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    3/21/2017 8:34 am

    It really does build your confidence by starting small, I tested it out this morning asking for small miracles today and I actually did get a free coffee at the train station! The machine didn't have tap and I wasn't carrying change so the salesperson told me not to worry and my vibration instantly shot up! Start small sweetie but don't let go of the big vision

    3/21/2017 8:15 am

    The universe doesn't work that way. If you believe the other guy is "the someone better" he will become that. If you truly want to get back with your ex it doesn't matter what he did. The reason there could be a delay in him coming back is because of the doubt you feel. No matter what he did just know there are people who have gotten together after even Worse struggles. Just keep visualizing how you want him to be

    3/21/2017 7:06 am

    I second MMs suggestion,
    we had a number of challenges on here and im sure many more at V's forum also. Challenges are a great way to exercise & develop your manifestation skills / build up your faith in your ability.

    3/21/2017 6:49 am

    Issykitten wrote:

    I caved and messaged him first after having a bad dream abut him.

    It's okay love, a lot of us have slipped up before. I suggest trying out different manifesting challenges like manifesting a free coffee or phone calls from friends to build up your confidence so you'll have stronger faith in these techniques!

    3/21/2017 5:42 am

    Issykitten, it's best that you don't contact him. Use the technique; I know it's hard, but if he's not contacting you, don't message him, phone, email, 'Like' his Fb posts or anything... trust me, I've done this! Don't do it. Xx

    3/20/2017 3:56 pm

    I caved and messaged him first after having a bad dream abut him.

    3/20/2017 4:21 am

    Issykitten wrote:

    Months of nothing. I feel like because of what he did the universe doesn't want us to be together and the "someone better" Is in front of me . My friend who's sweet likes me and asked me out but I can't be with him since I'm in love with my poi but I feel like he may be the "someone better" and if I turn him down then I messed up but my poi isn't manifesting so I don't know what to do...

    Issykitten, I mean this in the nicest, most helpful way possible, but it sounds like you're thinking too much OF your desire – not FROM it. This is also referred to as resistance – when you're focused on the lack of manifestation, thus resulting in more of the lack.

    Now, I say this not to criticise you, but because I've done these things myself. If your POI is on Facebook, get off the thing. Completely stop surmising what he's up to through the falsehoods that are (anti) social media! I write this because it's a common area that can mess up our manifesting (also, something I've done myself – paid too much attention to SM posts!). I may make a separate thread about this, actually.

    I swear, people decades ago would have had better manifesting skills owing to SM not existing!

    Anyhow, back to what I was saying... the friend is not the 'someone better' if you don't have the same depth of feelings as you do for the POI. I actually once did manifest 'someone better' and trust me, he knocked my socks off. I also manifested his removal from my life... hence why I'm here, ha!

    Explain to the friend that you're looking for friendship and fun... and change your thinking/feeling when it comes to POI. The universe doesn't work on a sense of judgement – it operates by your strongest beliefs. It doesn't matter to the universe whether your POI is a boy down the road or Bradley Cooper! The key is ALWAYS your beliefs!

    3/20/2017 3:31 am

    You dont have to get serious with your friend, you can accept an invitation to go out and have fun no strings attached.
    He is a friend so already know each other right? There wont be any awkward silences trying to figure out what to say / how to behave.. you have nothing to lose really. 

    3/20/2017 3:18 am

    Months of nothing. I feel like because of what he did the universe doesn't want us to be together and the "someone better" Is in front of me . My friend who's sweet likes me and asked me out but I can't be with him since I'm in love with my poi but I feel like he may be the "someone better" and if I turn him down then I messed up but my poi isn't manifesting so I don't know what to do...

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