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    8/09/2017 7:14 pm

    So I know this doesn't mean too much, but my guy has been liking my pictures on social media. The other night he liked the same picture on both Instagram and Facebook. I feel like this is good...

    8/09/2017 6:07 pm

    LearningToDetach wrote:

    Sometimes I worry I do it wrong, like he doesnt hear me calling him... Especially with our time difference. Sometimes I do it when he's asleep..

    But almost 100% of the time... When I hear him sayinf what I want to hear, I cry. If,... No when it happens in real life, I'd cry too...

    Is that ok?

    I should stop missing him because that's just more of what i's get... But what can i do?

    Hi there There is no way of doing this wrong. It is always working! <3
    If you are crying out of happiness because you are hearing him saying what you want to hear, that is great! You are just putting emotion into it So, yes, that is ok!!

    8/09/2017 5:50 pm

    klavier wrote:

    Was reading this thread and found the advice from eleven so inspiring
    I just want to ask, does the PW/BWD also work on someone I met at an event a few months ago and exchanged a few emails, but have not met in person since? He is not an ex. I would like to get to know him better and have him reach out to me. Can this technique also work in this case, or does it work on people who have been romantically involved as there is a stronger physical/emotional tie?

    If this technique can be used, how can I tailor it to my situation? Do I imagine the string of light too?

    Hi Klavier! I am happy that it was inspiring to you
    Yes, of course PW/BWD works on them! Remember, we are all connected and so we influence others around us all of the time. People receive the thoughts we think about them, whether you have been in relationships with them or you have only met them once. 

    8/08/2017 8:44 am

    okay! Thank you! I did a mixture of PW/BWD last night and felt really good after! I woke up this morning and remembered he was in my dream last night! He had replied a somewhat gushy/poetic post on an Instagram picture that I posted in my dream (I didnt really post one).

    Does dreaming about him mean anything??

    8/08/2017 1:23 am

    Sometimes I worry I do it wrong, like he doesnt hear me calling him... Especially with our time difference. Sometimes I do it when he's asleep..

    But almost 100% of the time... When I hear him sayinf what I want to hear, I cry. If,... No when it happens in real life, I'd cry too...

    Is that ok?

    I should stop missing him because that's just more of what i's get... But what can i do?

    8/07/2017 10:47 pm

    Was reading this thread and found the advice from eleven so inspiring
    I just want to ask, does the PW/BWD also work on someone I met at an event a few months ago and exchanged a few emails, but have not met in person since? He is not an ex. I would like to get to know him better and have him reach out to me. Can this technique also work in this case, or does it work on people who have been romantically involved as there is a stronger physical/emotional tie?

    If this technique can be used, how can I tailor it to my situation? Do I imagine the string of light too?

    8/07/2017 9:47 pm

    forgetmenot111 wrote:

    Thank you so so much! Now, to add a little "fuel to the fire" does anything change if there may be a girl he's kind of talking to?

    Hell no! Nothing changes If anything, do not give her any energetic attention. She will slowly fade away as his thoughts become more and more filled with you! In your PW sessions you can try the whisper technique as well and say things like "You are only attracted to me" or "You think about me and only me", etc.

    8/07/2017 9:05 pm

    Thank you so so much! Now, to add a little "fuel to the fire"  does anything change if there may be a girl he's kind of talking to?

    8/07/2017 7:54 pm

    Haha yes, people tend to think it is impossible that it can be so easy, but yep, it is that easy!

    I am happy that you feel more inspired, calm and excited about this now  

    You can do whatever feels good to you! Whether you are doing PW or BWD, you are mentally influencing your man, regardless. You can switch it up if you'd like or stick to one.

