LANIE STEVENS Books & Meditations --

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3/09/2017 3:15 pm

Congratulations to both of u !  AmaZing to read this !! 😊😊😊

3/09/2017 11:42 am

Since using Lanies techniques so many great things have been happening! I just got back from my vacation yesterday and while I was there(and even before) I kept seeing 919. So much i  couldn't ignore it anymore it was in my face everywhere I went . I decided to take the time to Google it and it said that my angels were trying to tell me a new beginning was about to start and nee opportunities will open up for me etc.  I didn't understand what it could be at all!   I thought certainly it had to do with my relationship . Then Today I get a call with a new job offer!  More pay and less hours.  I could not believe it I didn't even remember that I had applied on this job it was so long ago!  A new job wasn't even something I was trying to manifest but I did and I don't know how I did that  but I am grateful and very happy!!

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