update (sorry this took me so long!) so i actually manifested a kiss from another guy! the one i was working on actually came to the festival with another girl(!) and ignored me the whole time, and being ignored is the biggest turn-off ever. But I manifested attraction from another guy who i actually like even more! like we have more in common, he's more attractive, our personalities are a much better fit with each other :-D and we're dating!
soulful_queen3 wrote:
You know...I've been trying to do this as well. How do you plan to do the PW for the special kiss? I would love some ideas and tips
I'm just visualizing it happening! And I can't help automatically feeling really tingly and excited and turned on when I do this visualization. I'm also doing a bit of playful "reverse seduction" (something I read about on another LOA forum), where you visualize your POI chasing after you/following you like they can't wait to devour you, while you keep walking away and teasing them in a flirty "you want it? come and get it, if you dare! ;-) " kind of way. Obviously the key to trying this is to keep it fun and light and playful! Visualize both of you enjoying the teasing and flirting and him enjoying the thrill of the chase and being even more turned on as you play a bit "hard to get"!
hmm, what else- visualizing in the first-person view *in* the moment. And just making my visualizations really HOT! :-) I'm visualizing us/hearing him telling me how much he wants to kiss me, and then using BWD to make it happen!
No updates yet because the festival isn't until next week! I'll report back then.
I did do a silly kind of "test" last night- I used Lanie's method and visualized him "liking" a facebook post I made (specifically I posted something I knew he would like ) The funny thing is, he did "like" one of my posts about an hour later, but it wasn't the one I posted with him in mind! It was another thing that I just posted because it made me laugh. So that's a fun reminder that the universe will attract to you what you want -and to keep an open mind about when and how it manifests! :-)
any update on this?
You know...I've been trying to do this as well. How do you plan to do the PW for the special kiss? I would love some ideas and tips
at a festival next weekend, from a guy I'm friends with. he's currently single and just moved back to my city, and also he's really cute and a genuinely awesome person. no pressure, no expectations, just using Lanie's techniques to attract a legit fun and mutually enjoyable makeout/cuddle session with my cute friend at this festival. :-) i'll report back on how it goes! ;-)