I think on days when I'm "low vibration" I focus on taking care of myself and being kinder to myself. I try to listen to really happy music (youtube has some lovely high frequency music videos that help a lot) and meditate. I also imagine my love being with me and protecting me.
This morning I didn't feel my best and started to get anxious and stressed with work. I kept telling myself " The Universe is taking care of it, there is nothing you need to do. You are divinely loved and protected". I also would like to know what everyone else does to get the vibration up
I have tried to force the PW before when I wasn't feeling my best and my visions matched my mindset. I would see beasts and demons and feel paranoid, then I couldn't focus on my love because I was distracted and scared.
I know similar LOA authors such as Abraham Hicks recommend not doing affirmations or visualizations etc when you're out of the "vortex" is what they call it - but basically when you're in a lower vibration. - I know meditation can help get into a more relaxed state, and doing PW right before falling asleep or before "waking up" / getting out of bed etc first thing in the morning can help because your conscious mind has released control to your subconscious mind.
But let's face it, some days, there are events which just trigger us to be in low vibration and no amount of meditation or affirmation or visualization can get us past our negative mind set...
What do you do on days like this? Do you continue doing PW (and other LOA practices) or do you just say "I know I wasn't very positive today, but it's OK, I forgive myself, and I will be more positive tomorrow." (practicing self love, acceptance, etc) as opposed to trying to do PW etc when you're not really "feeling it"?
I know the advice for newbies says you shouldn't "force" yourself, because that means you don't really believe it's working -- so I tend to only do PW when I really feel like it, and really believe it, and really can tell that I'm at a higher vibration.
I had a period of about 3 or 4 days where I was feeling really "low vibration" depressed and "fixated" on the outcome and so for those days I just skipped journaling, affirmations, visualizations, etc. And I told myself it was OK and that I forgive myself, etc.
Just curious what the rest of the community does on a "bad day"?