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    8/14/2017 4:35 pm

    Turkiye - WoW! wow! wowzas!!! So nice to hear from you and what an update. Congratulations Girl! Live it up! Please still keep me posted. Xo

    8/14/2017 3:38 pm

    Foxxy_1982 wrote:

    Hi TurkiyeKelebek - first your positive attitude towards manifesting is key.
    As others have suggested - you must let go after your sessions and allow the universe to work. I do believe the universe delivers when you are ready to receive. My only advice would be to keep an open mind/heart....allow yourself to meet others and enjoy life. Did you end up contacting him? Keep us updated. I wish you all the best.

    UPDATE: I don't know if it is the cord cutting I've been doing but today I decided to give my MM an ultimatum. I had told him last week I wasn't going to wait another year for him. So today, he contacted me and I asked him if he had made his decision. He said we'd talk later followed by what if he still didn't know. I said for someone who told me I have his heart should be obvious. He has a son which he is terrified of losing although this isn't possible in the courts today, i do understand it is a worry for all parents. Anyway, he told me I should live my life and we may connect again later in life. Then he asked to call me tomorrow to talk further. I had said I got all the answers I needed and it was goodbye. He carried on telling me he intends on leaving but he feels it is still too fresh (it's been year in August since he got caught) for him to tell his wife it is over as she will know he is leaving her for me. He kept repeating he is fighting for me, intends on leaving...doesn't know when. He is going to contact me tomorrow but really...he gave me the answer - why I bother rubbing salt on my wound. I told him someone is going to end up heartbroken and it turned out to be me...but I am ok with that...rather know he has no idea the how or when...I am blessed enough to still be on earth and I have to keep it moving. I'll be honest, things have just started developing again...I was getting him back..but before I got too hung up on him...I needed to bring this up. Who got the power back.... ME!!! Xo

    So the letter worked!! I sent it a day after posting on your thread and 6 days later he sent an email. We are happier than ever and going on holidays in September!! I'm so excited!! Don't lose the faith, your positivity is infectious. Much love <3

    8/13/2017 10:20 pm

    Thanks for the advice.
    Update - I had an amazinnnggg date with my main man. The last few encounters months ago didn't go all that well. He was paranoid very distant not the guy I fell for. Well that man is back. I let go, we just enjoyed each other's company over dinner and he kissed me and thanked me for the time spent. I met up with him a bit later that evening and we sat in gazebo at a park on the river. We talked about family, work. I could see in his eyes the love he has for me. Between the talks plenty of kisses and hugs were exchanged. It was so sweet so nice. I swear when we are together we feel like teenagers. He invited me back to his room, we kissed and chatted as I laid on his chest. He fell asleep while I rubbed his back and I slipped out the door and left. How could I forget he told me he loves me, been a long while since I heard those words. We chatted the following days and again I did not pressure him for actions. Just enjoyed the happiness we bring into each other's lives. I'll likely see him again soon and I really look forward to it. Stay positive Sisters. Xo

    8/03/2017 11:31 pm

    Foxxy_1982 wrote:

    Wow! I haven't posted on here a day short of one month. My apologies. Things have been going well with me. The man is still in my life but it remains the same where communication only happens when he is away from home. I know where he is during the week but I've switched it up and no longer reach out to him. I allow him to contact me, I allow him keep the conversation going. And he's feeling that as he just asked me today if I was seeing someone else. I have started texting another man who is actually available but only in town for a couple more weeks. He's sexy real damn sexy. I relationship won't come out of it but some fun can be had. I'll see the main man soon - he better bring his A-game. However, I do know he's still preaching he is unsure what he wants. I think this new guy is good for me - I think it may take the usual tension and expectation I have for the main. This has caused a lot of quarrels which seem to blow over two weeks later each time. I'm in the mindframe right now to just sit and enjoy each other's company and actually see whether that flame still burns...,

    If you want guy A, just know that texting another guy (B) can really hurt things between you and A, if he finds out. Most guys don't like when girls "weigh their opinions" and talk to multiple guys at once. 

    Just saying.

