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    7/31/2017 6:26 am

    Missy wrote:

    Say to him he is sending you a text with ______ content and hear him confirm it back to you. Feel the feelings you would feel if you really got that text. 

    Thank you

    7/31/2017 6:05 am

    Say to him he is sending you a text with ______ content and hear him confirm it back to you. Feel the feelings you would feel if you really got that text. 

    7/31/2017 6:00 am

    Since I dont know if I want my POI to be in a relationship with me again, I have decided to manifest smaller things like a text or a phone call as I feel I will have lesser resistance to this.

    But what should I say to him while doing PW? Because in the visualisation, I can see him face to face

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