    When I visualize someone, I don't see them very detailed. It is more blurry, but I am still able to feel and sense who I am working on and that is all that matters. You don't have to worry about if you see his mouth moving or anything like that. Imagine the string of light between you and him and just imagine and hear him telling you exactly what you want to hear and let yourself feel how that would feel if he said those things to you in person, face to face! Don't fret if you do not "feel" anything strongly. Just the visualizing and feeling good about it is enough to influence him as well. But, if you do find yourself struggling to "feel" anything. . .you can try smiling and that tends to evoke more emotion

    Don't apologize! You aren't bothering me at all <3

    8/07/2017 7:27 pm

    Thank you! I am so happy to hear this. I definitely have my doubts, which I know I shouldn't have especially with hearing about all the positive experiences people have had. I think maybe because of the simplicity of the techniques. They almost seem too good to be true. But you've been so inspiring. I can't tell you how much you've calmed my nerves. I'm really excited to continue with the techniques.

    Do you think I should do a mixture of PW/BWD on him? Or stick with one over another for now?

    Also, when you hear him saying certain things to you, do you actually see his mouth saying these things? Or are you still kind of looking into his eyes imagining him saying these things?

    So sorry to keep bothering you. You're just so helpful! ๐Ÿ˜Š


    8/07/2017 6:07 pm

    forgetmenot111 wrote:

    Thank you for getting back to me! I just think it seems so easy to do that I must be doing something wrong. I have been trying to maintain the light from my 3rd eye to his during visualizations. I think I also start doubting because I'm not getting immediate results like some people have experienced.

    Any other tips? Have you had results?

    My pleasure!

    Yes, it actually is that easy! We just tend to make it harder than it is. 

    I've been there (I think we all have), where we doubt because we are not getting immediate results, but remember that wanting it NOW and FAST is coming from a place of desperation which is not what we want. Don't give up! We don't see how close we are getting to our manifestation, but the better you are feeling and the more positive you stay on a daily basis, the closer your desire is and the faster it will show up! Now, we have moments where we feel like shit and don't feel good, and that is completely normal as we aren't robots. . .we are human beings who feel things! But, try your best to stay positive the majority of the time and I promise your desire will rush towards you faster than you think!

    Other tips? Well, I suggest doing a lot of self-love work. Before you do any visualizations or PWs on your man, make sure to do a self-love meditation first You need to feel loved by yourself and not "need" someone else to fill that void. That way you are able to give love to your man and not just take. Do you understand what I mean? <3

    Yes, I have had results with manifesting all kinds!

    8/07/2017 3:37 pm

    Thank you for getting back to me! I just think it seems so easy to do that I must be doing something wrong. I have been trying to maintain the light from my 3rd eye to his during visualizations. I think I also start doubting because I'm not getting immediate results like some people have experienced.

    Any other tips? Have you had results?

    8/07/2017 2:35 pm


    You aren't doing anything wrong! There does not have to be any physical sign in which you know you are connected. You already are connected, as we all are! You have energetic strings that are connected from you to your man and when you visualize or do any sort of mental influence on him, he will receive it 100%. If you want to maybe do something that can help you feel like you are connecting even more, you can visualize a string of light coming from your third eye connecting to his before you start your PW session.

    Mental influence does not have to be a difficult thing or something that needs to be thought over. You do not need any superpowers or extraordinary concentration, but you do have to believe in this! Just make sure you are relaxed and take deep breaths before you begin your visualization.

    Try not to overthink your feelings. Just enjoy the visualizations as you do them! This is time where you are actually connecting with him! Remember that

    8/06/2017 5:13 pm

    Hi all!

    I wanted to ask a couple more questions about my visualizations. I tend to overthink a lot in my life, so why would now be any different? Anyway, I am worried I am not "connected" to my man enough during my visualizations. I know people have made comments about yawning or experiencing a physical sign in which they feel connected. What am I supposed to feel? Am I not in the proper meditative state? I am just fearful that the technique will not work if I am doing something wrong.

    My next question is regarding my emotions. Obviously I want my guy back, but I do not feel overly excited during positive visualizations. Even though he is saying exactly what I want to hear. Am I supposed to feel a crazy amount of excitement in order for the technique to work?

    I thank anyone in advance for any advice you can give me!


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