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    Topic review (newest first):

    6/22/2017 8:42 am

    Since about February...but lately...the sessions seem to be more intense. All I can describe it as takes my breath away sometimes and my heart speeds up...

    6/21/2017 6:17 pm

    Maybe!? I get a tingle on the side of my head when something that is likely to happen comes to my mind and makes me feel happy.  As long as you're not feeling anxiety butterflies?  How long have you been doing the techniques? 

    6/21/2017 1:46 pm

    Hello all! So even though there has been no contact between me and my POA for a little bit, when I am doing the PW and BWD I feel very strong emotions. Then when I am done and going on with my day, I feel very strong almost butterflies in my stomach..not all the time, but every so often..could this be a good sign that he is feeling these same emotions as well and will be back?

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