you need to be so nasty - you obviously have some hang ups and maybe some hidden guilt  over the karma issue otherwise you wouldn't respond with so much anger.  Maybe work on that?

    Yes! Finally! Avaelle has a big heart, it's rare to find someone who is so sweet and encouraging and patient and gentle with everyone, mad respect to her


    3/10/2017 8:14 am

    I am queen wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    Well I think it's pretty clear to not just me but everyone else around here cos ur posts almost every single one of them has u speaking about Karma and advocating it,that is how I am "able to measure how strongly u believe in karma" starting from ur very first post !!😊 (Hope that answers ur question as to y I felt u were strongly a believer in karma)u were bothered about the moral part which is why in the first post u said that only rule is karma would hit eventually,so by now stating ur not bothered about the moral part ur contradicting ur earlier statements 😊What I am trying to say is I too was a believer in that term and now I don't and cos I was a past believer I wanted to tell u that it's true only if u believe or give power to ur thoughts and believe in that system ! If one doesn't it has no power ! 😊 And yes everyone has the right to express and give their opinions here as it's a forum for all ! 😊😊

    You're a liar.  I post fairly frequently here as well as other forums and the majority of my posts are not of me speaking about Karma or advocating it. The fact of the matter is that this topic is a spin off topic about a post of a woman pursuing a married man using PW and being in a relationship with him.  Do you know what I had to say to her?  I thanked her for sharing her tips and I let her know that I enjoyed her story. So please, explain to me how it is ever so obvious that I feel so strongly about Karma.  This is a topic about Karma and I provided my knowledge and opinion on it and left it there.

    As for the moral part, again I wasn't "so bothered" by it. Posting a comment I made about my opinion on how I feel morally isn't evidence that I'm "so bothered".  I'm not in the inbox of any of these women that are pursuing married men and telling them how wrong they are or anything.  I feel that abortions are morally wrong which is my opinion , that doesn't mean I'm "so bothered" by the idea of people getting them.  I drive by abortion clinics each day and I don't make the protest posters.

    Avaelle u need to watch ur words when u message me or others here instead of calling me a liar and other things,when others n I are tryin to get the concept of karma as clear as possible! Ur the one who is changing ur posts and stand with every successive post of urs !! Go open ur eyes wide and read your posts on THIS THREAD ! All u have written about is karma!! Trying to be a moral police here !!
    If u have congratulated her achievements like u have mentioned then u r contradicting ur statements cos u urself mentioned this is a spinoff topic about Her and on one hand u congratulate her for her post and on the other hand u come on this thread and speak about karma and things on those lines !! Everyone here has mentioned if it's bad karma to think of a man who is committed or married or just separated etc etc it's also bad karma if u try to interfere with a persons free will which u are doing by pw'ing your POI ! A few mentioned this and very smartly cos u got cornered and had nothing to say to that u dismissed it off by saying it's an interesting read!! 🀣 And now all of sudden u are not a strong believer of karma !! I'm finally glad u are not a strong believer of karma now,that was the whole point !! And the topic isn't about how strongly or not so strongly u believe in karma ! U made it seem so by constantly posting about karma in almost all ur posts on THIS THREAD ! Either make an attempt to understand the concept well before u wanna argue particularly only with me about this,when the whole forum is tryin to get the concept across clearly,or stick to ur point and argue! For the last time karma can't harm u as a concept unless u believe that it's true for ur reality and u believe in that concept ! I don't believe in it now anymore cos I agree that it's a reality if I give it power by believing in the concept otherwise it doesn't even exist !!

    And I will show u proof of how u don't read things properly and clearly right here on this post itself ! U said : "the fact of the matter is that this topic is a spin off topic about a post of a woman puruisng a married man using pw and being in a relationship with him !!" Firstly she wasn't in a relationship with a man who was married she got into it only after he separated from his wife !! Kindly read her post clearly not with ur eyes half closed !! This proves u hardly take note of what is being discussed ! U read half understand quarter and argue about it all the time and that too only with me !! πŸ˜‚ Considering how much ur posts keep changing I don't have to say who is the liar here !!


