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    Topic review (newest first):

    3/22/2017 7:34 pm

    Since I mucked up the love spell just over a week ago and overdone it on my guy I decided to do PW and BWD instead before starting up the spell when I felt ready again.

    I have no idea if my guy is still with the girl he was seeing at the same time as me or not (not that this matters but just giving background).  We'd only been seeing each other casually for a few months, not sure you could really call it seeing each other as he's long distance.  We are in contact now and then as you'll see from my previous posts and he's never mentioned her once.  We had a few message exchanges on Sunday/Monday good ones with some laughter etc, he hasn't read my last message to him from Monday even though he's been online a few times, but he's mostly offline for hours even a day at a time lately!  I don't go on checking this, it has the last online beside his name which you can't help but notice lol.

    The past few PW and BWD I have really stepped up, making them as intense as possible, confirming to him that I forgive him and myself for what happened (his cheating, my negative and insecure thoughts that this is what would happen and yep that is exactly what happened).  I've also been sending him unconditional love etc.  My plan tonight was to do PW and then some BWD but the minute Lanie got to the focus with your third eye part I started yawning my head off and couldn't stop.  Then the minute I connected with him I couldn't stop laughing, i've never had this before it was really strange and came from nowhere, I kept getting the urge to jokingly shout stuff out to him, I didn't and managed to finish the PW but didn't do BWD as I thought I really can't be bothered continuing and I just want a cuppa lol

    My dreams the past 2 nights have been about him also, the first was about him and some completely random girl and in the one last night he was messaging me and I must have asked if he was with her (girl he was seeing same time as me) and he replied yes i'm with her now!

    Has anyone had anything like this before with the yawning or the uncontrollable laughing?  I actually felt like a teenager who'd just discovered alcohol, that's how funny and weird it was lol.

    I'm beginning to think him being friendly and all smiley in his reply messages and us joking with each other and then the next minute he stops responding and disappears for weeks is his way of dealing with his feelings of what my PW etc is making him feel!  Does anyone agree or is this wishful thinking on my part?

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