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    Topic review (newest first):

    3/12/2017 10:33 pm

    Thank you for your insight!

    3/12/2017 8:28 pm

    Bluebayou314 wrote:

    The same time last year I met this amazing man. During our encounter he was a gentle and affectionate not to mention easy to talk to. I gave him my business card because I work for a magazine and the Chief Editor wanted to do an article on him. He never called but everyday my thoughts are flooded with him. Do you think the Love Spell from Manifesting Love will work? Please help? I want to see him again...

    Welcome Blue Bayou!

    I love that song BTW, we used to wear it out on the jukebox back in the day!

    Have you been in touch with him at all?  To be perfectly honest I would not use
    Lanie's Love Spell on someone that I'm not in contact with.  Is there a way that
    you can make contact with him without seeming too forward, maybe a follow-up
    to the article?  I would call him and setup a meeting or lunch to "talk business."  
    Try to get something going and then do PW and the Love Spell on your heart's
    desire.  That's what I would do.  But you can try just doing the Love Spell on
    him without making a connection first and see how it goes.


    3/12/2017 5:15 pm

    The same time last year I met this amazing man. During our encounter he was a gentle and affectionate not to mention easy to talk to. I gave him my business card because I work for a magazine and the Chief Editor wanted to do an article on him. He never called but everyday my thoughts are flooded with him. Do you think the Love Spell from Manifesting Love will work? Please help? I want to see him again...

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