    3/10/2017 7:15 am

    Jag123 wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    And yes it's not right to judge anyone for that matter if what they did is right or wrong !! Nothing in this world is wrong nor is anything right,it's all perceptions ! If two people are standing opposite each other and the digit 6 is written in the centre and he reads it as 6 but the opposite person reads it as 9 who is right here or who is wrong ? Unless u try to get into the shoes of the person involved u won't know why one did what they did !? Here both are right cos from where they stand it's correct to them ! Right and wrong concepts came into being so that a few people could mass dominate and the only way to do it effectively was by putting fear of concepts into humans mind and heart !! It's easier to control a person with instilling fear in them about karma or similar things to control them !! But then again I would personally have totally supported PeachCheeks or anyone else who wants to pw a married man or woman cos everything is an illusion !! And like Aphrodite said if v see everyone happy at the end of the day nothing is "wrong" with that !! Ur reality is what u make of it !! If it seems right to the person involved that's all that matters ! Cos it's their reality and they can paint it the way they choose to !! I will always support success stories cos it's a manifestation of ur own life the way one wants it and one has the grit and courage to go after what they want no matter how challenging it may seem !! 😊

    Wow....just wow!    All that anger, you need to let it go.Avaelle is a great contributor to this board and I love her posts, she is always upbeat, positive and encouraging.  Just because your personal beliefs differ doesn't mean you need to be so nasty - you obviously have some hang ups and maybe some hidden guilt  over the karma issue otherwise you wouldn't respond with so much anger.  Maybe work on that?

    Awww. Thank so much for your kind words. :-)

    3/10/2017 7:01 am

    Aphrodite11 wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:

    Pursuing men that are taken are against my own moral rules. From my understanding PW would work on taken men and the only rule or guarantee is that the karma would hit eventually. I think it would attract a cheating man for sure.

    This is just not how karma works. If karma has to hit then it hits the married person who leaves. Why on earth are cheaters not held responsible for their actions? It's Why are they not bashed and told about karma? Why is always the other man or other woman blamed completely and considered as a bad person? Is cheating not bad? You give bad you get bad, right? Cheating on someone is bad and hence the cheater is giving out bad and hence the cheater will get the bad. I don't think you understand karma at all. And others are trying to explain it as well.

    ? In my world, cheaters are bashed.

    3/10/2017 6:16 am

    Blue wrote:

    The fact that this became a spin off topic is pretty disgusting itself. It's funny, for a forum that is about empowering women there's a lot of hateful people on here.

    Peach already said that her man's marriage was in trouble way before she stepped in the picture and that they only got together when the divorce was finalised.

    If anyone should be angry, it's her. But seeing how she responded to Indigo jumping down her throat the first time - she doesn't care. She knows the true story, we don't. So let's leave it at that and move on.

    Well Blue, your little PeachPie character has been shut down.
    And based upon Lanie's WARNING THREAD you probably won't be 
    around much longer.

    I don't know what is going on with you but you have got a 
    hella nerve posting about anything about me or what I post
    being disgusting after the stunt that you have pulled.


    You need help.  Hopefully you will seek it out.  I would
    offer to help you but I simply cannot after what you have
    said and done against me here on this forum.

    PEACE OUT!!!

    3/10/2017 6:07 am

    Aphrodite11 wrote:

    Avaelle wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    Well I think it's pretty clear to not just me but everyone else around here cos ur posts almost every single one of them has u speaking about Karma and advocating it,that is how I am "able to measure how strongly u believe in karma" starting from ur very first post !!😊 (Hope that answers ur question as to y I felt u were strongly a believer in karma)u were bothered about the moral part which is why in the first post u said that only rule is karma would hit eventually,so by now stating ur not bothered about the moral part ur contradicting ur earlier statements 😊What I am trying to say is I too was a believer in that term and now I don't and cos I was a past believer I wanted to tell u that it's true only if u believe or give power to ur thoughts and believe in that system ! If one doesn't it has no power ! 😊 And yes everyone has the right to express and give their opinions here as it's a forum for all ! 😊😊

