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    8/14/2017 3:31 am

    There are times I don't even know if I still want this, and then he contacts me, usually after I have let it go and then I get all butterflies and think yes I still love him. It is just that his messages always end not how I  visioned. It makes me feel like I'm just an acquaintance, used. They end with him trying to do business with me, sell me something. This last time it was sell me something and mention the girlfriend all in one sentence. I tell myself he is just trying to hide his feelings for me but is he. I just don't know if I can put up with the disappointment anymore, the ecstatic feeling of highs to the drop of lows. I know he care by the things he says in the beginning of the messages it's just the way they end leave me feeling down.

    8/11/2017 6:13 am

    There's dozens of women on this forum, and other sites, who have attracted the specific person they want no matter if he's married or in a different country, or any other obstacle. 

    Personally, If it was me, I would give up though - but this is just me, since that's what you ask in the thread.

    I would tell myself "If there's someone better for him, then that just means there's someone better for me down the road too." Plus Law of Attraction is not about timing. The timing and the how are not up to any of us, but up to God and Universe. -- He may very well go on to marry that woman and be with her for 5 or 10 years and then get divorced and be single again - who knows. No one but God and Universe know the future. It is beyond our control and not for our understanding.

    If you still want to continue to manifest things with him you just have to believe that some day he will be yours. Right now you have a lot of doubt about how, and the obstacles and timing surrounding that. That's counter productive to manifestation, but totally normal! I'm also doubting / letting go myself for different reasons. I've changed wanting a specific person now to just wanting someone with the qualities I like about that person PLUS the qualities that this person is lacking. I feel better that way, but that's me personally. 

    Letting go is actually therapeutic and so important to LOA and PW. When you are still attached to the outcome, that is a want, from desperation. Want and desperation create more want and desperation. That's how law of attraction works. Nothing will happen until you no longer care about the outcome - and then you may find you don't want what you have manifested any longer, because you have moved on. 

    A lot of women on this forum are in "no contact" with their person of interest. You can practice law of attraction by taking time to be genuinely grateful for his friendship and what a blessing it is that he is still in your life, and finding things about him / the friendship that you still treasure and enjoy. 

    This will raise your vibration. Instead of focusing on the doubt and the pain and the hurt, you can focus on the positive things that make you feel good and you will change what you are manifesting, from manifesting more doubt and more hurt to manifesting more happiness. 

    8/11/2017 1:38 am

    How do you know when you should just give up? I've been not to bad since he announced he's  engagement, been keeping myself busy, started my own business. We do keep in contact through Facebook and occasionally messenger but I hadn't heard from him this way since may before his engagement. Anyway I messaged him on Monday as I had to give him a client name and at the end of the message I complimented him, told him he was looking really good, (I've only seen him on fb lives, haven't seen him in person since October) he thanked me and told me I was sweet for saying that, I always have him say in PW I'm his sweet girl. He asked me about work, it was a short message back and forth but it felt nice. Today he messaged me telling me to watch a video on a subject that I had picked for him to do earlier, he then told me if I wanted to know more about it to message him. Which I did. We messaged back and forth a bit and then he starts telling me about what his fiancée does. Well that hit me like a knife in the heart, because as far as I've been telling myself she doesn't exist. He does seem to post a picture of them all talks about her the day after I do the love spell and last night I did do the love spell, though I don't seem to have much feeling when I do the spell so I don't know if it is this or just a coincidence that I have notice.

    I just don't know what I should do, he has always been nice to me, always messages me back if I messaged him, all he will message me. It's things like this happening that always puts doubts into your head, does it work, does he have feelings for me, we have never been in a relationship but hit it off and  flirted and hugged a few times. I just don't know if I should just Count my losses and forget about him. I don't want to give up on him but I'm tired of being second best.

    Any advice please, or what you would do if this was you.

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