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    6/17/2017 2:29 am

    Milliardo Peacecraft wrote:

    Ah! Finally, my cup of tea.

    I've attracted multiple specific persons I was interested in as well as other desires like better health, more money, opportunities, etc. The common theme? I was detached from the outcome. I wasn't trying to force things to happen, I wasn't stressing myself out with techniques, I was living my life and living in a state of mind of appreciation, self-love, inner trust and power. I didn't even have a strong belief, some days I am sad, some days I am active, I just trust the core of myself all the same and let the emotions be. I just allowed myself to live my life instead of waiting for my life to begin again, instead of waiting for the things I want.

    It's not the technique that matters - not really. The technique is just a passageway into the state of mind, the state of being, the feeling experience behind the desire. It's not the technique that manifests, it's the ultimate state of mind from which we attract like energy - as within, so without. Far too often, instead of feeling the love we want - we give in to fear and do technique after technique - stressing ourselves out and living in effort and desperation. I don't know about you, but my life will be different, I owe that to Myself, living in that way doesn't do anyone any favors. When we "give up" - we give up the struggle, we give up the effort, and we also give up the fear and desperation and frustrations that we carry.When we let go and move on, we make it easier on our brain to enter a more powerful and loving state of mind. And you can feel love and wholeness again - without need, without attachment, without fear. And before you know it - the person you wanted shows up again...or someone better. Don't try to make it happen, there is nothing to make happen, if you think that way then you'll always be trying to make things happen. Take a step back and realize that you already are that which you want to be.


    Thank you for sharing this! This is 100% how to manifest, the best and 'fastest' way. When we surrender and let go we allow everything to flow to us without any hand breaks! Plus, you are happy without that person and you get to have fun in the mean time so it's a win win all round! haha
    I am so happy that this has worked for you, I am in the process of doing this, everyday gets easier and easier!  
    I am travelling over seas soon so that is going to be huge self growth for me! 
    You have helped me and confirmed that letting go is the best step for me, the more I let go, the closer I feel him actually. 

    6/16/2017 9:22 am

    Ratpack wrote:

    Dan gave up totally on his "specific person" manifestations. He stopped visualizing, meditating, and just let go. I actually emailed him and asked him. He stopped all of it and started focusing on other aspects of his life. Shortly after, he had a breakthrough with her. What people fail to remember is that these techniques don't stop working when you stop actively doing them. They may not be as strong consciously, but they will still stick subconsciously forever. Sometimes giving up and moving on is the very best thing you can do to make it happen. Even if you think you aren't resisting, you may be. Food for thought.

    Yes I absolutely agree!! This is so true! I have detached from the the outcome and I feel my life is better, not doing techniques every single day now, just living life and doing them when I feel like I want to say "hello and I love you" kind of thing! 

    6/15/2017 8:48 pm

    Ah! Finally, my cup of tea.

    I've attracted multiple specific persons I was interested in as well as other desires like better health, more money, opportunities, etc. The common theme? I was detached from the outcome. I wasn't trying to force things to happen, I wasn't stressing myself out with techniques, I was living my life and living in a state of mind of appreciation, self-love, inner trust and power. I didn't even have a strong belief, some days I am sad, some days I am active, I just trust the core of myself all the same and let the emotions be. I just allowed myself to live my life instead of waiting for my life to begin again, instead of waiting for the things I want.

    It's not the technique that matters - not really. The technique is just a passageway into the state of mind, the state of being, the feeling experience behind the desire. It's not the technique that manifests, it's the ultimate state of mind from which we attract like energy - as within, so without. Far too often, instead of feeling the love we want - we give in to fear and do technique after technique - stressing ourselves out and living in effort and desperation. I don't know about you, but my life will be different, I owe that to Myself, living in that way doesn't do anyone any favors. When we "give up" - we give up the struggle, we give up the effort, and we also give up the fear and desperation and frustrations that we carry.When we let go and move on, we make it easier on our brain to enter a more powerful and loving state of mind. And you can feel love and wholeness again - without need, without attachment, without fear. And before you know it - the person you wanted shows up again...or someone better. Don't try to make it happen, there is nothing to make happen, if you think that way then you'll always be trying to make things happen. Take a step back and realize that you already are that which you want to be.


    6/15/2017 3:40 pm

    Ratpack wrote:

    Dan gave up totally on his "specific person" manifestations. He stopped visualizing, meditating, and just let go. I actually emailed him and asked him. He stopped all of it and started focusing on other aspects of his life. Shortly after, he had a breakthrough with her. What people fail to remember is that these techniques don't stop working when you stop actively doing them. They may not be as strong consciously, but they will still stick subconsciously forever. Sometimes giving up and moving on is the very best thing you can do to make it happen. Even if you think you aren't resisting, you may be. Food for thought.

    Very good point, in my own experience ( I've been practicing RS for over a year) in the most difficult times, when I've just surrendered to the universe and even stopped doing the techniques is when I've had some breakthroughs as well. Don't be afraid to let go OP, always think "this or something better"

    6/15/2017 12:17 pm

    Dan gave up totally on his "specific person" manifestations. He stopped visualizing, meditating, and just let go. I actually emailed him and asked him. He stopped all of it and started focusing on other aspects of his life. Shortly after, he had a breakthrough with her. What people fail to remember is that these techniques don't stop working when you stop actively doing them. They may not be as strong consciously, but they will still stick subconsciously forever. Sometimes giving up and moving on is the very best thing you can do to make it happen. Even if you think you aren't resisting, you may be. Food for thought.

    6/15/2017 1:30 am

    Hey ladies,
    I just wanted to share with you something I read from veronica isles who is another law of attraction 'get your ex back' master. We all can get impatient with our desires and sometimes we just want to be told how long its going to take. 
    Now, this is just a GENERAL guide to how long a manifestation can take with a specific person, Veronica said roughly 25 days - 6 weeks for something 'big' to happen depending on YOU and how you feel mostly.
    I thought this was really helpful because 6 weeks is long enough for us to get our heads sorted but it's not that far away! If something doesn't happen in the 6 weeks, do not be discouraged, your person is probably right at the brink of coming back to you! Agnes Viveralli waited 4 years for her person - but she got there. Dan Radio Style is also another one who after 4 years of manifesting is now (finally) having some break throughs.. the point is to not give up and just truly love that person. 
     Anyway this is just something I read and it uplifted me and gave me a knowing he is coming. 
    Another thing I find awesome is doing living in the end and assuming it's already done, I also faced the fear of him not returning - because this helped me to look at life from my point of view and exactly how I want to live, and it also helped me move on and let go - the universe will not forget who you want if you let it go, it will just break down the resistance and probably help him come faster. 
    I personally believe, the universe brings to us what we want in the right times, it's also a reflection of ourselves so we need to feel self and worthiness before our POI will come back to. 
    I have been doing Lanie's techniques for about 2 months now and I know he is thinking about me, our connection is stronger than before and now I am at the point of knowing it will happen in it's own time! 
    Hope this helps! x

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