    You're a liar.  I post fairly frequently here as well as other forums and the majority of my posts are not of me speaking about Karma or advocating it. The fact of the matter is that this topic is a spin off topic about a post of a woman pursuing a married man using PW and being in a relationship with him.  Do you know what I had to say to her?  I thanked her for sharing her tips and I let her know that I enjoyed her story. So please, explain to me how it is ever so obvious that I feel so strongly about Karma.  This is a topic about Karma and I provided my knowledge and opinion on it and left it there.

    As for the moral part, again I wasn't "so bothered" by it. Posting a comment I made about my opinion on how I feel morally isn't evidence that I'm "so bothered".  I'm not in the inbox of any of these women that are pursuing married men and telling them how wrong they are or anything.  I feel that abortions are morally wrong which is my opinion , that doesn't mean I'm "so bothered" by the idea of people getting them.  I drive by abortion clinics each day and I don't make the protest posters.

    You have mentioned about karma in this very thread. And aren't you interfering by consciously using LOA? Then is that not a bad karma when you are knowingly trying gain something by using such methods? Is not bad karma to consciously use remote influence on any other human ? Is it less bad of a karma to consciously do this on someone who is single? Or who is rebounding? And why on earth is it so bad to do this on a married man and somewhat okay to do this on someone who is with someone without a marriage? Marriage is just a man made thing. It's papers and stamps. Just because people aren't married doesn't mean they are not as in love as married people or their relationship is not as valuable as the married relationships. We have noticed here on forum that some women were trying PW to manifest men who were in relationship with some one else. Nobody raised a question at that time. But just because somebody has a registered a relationship on paper makes it worse? Suddenly there is bad karma if the target follows some religious rituals? And no bad karma if target still has same level of feelings for someone without the religious ritual? 
    Marriage is man made. I don't think it's is a bad karma if somebody tries to manifest someone who did this man made act. If it's alright to manifest a person who is yet to do this so called great man made act then it is alright to do it if the target follows this act. There is a difference in karma and LOA and God. They aren't one and the same. If karma is not BS then how come it's not applicable when people who try and get unmarried taken targets? How is it not applicable when people consciously use PW and LOA to manifest a person? 

    I mentioned Karma in this very thread because that was the topic, question posed.

    3/10/2017 5:55 am

    Jag123 wrote:

    I am queen wrote:

    And yes it's not right to judge anyone for that matter if what they did is right or wrong !! Nothing in this world is wrong nor is anything right,it's all perceptions ! If two people are standing opposite each other and the digit 6 is written in the centre and he reads it as 6 but the opposite person reads it as 9 who is right here or who is wrong ? Unless u try to get into the shoes of the person involved u won't know why one did what they did !? Here both are right cos from where they stand it's correct to them ! Right and wrong concepts came into being so that a few people could mass dominate and the only way to do it effectively was by putting fear of concepts into humans mind and heart !! It's easier to control a person with instilling fear in them about karma or similar things to control them !! But then again I would personally have totally supported PeachCheeks or anyone else who wants to pw a married man or woman cos everything is an illusion !! And like Aphrodite said if v see everyone happy at the end of the day nothing is "wrong" with that !! Ur reality is what u make of it !! If it seems right to the person involved that's all that matters ! Cos it's their reality and they can paint it the way they choose to !! I will always support success stories cos it's a manifestation of ur own life the way one wants it and one has the grit and courage to go after what they want no matter how challenging it may seem !! 😊

    Wow....just wow!    All that anger, you need to let it go.Avaelle is a great contributor to this board and I love her posts, she is always upbeat, positive and encouraging.  Just because your personal beliefs differ doesn't mean you need to be so nasty - you obviously have some hang ups and maybe some hidden guilt  over the karma issue otherwise you wouldn't respond with so much anger.  Maybe work on that?


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