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    3/29/2017 3:34 pm

    unicornsnrainbows wrote:

    ^thanks, eleven.  I'm rooting for you, too!  Everything will be alright!


    3/29/2017 1:48 pm

    unicornsnrainbows wrote:

    I received a bunch of signs, without even specifically asking for them, before he came back into my life a couple of weeks ago.  Not the least of which was that song Shine that you spoke seemed to come on the radio right at the moments that I'd feel anxiety welling up, and it helped me to release the anxiety and feel good again.  

    I also had a lot of number stuff start to occur repeatedly, one being the number 1212 (1 is the number of manifestation or realization of your dreams and goals, 2 symbolizes harmony, intuition, detached view and a positive approach to life.The combination of these numbers is very powerful and encourages you to stay focused upon your life path and believe in yourself in any situations that comes your way, because things are going in the right direction. This number is a clear endorsement.)  

    and also 333 popped up a lot (It sends the message that your prayers have been answered, and seeing 333 means that whatever you requested for is on its way to you. But this is not where your job ends, because you need to continue working for all that you desire.)

    A lot of other signs came up unbid, too, like turning on the tv at the exact moment that it would give me a message that love was on its way, or something of that nature.

    That is so funny that you also heard that same song! It was the first time I had ever heard it and it came on right after I asked the universe for a sign. It is a great song with a great message. We all have to remember surrendering (letting go) is a big part of manifesting. It seems like your signs are all super positive!! Keep up the great manifesting, and like Aliceinwonderland said, it will come when you least expect it <3

    3/29/2017 9:56 am

    Aliceinwonderland wrote:

    Seeing their name or place of birth or even the name of their workplace are all common signs. So is hearing a song on the radio sometimes. Only you can determine what is and is not a sign.

    Ik not sure if this applies here but I think it does because LOA applies similar principals . I follow a practice that is wicxan/pagan in its nature where once you see a sign the next thing you should look for is movment. Movement is a small gesture that shows you full manifestation is on its way. Like a random fb like , a text to say hello, or something that shows you they are moving towards your goal. It's not the full completion of the goal, just an indicator that you can see.

    I was always taught to wait three days for a sign, three weeks for movement , and three months for completion. While this may not apply since we are setting an intention daily, I just wanted to highlight that these things do take time even in the pagan sense.

    Anyway I hope that helps a little bit? Good luck with getting your signs and movement and completion. It will come when you least expect it.

    Thank you for this! It does help Good luck to you as well!! <3

    3/29/2017 9:04 am

    Aliceinwonderland wrote:

    Seeing their name or place of birth or even the name of their workplace are all common signs. So is hearing a song on the radio sometimes. Only you can determine what is and is not a sign.

    Ik not sure if this applies here but I think it does because LOA applies similar principals . I follow a practice that is wicxan/pagan in its nature where once you see a sign the next thing you should look for is movment. Movement is a small gesture that shows you full manifestation is on its way. Like a random fb like , a text to say hello, or something that shows you they are moving towards your goal. It's not the full completion of the goal, just an indicator that you can see.

    I was always taught to wait three days for a sign, three weeks for movement , and three months for completion. While this may not apply since we are setting an intention daily, I just wanted to highlight that these things do take time even in the pagan sense.

    Anyway I hope that helps a little bit? Good luck with getting your signs and movement and completion. It will come when you least expect it.

    I think I like that belief!  

    3/29/2017 8:40 am

    Seeing their name or place of birth or even the name of their workplace are all common signs.  So is hearing a song on the radio sometimes.  Only you can determine what is and is not a sign. 

    Ik not sure if this applies here but I think it does because LOA applies similar principals .  I follow a practice that is wicxan/pagan in its nature where once you see a sign the next thing you should look for is movment.  Movement is a small gesture that shows you full manifestation is on its way. Like a random fb like , a text to say hello, or something that shows you they are moving towards your goal.  It's not the full completion of the goal, just an indicator that you can see.

    I was always taught to wait three days for a sign, three weeks for movement , and three months for completion.  While this may not apply since we are setting an intention daily, I just wanted to highlight that these things do take time even in the pagan sense. 

    Anyway I hope that helps a little bit? Good luck with getting your signs and movement and completion.  It will come when you least expect it.

    3/29/2017 8:38 am

    Evey2222 wrote:

    I see his name and different versions of his name, army men everywhere, army advertisements every where, camouflage, his old van everywhere we used to drive in, C & M initials, couples everywhere I look. I think its just showing us and confirming this is what we want and we can manifest it   

    That is a nice way of looking at it! I wonder if it's the same for the sign I was given!

    3/29/2017 8:20 am

    I see his name and different versions of his name, army men everywhere, army advertisements every where, camouflage, his old van everywhere we used to drive in, C & M initials, couples everywhere I look. I think its just showing us and confirming this is what we want and we can manifest it   

    3/29/2017 7:56 am

    Well, I keep seeing his name.

    3/29/2017 7:54 am

    I was in my car yesterday and was feeling a little gloomy (maybe it was the gloomy weather ) and I asked God (the universe) for a sign if my guy and I will end up reunited (I am not one to usually ask for signs). The song that came on the radio was called "Shine" and the lyrics in it say "Everything will be alright if you let it go".

    I've also been seeing a lot of 1111 and 111 for the past two weeks or so.

    Anyone else guided by signs from the universe lately?

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