    But keep up the good work! You can have whomever you'd like I'm glad things are going well for you!

    8/03/2017 10:25 pm

    Wow! I haven't posted on here a day short of one month. My apologies. Things have been going well with me. The man is still in my life but it remains the same where communication only happens when he is away from home. I know where he is during the week but I've switched it up and no longer reach out to him. I allow him to contact me, I allow him keep the conversation going.  And he's feeling that as he just asked me today if I was seeing someone else. I have started texting another man who is actually available but only in town for a couple more weeks. He's sexy real damn sexy. I relationship won't come out of it but some fun can be had. I'll see the main man soon - he better bring his A-game. However, I do know he's still preaching he is unsure what he wants. I think this new guy is good for me - I think it may take the usual tension and expectation I have for the main. This has caused a lot of quarrels which seem to blow over two weeks later each time. I'm in the mindframe right now to just sit and enjoy each other's company and actually see whether that flame still burns...,

    7/04/2017 8:48 pm

    Hi TurkiyeKelebek - first your positive attitude towards manifesting is key.
    As others have suggested - you must let go after your sessions and allow the universe to work. I do believe the universe delivers when you are ready to receive. My only advice would be to keep an open mind/heart....allow yourself to meet others and enjoy life. Did you end up contacting him? Keep us updated. I wish you all the best.

    UPDATE: I don't know if it is the cord cutting I've been doing but today I decided to give my MM an ultimatum. I had told him last week I wasn't going to wait another year for him. So today, he contacted me and I asked him if he had made his decision. He said we'd talk later followed by what if he still didn't know. I said for someone who told me I have his heart should be obvious. He has a son which he is terrified of losing although this isn't possible in the courts today, i do understand it is a worry for all parents. Anyway, he told me I should live my life and we may connect again later in life. Then he asked to call me tomorrow to talk further. I had said I got all the answers I needed and it was goodbye. He carried on telling me he intends on leaving but he feels it is still too fresh (it's been year in August since he got caught) for him to tell his wife it is over as she will know he is leaving her for me. He kept repeating he is fighting for me, intends on leaving...doesn't know when. He is going to contact me tomorrow but really...he gave me the answer - why I bother rubbing salt on my wound. I told him someone is going to end up heartbroken and it turned out to be me...but I am ok with that...rather know he has no idea the how or when...I am blessed enough to still be on earth and I have to keep it moving. I'll be honest, things have just started developing again...I was getting him back..but before I got too hung up on him...I needed to bring this up. Who got the power back.... ME!!! Xo

    7/02/2017 10:36 am

    OMG I Love your story! Ive had NC for 3 months now while doing PW and BWD. I love it because it's our time together and never a chore. Today I feel an overwhelming push to contact him, to open the door of communication. I came on here and this was the first thread I saw (I avoid any negative titles like the plague)! As per the title 'flipped the switch', I had no idea it was about a situation where you contacted with the same intention as me. I guess this is a sign? Whenever I doubt, the universe practically screams at me with signs that hes still mine. He's quite stubborn and when we broke up 3.5 months ago had a low self worth and although ive combated this with the whispering technique and PW, I feel it could be a block. He broke up wit me because although he loves me, is in love with me, I deserve better. Any input is much appreciated <3 

    6/27/2017 7:58 pm

    Hello Forum - my POI certainly opened up this week. He share some of his feelings about me and it was lovely feeling/moment. He told me he was going to make a hard effort to spend sometime together. Apologized for being indecisive and explained how he didn't think this situation has prolonged than expected. He told me I have his heart!!!! Aww!!!i told him I didn't think I could help him with his situation but if he felt I could to let me know. I feel happy, I feel good but I am becoming impatient with him sharing this news. I am going to keep up with the PW, CTC audios and remain positive.

    6/06/2017 7:46 pm

    Foxxy_1982 wrote:

    Lanie - thanks for your words of wisdom. I actually feel much more relaxed about the situation - not so hung up.

