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    Topic review (newest first):

    3/31/2017 3:17 am

    So I thought about her off and on all day...but not as much...the day before yesterday and yesterday morning when me and a friend binge watched a bunch of episodes of an anime I posted some link on Facebook about a pressing issue and tagged two ppl in it.
    This was around 2am and about a half hour later she messaged me asking if I had borrowed something of hers...
    That right THERE made me think "Oh shes probably using that as an excuse"
    because what if I had the said item?
    Then we would have to meet up for me to give it back lol
    It was a brief convo that shifted to finding work and didnt last cuz she grew quiet and I guess went to bed

    ETA: I told her about an event thats going on later tonight...she gave me a thumbs up, but she didnt say whether she'd go or not, which is fine.
    I didnt hear from her since then, and I wont bother her further about the event.

    3/17/2017 4:33 pm

    Avaelle wrote:

    If you just had a great time a few days ago,  I see no reason to give up if you're feeling great.

    I don't want to give up fact I just listened to 2 songs I usually visualize to and they uplifted my spirits momentarily. ^-^

    3/17/2017 2:22 pm

    If you just had a great time a few days ago,  I see no reason to give up if you're feeling great.

    3/17/2017 2:17 pm

    Just the other night, I was ready to either give up or let it go and went to sleep without doing PW or BWD.
    Then, the following morning around 11, I dreamt that she was crying and I took her hand and rubbed it and the next scene that follows she's much happier with her arms outstretched and I held her hands ready to hug her and I just knew we had got back together...

    So is this a sign not to give up?

    3/12/2017 9:12 pm

    OMG! I really had a good day today!!!
    I went to the march and I saw her and she was happy to see me and gave me a hug!
    Moments later, I was about a foot away, calling myself giving her a little space, and she called me saying, "Come over here", and wanted me to march alongside her.
    So we marched the entire time together!
    And she spoke along with the other speakers and then afterwards, she wanted to hang with me and I wasnt alone. I had brought my male friend, so all three of us was together for the rest of the time. My male friend decided on taking the bus and so me and my girl rode in the back of the van.
    She told me earlier she got two offers to live in the city so she wouldnt be facing homelessness anymore...thankfully...

    We spoke a lot in the back of the van. I had my large shades on. The van had a little light coming in. I had the opportunity of staring at her while not being obvious lol.
    She was lounging near the back door and I sat kinda near but then at some point she sat up and was a tad closer to me..(pretty comfortable and close) and then we got out of the van.

    Then we met up with other people and we all had pizza and I had two small glasses of wine (red and white).
    She left her charger, unfortunately.
    My male friend (cuz I was broke), offered to pay for a new charger, before she had to leave to meet up with her future would be housemates to decide which place she'd pick to live in. She said she could meet up with us again later.
    I told her I could look for this similar cord I had at the house.
    Found that (msgd her) and I think she got busy or fell
    Feeling mad grateful right now lol

    PW working overtime omg!

    3/12/2017 2:55 am

    Golden wrote:

    Why are you thinking of moving on?

    Hi! Sorry for the delay--just now saw this reply...
    I was feeling way off yesterday morning. I keep thinking whatever I dreamt threw me off and made me grouchy but I can't remember the dream...
    And well I don't want to give up but I was thinking how accustomed I've grown to her messaging. She used to do that. She hasn't and the most recent she had on her own was the night she started to tell me about a protest. About a week ago. I honestly miss that. I'm in need of several distractions.

    3/11/2017 12:28 pm

    Why are you thinking of moving on?

    3/11/2017 12:20 pm

    I feel like I need motivation to continue on with this.
    Signs, indications...
    Thinking about moving on...
    Should I?

    3/09/2017 8:04 pm

    Oasiscalm wrote:

    It would probably be more productive if you keep to one thread and not keep making new update threads.

    Mm, yes. Sorry about that.

    3/09/2017 7:22 pm

    Avaelle wrote:

    Don't overthink it.  It's nothing wrong with becoming friends, then dating, then married in that order.  I know most of us want the end goal but it is a process.

    Yes, that's true. That thought has crossed my mind.

    3/09/2017 9:00 am

    Don't overthink it.  It's nothing wrong with becoming friends, then dating, then married in that order.  I know most of us want the end goal but it is a process.

    3/09/2017 3:38 am

    It would probably be more productive if you keep to one thread and not keep making new update threads.

    3/09/2017 12:55 am

    (March 3rd)
    (March 7th)

    So I spoke to her about a half hour ago...

    She was coming from a Women's Rally.

    And I mentioned that I was aware that she was speaking at the Women's March on the 12th
    and she told me I should come and that it would be good for me to join the March.

    But the way she said it...

    She said if I'm ready to see her again then I should come.

    'As friends'

    Honestly, I don't know how to feel, but I'm sure the techniques have been doing a number on her mind!

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