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    Topic review (newest first):

    6/02/2017 1:41 pm

    That's a much better visual. LOL

    4/20/2017 7:53 pm

    Avaelle wrote:

    "Awkward One-Night Stand" video.  It's too funny. I've watched it every time and tried to figure out which friend am I. LOL

    hahahaha  That was cute!

    4/20/2017 9:10 am

    "Awkward One-Night Stand" video.  It's too funny. I've watched it every time and tried to figure out which friend am I. LOL

    4/20/2017 5:57 am

    Oh man lol. He was truly cutting a rug. Lol She seemed shy lol

    4/19/2017 10:00 pm

    When a male wants to impress you he will find a way!

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