    Forum - since my POI was out of town last week, we actually spoke all week via text and skype. He went on about missing all these things about me. Wishing to see me and making some open plans to get together when the timing is right. He hasn't said anything I've been working towards - but I am positive it will happen. He told me right now isn't the right time for him and I to be together but he wants it very badly.
    That's all for now.

    You're very welcome!  Don't worry about him telling you the things you're visualizing because he thinks the thoughts and that's what's important.  ;-)

    6/05/2017 8:38 pm

    Lanie - thanks for your words of wisdom. I actually feel much more relaxed about the situation - not so hung up.

    Forum - since my POI was out of town last week, we actually spoke all week via text and skype. He went on about missing all these things about me. Wishing to see me and making some open plans to get together when the timing is right. He hasn't said anything I've been working towards - but I am positive it will happen. He told me right now isn't the right time for him and I to be together but he wants it very badly.
    That's all for now.

    5/29/2017 7:53 pm

    Well forum - it hasn't been long since I posted my msg stated I wasn't going to reach out him again. Today he texted me. He hasn't texted me in months, we used other methods to communicate. He wanted to be the first to tell me about some career news. Once he told me I let him know how proud I was of him among other character compliments. He said it meant more than anything hearing it from me. I thanked him for texting me to tell me the end and he said well that was just an excuse to msg you. He asked for a pic of my smile, called me beautiful and video chatted me twice I accepted once. We are still texting as we speak. He still has things to sort out, but it was a wonderful surprise. Oh! It was his bday a last week. I didn't contact him. He said he was surprised I didn't reach out to him. He waited all day. That's all for now. Dx

    5/28/2017 3:12 pm

    Foxxy_1982 wrote:

    OMG!!!! Thee Lanie posted on my story. thank you! I think disconnecting is a key element but a very difficult one for a lot of us..... I'm ready.

    I know it's hard to disconnect but it's really for your benefit and does not affect his feelings for you. I don't know how many emails and stories I have read on this forum about getting the ex back after disconnecting.  When you use the technique on them you are connected in a special way.  Because of that connection when you move on they feel the loss.  It can be very powerful!

    5/24/2017 9:17 pm

    OMG!!!! Thee Lanie posted on my story. thank you! I think disconnecting is a key element but a very difficult one for a lot of us..... I'm ready.

    5/23/2017 8:09 pm

    Foxxy_1982 wrote:

    Hello Sisters - just an update. I did have dinner with my POI - yet it didn't go as smoothly as expected. I let my emotions get the best of me and forgot to let go and just enjoy our time together. Regardless, we made up the next day. I've decided I will no longer contact him anymore - he can reach out to me. He did say he would make an effort to call me more and asked if I would accept his calls, lol. He told me he loved me, still sees us being together and marriage. He told me he recently went to one of our fave spots - a waterfall and sat there for 45mins...I didn't ask what he thought about, clearly it was me. Afterwards, he drove by my old place and went to his favourite restaurant but ordered what he use to get me. I thought that was so sweet. I am still on his mind, I am still in his heart....he has got to make it happen in his own time. This past weekend I went out clubbing, met new ppl and I truly had a great time. I'm going to continue living my life..I know damn well he is.

    I'm glad things are still going well for you sweetie and I'm so happy you''re continuing to live life without him and have fun meeting new people.  That's SO important!  xoxoxoxoxo

    5/23/2017 7:55 pm

    Hello Sisters - just an update. I did have dinner with my POI - yet it didn't go as smoothly as expected. I let my emotions get the best of me and forgot to let go and just enjoy our time together. Regardless, we made up the next day. I've decided I will no longer contact him anymore - he can reach out to me. He did say he would make an effort to call me more and asked if I would accept his calls, lol. He told me he loved me, still sees us being together and marriage. He told me he recently went to one of our fave spots - a waterfall and sat there for 45mins...I didn't ask what he thought about, clearly it was me. Afterwards, he drove by my old place and went to his favourite restaurant but ordered what he use to get me. I thought that was so sweet. I am still on his mind, I am still in his heart....he has got to make it happen in his own time. This past weekend I went out clubbing, met new ppl and I truly had a great time. I'm going to continue living my life..I know damn well he is.

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